Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

123 – Hunter Or Prey

123 – Hunter Or Prey

Nelliel appeared just in front of him as if she were his bodyguard. She glared at Nnoitra.

Hisashi smiled. "You weren't the only one patiently following us at a distance," he said.

He turned to Nelliel and his smile turned slightly sinister. "I think your revenge is long overdue dear," he said.

She nodded seriously. Not taking her eyes off Nnoitra for even a second.

"Will you be ok?" She asked. The concern was evident in her tone.

His smile softened. "Of course. Don't worry about me and go all out. Just make sure he doesn't escape," he said.

Nnoitra glared back at Nelliel. "It doesn't matter. I defeated you once. I can do it again," he said. He didn't seem as confident as he was trying to appear though. 

Nnoitra swung his crescent-bladed halberd Zanpakuto in frustration causing the temple they were standing on to shatter into pieces, forcing them to jump down.

As soon as he hit the ground he dashed towards Nelliel. "Tesra, let's go," he shouted.

Tesra followed close behind him.

It seemed despite acting arrogant he still wasn't willing to take any risks.

Nelliel smirked and dashed towards them too.

Hisashi looked around trying to get a better overview of their situation. The Arrancar were closing in on them. Meanwhile the Adjuchas still seemed unsure of how to proceed being stuck between two unknown forces. He wasn't too worried though. They weren't at any real risk. The only risk was revealing too much of his power which he wanted to avoid.

He looked over at Mila Rose and Cirucci. "I need you to buy time holding off Nnoitra's backup. Meanwhile I'll get rid of the rabble and then back you up," he said.

Mila Rose fist bumped her chest confidently causing her breasts to bounce. "Leave it to me," she said confidently.

Cirucci grimaced slightly, but then let out a sigh. "Whatever..." she said.

Despite her attitude at least it seemed she had agreed.

Hisashi turned to the Adjuchas, including the gorilla, with a smirk. "Well, I think this will be the end of the line for you," he said.

He restricted the speed he moved at to one appropriate for a Vasto Lorde, but he was still too fast for them to keep up. Before they realised what had happened he had already passed through a group of them sending four heads flying with a single swing of each arm.

They disappeared quickly with him consuming the spirit particles remaining within their corpses.

The gorilla Adjuchas' eyes went wide. "Quick, get together. Don't let him slip in again!" He shouted in a hurry.

They quickly grouped up with their backs facing towards one another facing out, prepared for any attack he might try.

He ran circles around them so fast with their limited perception he was actually forming after images. All of the images had a playful smile.

"Do you really think that is going to be of any help?" His taunting voice echoed from all directions.

They couldn't even keep up with him. How were they planning on defending themselves even if they tried to protect each other's backs limiting the area they had to defend against.

Then one of their heads went flying.

The gorilla's fist tightened and he gnashed his teeth. He had been completely helpless to stop it.

"You've really been overestimating yourselves," Hisashi said.

Two more heads went flying.

His system was constantly dinging as he picked them off and was consuming them, but he had minimised it to avoid too many distractions. Even if the Adjuchas posed no risk even if he let them attack him directly who was to say non of the Arrancar or worse Nnoitra might not try to attack him while he was distracted.

"Thinking of yourselves as the rulers of Hueco Mundo," he said.

Three heads went flying.

The Adjuchas' heads were nervously darting left and right trying to find the real him. The pressure on them slowly, but steadily mounting.

"You only have what you've collected so far, because you were too weak to pay attention to," Hisashi said.

Four heads went flying.

Almost half of them had already died in just a few short moments causing panic to spread amongst them. A few tried making a run for it in different directions, but this just sped up their death as it made them the next targets with their heads being sent flying. What little control the gorilla Adjuchas had over the group was long gone.

More of them tried to escape even pushing others away trying to use them as distractions, but it was to no avail as any who tried to leave died within just a few steps out of the circle they had formed.

After a couple had tried the remaining ones froze sticking close to their leader. Only a handful remained.

The gorilla Adjuchas looked around nervously. "C-come out and face me, you coward!" He shouted and thumped his chest.

Another four heads went flying before Hisashi came to a standstill in front of him and his few remaining underlings with the heads of one of the Adjuchas pierced onto his blade arm.

He smirked. "Only one of us two seems to be cowering," he said.

He shook his head. "I think that's been enough playing around though," he said before disappearing.

The gorilla Adjuchas' expression hadn't even changed as it along with his other limb went flying away from his torso within a moment of Hisashi passing by him and his allies.

Hisashi didn't hesitate and sat down to focus on quickly consuming their bodies.

He looked over at Nelliel's battle. It seemed to be progressing quite evenly despite it being two against one. 'Should I help her?' He wondered.

He shook his head. 'No... this is her chance at punishing Nnoitra for what he did to her, Dondochakka and Pesche. She needs to do this herself. I won't interfere unless I absolutely have to,' he thought.

Instead he dashed towards where Mila Rose and Cirucci were still holding off the lower ranked Arrancar Nnoitra brought with him.

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