Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 132: Chapter 132: Soul Domination

The Duke of Lust, Belial, watched as his daughter and Agus tered the grand court filled with various old demons and officials.

He was seated on the Grand Throne, and beside him sat the Duchess along with a few other concubines. They all exuded effortless allure and striking, mature femininity.

However, as they looked at Bella, some of their pretty faces twisted into contemptuous sneers.

Duchess Ruliana looked particularly angry, having just received news of her childr being bullied outside. But one of the concubine had a guine smile as she saw Bella.

She was Vina, Bianca's mother.

"Call Marquis Reynard. Let's settle this matter first," Incubus Belial ordered loudly, breaking the silce.

Agus and Bella stood calmly in the cter, drawing everyone's atttion.

"So, this is the man Lady Bella has chos for herself? A half-breed like her?"

"How can she be so foolish? Doesn't she know the union of two half-breeds dilutes the bloodline power in their offspring?"

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting this at all."

"Didn't she receive proposals from various demon princes for her prowess and abilities?"

The mocking whispers echoed throughout the court, causing Belial to frown.

"Silce!" he shouted, instantly quieting the crowd.

Bella looked at her father with slight curiosity and concern.

"Why is Father so serious today?" Bella asked herself, confused.

Usually, Belial was caring and would have already called her "Daughter" or "Dear."

Bella glanced at Agus, who seemed to be in a silt staring contest with Belial.

"Does Father not like him? Or is there something else going on?" Bella shifted uneasily.

If her father decided to make things difficult for them, what should she do? Would she go against him tirely for the sake of her newly bonded relationship?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Marquis Reynard tered the hall.

"Looks like he's prepared for something. What's his problem now?"

Agus turned and saw a humanoid demon—a full-body-armored undead warrior of sorts. His eyes were hollow and he radiated an aura of death and decay, and his rusty old bonesword clanked against his armor as he moved.

As an Archdemon, Marquis Reynard was undoubtedly powerful. But whether he was more powerful than Bella and Agus, only time would tell.

Marquis Reynard, Agus, and Bella stood to the side, looking at Belial for the case to begin.

"So, Bella, Marquis Reynard has charged you with attacking his territory and capturing its residts as slaves. Is that true?" Belial asked calmly, gazing at them to judge their reactions.

Neither Bella nor Agus flinched, allowing the conversation to continue.

"Hmph!" Bella scoffed. "Father, it seems Marquis Reynard has misunderstood something, or perhaps he has differt motives. There was an attack from humans, and we were merely trying to save the ogres from their clutches."

Agus nodded in agreemt.

"Yes, Lord Duke, my partner is correct. That's exactly what happed. I suspect Marquis Reynard might be in cahoots with human soldiers of the Dragon Empire. He was nowhere near his territory to help, ev after 5,000 or so humans in several battalions were causing massacres for demon cores for their purposes," Agus said, looking coldly at Marquis Reynard.

"Oh?" Belial felt intrigued. He hadn't expected his so-called 'son-in-law' to step in and defd Bella so boldly. Agus was clearly more confidt and assertive than the last time he had be there.

"Reynard, what do you have to say for yourself now?" he asked the other party.

Marquis Reynard spoke in a deathly voice, low and chilling.

"My lord, they are speaking nonsse. Clearly, they have colluded with the humans, attacked one of mine in my absce, and brok the Internal Treaty. They have slaved my people. Ask them, my lord, if they can dy that the ogres are now in her territory. They should be punished by death for violating the Treaty."

At the mtion of the Internal Non-Aggression Treaty, everyone fell silt. The weight of his words hung in the air.

Some wise demons noticed the unusual situation.

"Why is Marquis Reynard telling Lord Belial to kill his own daughter?"

"Is he not afraid of incurring the Duke's wrath? Everyone knows how much he loves Princess Bella. Something doesn't add up."

"Who knows? Maybe he's achieved immortality, that's why he isn't afraid," a few chuckled, joying the show. They had no inttion of interfering.

Agus listed to the whispers, he activated his All-Seeing and Appraisal to see if he could find any abnormality.

[ Appraisal ]

[ Name: Reynard ] (Soul Dominated)

[ Race: Demon ]

[ Species: Undead Skeleton (Intelligt) ]

[ Rank: Archdemon ]

[ Abilities:

. Necrotic Touch

. Undead Minions Summoning.

3. Death Blade Mastery.

4. Bone reconstruction

5. Undyingly Will

6. Deathly Aura

7. Domain Of Skeleton King.

Soul Domination: A Skill that can dominate a certain Soul upon linking from far away. They can control the target's body as if his own, like a puppet.

Agus now understood what's wrong with the Undead.

"So a human has a skill that can let him control an Archdemon from far away? That means he is obviously more powerful than an Archdemon. Certainly interesting!"

Agus chuckled inwardly, while letting the sce unfold. And if he need to reveal the information to them, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

He was waiting to see if could gain anything from this.

Back to the prest.

Lord Belial remained silt as Marquis Reynard's accusations hung in the air, his cold, calculating eyes sweeping across the room.

The mtion of the Internal Non-Aggression Treaty had clearly shifted the atmosphere, and everyone waited with bated breath to see how the Duke would respond.

Marquis Reynard, standing tall and defiant, continued, "My lord, I merely seek justice. They have brok the sacred laws, slaved my people, and violated our long-standing peace. If you do not act, the tire demonic realm will see this as weakness."

The murmurs among the gathered demons grew louder. Some whispered their suspicions, while others reveled in the unfolding drama. Reynard's boldness, especially in demanding punishmt for Bella, was nothing short of daring—perhaps suicidal.

Bella, however, was far from intimidated. She met her father's gaze, her voice calm but unwavering.

"Father, Marquis Reynard is lying. He accuses us of breaking the treaty, but he convitly forgets to mtion that those ogres willingly defected. They came seeking protection after Marquis Reynard had abandoned them. His cruelty drove them into our arms."

She turned her sharp gaze toward Reynard, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"And as for slaving his people, it was he who slaved them first, treating them as disposable tools. They sought refuge in our territory, and we granted it. I have upheld the treaty fairly, Father. It is Reynard who has brok it, hmph."

The crowd shifted uneasily, watching Lord Belial for a reaction. The Duke's expression remained inscrutable, but his presce was overwhelming.

"You make serious accusations, Marquis," Belial finally said, his deep voice cutting through the tsion like a knife. "But tell me, why should I believe your words over those of my daughter?"

Reynard's body movemts indicated anger. "Because she has always be that defiant! She thinks herself above the laws of our realm! Just because she had your backing."

His bold words made the air freeze, and everyone exchanged uncertain glances at his statemt.

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