Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

124 – I’ve Changed

124 – I’ve Changed


"How dare you show yourself in front of me again!" Nnoitra shouted.

Nnoitra recklessly swung his Zanpakuto, but Nelliel blocked it effortlessly with her own.

He grimaced. "Did you really think you could just walk back in like nothing happened?!" He said.

She looked at him with a neutral gaze ignoring him.

"You were nothing then and you are nothing now!" He shouted even louder.

Tesra tried taking advantage of her Zanpakuto being occupied to attack her from the other side, but she flipped over using her clash with Nnoitra as a pivot and kicked Tesra away like an annoying fly sending him bouncing off the ground until he hit one of the trees lining the clearing.

She parried Nnoitra's Zanpakuto to the side and followed up immediately with a swing down at him.

He dashed backwards to dodge and was mostly successful. The only thing she managed to cut with his cloth eyepatch causing it to split and fall off revealing the Hollow hole instead of an eye hiding behind it.

His eye narrowed as he stared at her cautiously. His gaze shifted to Tesra. "Get up you weakling!" He shouted.

Tesra struggled to his feet. His legs already shaking just from resisting a single blow.

Nnoitra dashed towards Nelliel swinging his Zanpakuto as hard as he could into her side.

She blocked it with her own Zanpakuto sending her sliding a few steps to the side before coming to a halt.

"You're too weak Nnoitra. You always were. Nothing has changed," she said calmly.

His gaze sharpened.

Tesra disappeared from where he was standing reappearing behind Nelliel swinging his Zanpakuto at her back.

She easily blocked it by grabbing the blade with her bare hands. Sparks flew where the blade clashed with her Hierro. Tesra's hand shook as he struggled to continue his slash to no avail. It was like he was caught in a vice.

Using Tesra's attack as a distraction Nnoitra quickly swung his Zanpakuto around for a reverse cut, but was blocked once again.

He swung again and again speeding up his attacks, but Nelliel remained unfazed.

She swung the hand holding Tesra's Zanpakuto sending him flying.

Nnoitra tisked. "Useless..." he spat out.

He tried surprising her with a kick, but Nelliel leaned forward allowing it to harmlessly pass over her before swinging around and backhanding him right in the face and sending him tumbling backwards.

She followed up with a slash that he barely managed to block with his Zanpakuto due to her breaking his stance and sent him flying back.

He managed to right himself mid-air and landed on his feet. His expression had gotten worse and worse with each clash that ended in his failure.

"This bitch..." he muttered.

She appeared in front of him before he could react with a follow-up slash that sent blood flying and left a large gash across his chest.

"Nnoitra-sama!" Tesra shouted and dashed towards them. He wildly slashed at Nelliel.

He failed to inflict any damage as she easily blocked him and sent him flying with a punch to the chest, the impact caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood. The attack gave Nnoitra the moment he needed to jump out of range though.

Nelliel shook her head. "The only way you even managed to beat me last time was through a sneak attack with another Arrancar. Do you really think you stand a chance in a direct fight?" She asked.

"Shut up! I'm not the same as I was before! While you spent all that time healing I grew beyond your imagination," Nnoitra shouted.

"It doesn't seem like it from where I'm standing," she said dismissively.

Tesra appeared behind Nelliel once again, but instead of attacking he grabbed her trying to hold her in place by her arms. "Nnoitra-sama! Now!" He shouted.

Nnoitra leaned forward and stuck out his tongue with a 5 tattoo'd on it. Golden particles gathered into a sphere in front of it before firing a golden Cero towards Nelliel.

Nelliel opened her mouth. Just before the Cero reached her it came to a sudden halt as if it hit a wall and slowly decreased in size while she slowly sucked it up into her mouth as if it were some kind of snack.

Nnoitra's eye widened.

Before he could react she spat it back out.  "Haa!" She shouted.

The golden beam had turned purple was larger, more powerful, and faster than before as it hurtled right back at Nnoitra.

He tried to dodge, but he was too slow getting hit directly as it blasted him into the forest leaving a line of destruction into the forest of Menos with shattered and collapsed trees along the way until he finally came to a stop with one final collision and the energy contained in the beam detonated into a giant explosion with Nnoitra at the centre.

Tesra froze, his eyes darting between Nelliel and where Nnoitra had gone flying off to. He seemed to hesitate and his grip on her loosened.

Nelliel used his moment of distraction to turn and swung her Zanpakuto at him.

He realised too late and despite his best last ditch effort to dodge still lost an arm and was sent scrambling back.

A few moments later a far more injured Nnoitra scrambled out of the pile of rubble he was buried under.

He swung his arm at the rubble sending large chunks of it flying away in all directions.

He grimaced. "Cero Doble... how could I forget?" He groaned.

He glared at Nelliel, but didn't dive right back into the fight.

"No I refuse to stand below you again! I'll show you! You're nothing! I'll show you how I've changed!" He shouted.

A golden aura enveloped Nnoitra and the spirit particles in the atmosphere grew excited swirling around and towards him violently.

He raised his Zanpakuto up high. "Pray! Santa Teresa!" He shouted.

A bright golden light burst from the Zanpakuto blinding them for a moment.

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