Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 156: The Elves's Discussion

Chapter 156: The Elves's Discussion

King Thandor sat in his office, listening to his advisors as they updated him on the security of the Great Forest of Arendel. The atmosphere in the room was serious, but he remained calm as his advisors spoke.

One of the advisors stepped forward, frustration clear in his voice. "The humans trained our soldiers in their modern warfare, but why did they fall so easily against a single demon? We're talking about demons as if they're something ordinary now. No human can match a demon in combat, and it seems their training didn't prepare our forces for that."

Another advisor, an older elf with a thoughtful expression, shook his head. "You're forgetting something. These humans brought down a Flame Dragon. No one has ever dared challenge such a creature, let alone defeat it. The demon that broke into our armory was stronger than anything they expected."

The room fell quiet for a moment. King Thandor looked at the reports in front of him, taking in their words. The humans had indeed proven their strength, but the demon that attacked them was clearly more dangerous than anything they had faced before.

"You have witnessed how those humans defeated the Flame Dragon right? Their flying metal beast raining hellfire from the skies and bringing down the Flame Dragon to earth with ease. I will excuse myself for saying as this could be offending to Her Royal Highness but even her magic was not enough to defeat the Flame Dragon."

Princess Elara, who had been quietly standing near the window, turned sharply at the mention of her magic. Her eyes narrowed, but she kept her voice steady as she spoke.

"You're right to mention it, advisor. My magic wasn't enough against the Flame Dragon, nor would it have been against this demon. But that doesn't mean we should dismiss our efforts or the training we've received from the humans."

The room shifted its focus to her. The advisors, caught off guard by her direct response, waited as she continued.

"We can't rely on the past alone," Elara said firmly. "Yes, the humans have proven themselves capable of great things, but we need to adapt. If this demon is stronger than expected, we need to adjust our strategy. Our soldiers aren't weak. The training helped, but we need to be smarter about how we handle these threats. Strength alone won't be enough."

King Thandor watched his daughter closely, appreciating her calm reasoning in the face of growing concerns. He gestured for her to continue.

"Now the question we should be discussing is why that demon stole all our modern weapons?" Elara asked and all advisors were exchanging glances as if prompting the other to give her answer but no one had an idea.

"It's because the demons believed it was a threat to their kind, and so they had to neutralize it before we could use it against them," Elara continued, her voice steady but with a sharpness that cut through the silence in the room. "They didn't just steal those weapons out of curiosity. They want to understand their enemy-us-and turn our own tools against us."

One of the younger advisors spoke up, his tone uncertain. "Do you think they intend to use the weapons themselves?"

Elara turned to him. "That's a possibility we can't ignore. If the demons can figure out how our weapons work, it could change the balance of power entirely. Modern warfare is still something new to them, but if they can master it, they'll combine it with their magic, making them far more dangerous."

King Thandor tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought. "So, this isn't just about defending against future attacks. We have to assume the demons will adapt and prepare for a new kind of war."

"Exactly," Elara said, her gaze firm. "That's why we need to act now. We can't sit back and wait for them to come at us again. We need to be proactive, and we need to keep pushing forward with the humans. Their understanding of warfare gives us an edge, but only if we work with them and stay ahead of the demons' plans."

One of the older advisors, who had remained quiet until now, spoke up. "Princess Elara, your argument makes sense, but how do we gain the humans' cooperation without appearing desperate? If we show too much reliance on their technology, we risk losing our standing among other nations."

"It's simple," Elara said, her gaze unwavering. "I'm willing to sacrifice our standing, if that's what it takes to ensure our survival. We're dealing with a force that could destroy everything we hold dear, and pride cannot be the reason we fail. If other nations see this as a sign of weakness, so be it. We cannot afford to prioritize appearances over our survival."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of her words hanging in the air. The advisors exchanged uneasy glances, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of risking their political standing in the eyes of other kingdoms. But none dared challenge her outright.

King Thandor looked at his daughter, his expression unreadable. He admired her resolve, though he knew what she was proposing would come at a cost. "You are suggesting we completely align ourselves with the humans, even if it means losing the respect of our allies?"

Elara nodded firmly. "Yes. The humans, particularly Vincent Stryder, are key to our success. He's proven his effectiveness on the battlefield, and if we can gain his cooperation, we stand a chance at adapting to these new threats. I will personally ensure that our relationship with them strengthens, even if it means stepping beyond our traditional alliances."

One of the younger advisors spoke up hesitantly. "But Princess, what if the humans see our desperation as an opportunity to take advantage of us? They may not be as honorable as you think."

Elara turned to him, her eyes sharp. "If you're suggesting we let fear guide our decisions, then we've already lost. I believe in Vincent Stryder's integrity. He values strength and cooperation, not exploitation. I will meet with him personally, and I will make it clear that this alliance is one of equals, even if we're the ones who need their help the most right now."

King Thandor leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Elara. He could see the conviction in her, and it was clear that she was willing to do whatever it took to protect their people. He sighed quietly, understanding the weight of her decision.

"You've always had a strong will, Elara. I won't deny the logic of your argument, even if the path is difficult. If you believe that this is the best way forward, then you have my support." The advisors looked between each other, some nodding reluctantly.

Elara gave a brief bow to her father. "Thank you, Father. I will prepare to meet with Vincent Stryder as soon as possible."

"Of course, in order for this to work, we will need to make sure Vincent Stryder will agree to cooperate with us, which he already did, but we are not talking about words and contracts alone...We need guarantee."

"If it comes to it... I will marry Vincent Stryder," Elara announced. The room suddenly erupted in shock. The advisors exchanged stunned glances, and even King Thandor sat up straighter, his calm demeanor momentarily shaken by his daughter's declaration.

"What are you talking about? This is ridiculous. Not even in our history where our kind marry another race, especially humans!" one of the senior advisors exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. The other advisors murmured their agreement, the tension in the room rising as they tried to process what Elara had just said.

King Thandor held up his hand to silence the room. The murmurs died down, but the air was thick with the weight of Elara's proposition. He looked at his daughter, studying her carefully. "Elara, do you understand the gravity of what you're suggesting?" His tone was calmer, but there was an edge to it. "This is more than just an alliance. You are talking about a union between two worlds that have been historically divided."

Elara met her father's gaze, her own expression unwavering. "I do, Father. But times have changed. The threat we face from the Demon King's forces is unlike anything we've ever seen before. We cannot afford to cling to old traditions when survival is at stake."

An advisor, still clearly rattled, shook his head. "But marriage to a human? The people will not accept this. Our allies will question our integrity, our standing—"

"I am not concerned with the opinions of those who would let us fall without offering their own aid," Elara interrupted. "If Vincent Stryder can offer us the support we need, and if this marriage can cement that support, then I am willing to make that sacrifice."n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

King Thandor rubbed his temples, clearly deep in thought. "This... this is not a decision that can be made lightly, Elara. You understand that such a union would have far-reaching consequences, beyond just securing our alliance with the humans. It will change everything-

for you, for our people."

Elara nodded, unflinching. "I understand that, Father. And I am prepared to take on that responsibility. If marrying Vincent Stryder will ensure the safety of our kingdom and strengthen our position against the demons, then I will do it."

As they were discussing, a junior officer entered the room. "Excuse my intrusion but we have received a message from Shadow Company..."

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