Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Call Of The Duke

After obliterating the temple with fiery ashes, Agus and Bella unfurled their wings once more, diving from the towering mountain into the vast sky.

They had only - hours journey left before they reached their destination.

Increasing their speed, they broke through the sound barrier, the air cracking loudly as they sped toward their goal.

As they approached the Duchy Capital, a sturdy barrier stopped them, ev though they were still several kilometers from the g. Agus, eyeing the protective shield with curiosity, decided it would be wise to implemt similar defses for their own city in case of any surprise attacks.

"Bella, come to the court immediately. We need to have a serious talk," a sudd mtal transmission echoed in their minds.

"It's from my father," Bella replied, a hint of urgcy in her voice. "Let's head down!"

As she began to descd, a wave of concern washed over her thoughts.

Agus nodded in understanding, casting a glance at her back as they made their way down the grand staircase.

Walking side by side through the Duke's estate, they traversed the opult hallways adorned with lavish decorations. As they proceeded, they countered several of Bella's half-siblings.

Upon noticing the duo's approach, the siblings erupted into mocking laughter, some assuming a cowardly demeanor, like Ruby—the grehouse princess. The memory of her previous counter with Bella still weighed heavily on her mind, haunting her with the humiliation she had dured.

Turning to her older brother, Ruby sought comfort. She gazed up at the tall Incubus with broad shoulders and a muscular build, who bore a striking resemblance to their father, Duke Belial.

"Big brother Belzard, you have to take revge for me. She humiliated me in front of everyone," Ruby pleaded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Belzard's heart ached for his sister, and anger surged within him as he regarded Bella and Agus.

"Don't worry, Ruby! I will take care of Bella," he declared, a fierce determination in his voice. "I'll teach her a lesson she'll never forget. I am an Archdemon as well, and I will show her that being cocky has its consequces."

With that, he stepped forward, ready to confront Bella with an air of confidce that belied the brewing storm of emotions.

"Heh, heh. Look who appears. Our Iron Princess Bella with her boy-toy in full display," Belzard muttered, looking disdainfully at Agus beside her.

Agus was suppressing his aura, so he took him for someone ordinary.

"Haha..." Instead of anger, Bella laughed, wondering what his reaction would be wh her 'boy-toy' crushed him.

"Why are you laughing, Bella?" Belzard raised his brows in displeasure.

"Oh, nothing... I was just laughing at your stupidity Belzard. Wh will you grow up? You couldn't ev get Father's recognition to manage a territory yet, and you come to challge me and my darling? Hehe... It's truly laughable."

Belzard remained defiant, ev after her reminder.

"You underestimate me too much, Bella. I will be a Marquis in no time after I defeat you. Th there will be no stupid discussion about making him the new Marquis in the first place," he said with a fierce grin, intding to challge Bella.

The weaker ones stepped away, ssing the hostile atmosphere.


Suddly, Belzard charged at Bella with his muscular arm. The force behind the attack was intse, causing the air to rustle wildly along the hallway. He ignored Agus completely, considering him some kind of a weakling.


But before the blow could reach Bella, Agus stepped in front, extding his hand and stopping Belzard's charge with a firm grip. His hand felt the impact, but he remained steady.

He looked at Belzard coldly. "She's my partner. I can't let you harm her."

Belzard and the others stared in shock.

"He... he blocked Brother Belzard's punch! But how is that possible? Didn't they say he was just a lesser demon weeks ago?"

They looked as if they found the situation incomprehsible.


Bella broke into melodious laughter, which snapped Belzard out of his dumbfounded state.

Bella was happy to finally gain some sort of idtity from Agus after so long. Ev though he said 'partner' and not 'wife,' she was still pleased with the title.

"Bas**rd, how dare you meddle in our siblings' affairs? You're still an outsider and an inferior half-breed!" Belzard scowled, trying to remove his hand from Agus's stone-like grip, but he failed miserably. His frustration only fueled his rage.

However, someone was ev more raged than he was.

"Belzard! You need to learn your lesson! You dare to call him an outsider in front of me, and use the word 'half-breed,' which I despise."

As she said this, Bella's right hand conjured Phoix flames, scaring Belzard out of his wits.

Belzard knew she was serious this time. He readied himself to defd, but still, he was struck across the face.


A burning, hard slap landed on his face, sding him stumbling sideways, crashing into one of the pillars.

"Brother!" Ruby shouted and rushed to him, worry etched on her face. Belzard sat in a posture of pain, his head spinning.

She looked at his face, and a clear, burned slap imprint was etched into his skin, one that didn't seem like it would heal anytime soon.

Ruby turned to Bella, her anger evidt.

"Sister Bella, why are you so vicious? Taking an outsider's side and ignoring your blood brother," she said, her expression full of hurt.

Agus felt amused. Just a momt ago, they had started the scuffle, and now they were accusing Bella of being vicious.

Bella looked at Ruby and scoffed. "Brother? It was you who didn't show any respect to your big sister. You never considered me your sister because of my human origin. So, stop with the nonsse, Ruby."

"Let's go, hubby. We don't need to waste our time on these kids."

With that, she walked forward gracefully, pulling Agus by the arm with elegant steps.

"I'm going to complain to Mother!" Ruby shouted viciously. "If only this b**ch was dead!"

Belzard watched them leave, his pride crushed. Despite his rect promotion to Archdemon rank, he realised he didn't stand a chance against either of them.

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