Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 157: Same Inference

Chapter 157: Same Inference

The room grew quiet as the junior officer stood at attention, waiting for permission to continue. King Thandor, his face lined with the strain of recent events, gestured for the officer to speak.

"Your Majesty, Princess Elara," the officer began, his voice steady. "We've just received a message from Shadow Company, from Commander Vincent Stryder himself."

Elara's eyes focused on the officer, her mind already anticipating the content. "What does Commander Stryder say?" she asked, her voice calm but direct.

The officer shifted slightly before continuing. "Commander Stryder has informed us that they will not be sending additional forces at this time. Instead, they request that we provide them with detailed information regarding the recent attack on the armory. They wish to gather intelligence before making any further decisions."

Murmurs rose from the advisors, some looking concerned while others exchanged knowing glances. One of the older advisors spoke up. "So, the humans will not assist us immediately? They expect us to do their work for them?"

Elara raised her hand to silence him. "No," she said firmly. "This is not a dismissal. They want to understand the full scope of the situation. Vincent Stryder is no fool. He knows that sending troops blindly would only weaken his position. If we want their help, we must give them the information they need."

King Thandor nodded slowly, his gaze focused on the officer. "What else did the message say? Is there any indication of what they plan to do next?"

The officer shook his head. "No, Your Majesty. Commander Stryder's message was clear. They will analyze the situation once we provide them with everything we know. They are waiting on us."

One of the younger advisors, his voice tinged with frustration, stepped forward. "And what if this is simply a way for them to stall? We're dealing with a Demon King's general here. Can we afford to delay?"

Elara turned to the young advisor, her expression steady. "We cannot afford to act rashly. If Vincent Stryder believes we need more information, then we must trust his judgment. Rushing into battle without understanding the enemy is how we've lost before. We will gather the information, and we will ensure that it's complete."

The room quieted as King Thandor leaned forward. "We must proceed carefully. This demon is no ordinary threat. Elara, you will oversee the gathering of this information and see to it that Commander Stryder receives everything he needs. If we are to form a lasting alliance, it will be built on trust and careful planning."

Elara nodded. "I'll see to it personally, Father."

As the junior officer gave a quick salute and exited the room, the advisors fell back into murmured conversations, trying to piece together their next move. Elara, meanwhile, stood resolute, her mind focused on the task at hand. She knew Vincent would not fail them, but this time, they needed to give him something concrete to work with.

"We'll give them everything they need," Elara said quietly to herself, her resolve unwavering.

Princess Elara wasted no time after the meeting. With her father's trust and the gravity of the situation in mind, she decided to investigate the armory herself. It wasn't enough to rely on second-hand reports; if they were to understand what truly happened, she needed to see the scene firsthand.

Dressed in practical elven armor, Elara left the palace quietly, accompanied by only two guards, though she insisted on walking the final stretch alone. The armory lay at the heart of their military stronghold, a place that once seemed impregnable but had now been breached by a force far beyond what their defenses could withstand.

As she approached, Elara felt the weight of the situation settle over her. The large wooden doors to the armory stood ajar, no longer locked or sealed, as soldiers and investigators had combed through the area for clues. The human rifles, including the M4 carbines, were gone. Stolen by the very demon who had broken through their defenses.

Inside, the armory was eerily quiet. Only a handful of elven guards remained, standing alert as they gave the princess a respectful nod. Elara stepped in, her eyes scanning the racks and shelves where their weapons had been stored. Some remained untouched, but the area where the human rifles had been kept was empty.

She knelt beside the racks, inspecting the floor. There were marks, faint but visible, of something heavy being dragged or moved. Whoever had taken the rifles had done so quickly but carefully, leaving few traces behind. Elara's fingers brushed over the markings, her mind racing. The demon hadn't simply smashed through the armory; it had taken the time to remove the weapons with purpose.

"Princess Elara," one of the investigators, a young elf named Aeron, stepped forward. "We've found little evidence of how the demon got past our defenses. No signs of magical entry or destruction. It seems... they knew exactly where to go."

Elara stood and turned to face him. "And the rifles? Were they the only weapons taken?"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Yes, Your Highness," Aeron confirmed. "Only the human rifles were targeted. None of our traditional weapons were touched."

Elara frowned. "This demon... they understand the significance of the human technology. They knew what to take, and they took it for a reason." She glanced around the armory again, piecing it together in her mind. "This wasn't random. They knew these weapons could threaten their forces in ways our own cannot."

Aeron hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Your Highness, there's something else. We found traces of dark magic, lingering in the air. It's faint, but strong enough to suggest that the demon used their abilities to move without being detected. It's likely they slipped past our defenses with magic, bypassing wards and locks."

Elara nodded, processing the information. "That would explain how they entered without triggering alarms. But it doesn't tell us why. What are they planning to do with these rifles? They have magic, stronger than anything we can imagine. Why steal human weapons?"

Aeron glanced at the floor, unsure how to answer. "We believe they might be studying them, trying to combine human technology with their own magic. If they succeed... it could change everything."

Elara turned toward the exit, her mind racing. "Then we need to act before they can. We must get this information to Vincent Stryder. He needs to know that the demons aren't just taking our weapons-they're learning from them."

Without waiting for further discussion, Elara left the armory, her pace quickening as she made her way back to the palace. The situation was far more dangerous than they had realized. If the demons could combine their magic with human technology, their enemies would become unstoppable.

Vincent needed to be informed, and their alliance needed to be strengthened-now more than



Princess Elara returned to her chambers. There was no time to waste. She sat at her desk, her hand gripping a quill as she began drafting a letter to Vincent Stryder.

"Commander Vincent Stryder,

I hope this letter finds you well. I write to inform you of a grave discovery. The demon that infiltrated our armory did not merely steal our weapons-they took only the human rifles, leaving our traditional weapons untouched. This was no random attack, nor was it born out of simple curiosity. The demons understand the significance of your technology and intend to study it, potentially combining it with their dark magic.

We have found traces of magic lingering at the scene, suggesting they used their abilities to move undetected and bypass our defenses. It is clear they have a plan, and we must stop them before they can implement it.

I implore you to send word as soon as possible. We need your guidance and assistance in handling this situation. If the demons succeed in weaponizing your technology, they will become an even greater threat than we can imagine. Our alliance must be stronger than ever,

and we must act quickly.

I await your response.

With respect, Princess Elara of Arendel."

She sealed the letter with the royal crest and handed it to one of her most trusted messengers.

"Take this to Vincent Stryder at once. Do not delay."

The messenger gave a firm nod before heading out the door, determined to deliver the

message as quickly as possible. As the door closed behind him, Elara took a deep breath, standing alone in her chamber. The stakes had never been higher, and now, more than ever,

she hoped Vincent would act swiftly.


Back at the Akarios Island.

"Sir Vincent," Colonel Brandt called. "Sir Ferm has received a response from the elves

through a letter."

"Good, read it for me," Vincent ordered.

Colonel Brandt cleared his throat as he read the letter to Vincent.

Vincent listened intently to every word coming out of Colonel Brandt's mouth and his eyes

were slowly narrowing. His inference matched that of the elves. The demons steal technology and reverse-engineer it. He smiled in satisfaction, knowing that the demons are a truly

cunning species.

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