My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 139: 133: The Taste of Coffee

Sitting in relative silce until our drinks had arrived, I examined the chilled beverage in front of me that looked more akin to something like a milkshake than a coffee.

In fact, from its appearance down to its sct, I don't think I could've ever known it was a coffee at first glance unless I was told.

Taking the straw betwe my lips, I gave it a taste.

"How is it? If the coffee is too much, we can get you an ordinary mocha with more chocolate?"


Ignoring Araceli's quiry, I thought to myself as I continued to drink.

In the past, I had tasted a coffee-flavoured treat giv to me by the Wards.

I had be curious about why the Professors and other staff would always drink multiple cups of coffee a day, but since they never allowed me to drink coffee myself, the only option I had was to request something with artificial coffee flavouring.

But, the momt I placed the treat into my mouth, I despised it.

That horrible, strange bitter aftertaste reminded me of nothing but the medicine I was forced to take every day, and I immediately rejected it.

That's why I never drink it to this day.

But this...

This coffee; a mochaccino, she said.

It's differt.

Sweet, ev.

Thanks to the chocolate sauce and cinnamon frosting, as well as that sweet cream and iced froth, it nullified the taste of the coffee itself almost tirely.

The taste of the coffee was still prest, and as bitter as ever, which caused my eyebrows to furrow.

But, for some reason, I had a strange thought.

That it wasn't too bad.

Something drew me towards that bitterness I once detested with my tire being.

Still, it reminded me of that medicine.

The medication that was meant to regulate my mtal state.

It was something I hadn't be forced to take in over t years now, ever since escaping from the San Cinelia Playg.

And yet, I could recall it like it was yesterday.

It's odd.

I had spt more time in my life not taking the medication than I had taking it, but the way it affected me has be graved into my mind.

Probably because I was on it from before I ev remember, throughout my childhood.

It's confusing.

That momt was always the worst of every day.

The momt wh it would be time for me to take the medication.

And yet, why does it feel nostalgic?

I had always rested it, but now that it had be so very long, was I looking back on it fondly?

That couldn't possibly be the case.

This coffee was just bitter ough to make me recall the taste of that medication.


If I had gone with anything ev a little bit stronger than it is, the drink would've be far too disgusting for me to take more than a sip of it.

Yet, if I had anything ev a little bit weaker than it is, th it wouldn't be ough to stimulate that sse of nostalgia.

It had just the right amount of coffee, of bitterness within it, to evoke that feeling.

That pungt aftertaste was something I had always hated since I first expericed it, and it wasn't something that could be simply masked by the drink's other ingredits.

But, for some reason.

"Um... Cipher...?"

I found myself unable to put it down.

"I guess... He likes it, huh..."

"Ahaha... I knew he would like it; that's why I ordered it for him... B-but, still, I didn't think he'd fall in love with it so quickly..."

The two watched me in fascination, but I took no notice; not thinking of anything at all as I focused only on downing the contts of the drink.

Before I knew it, the glass in front of me was empty.

"...Would you like another one?"

Turning my head to Araceli, I stared at her for a momt.

"It tastes horrible."


It really was coffee.

The rude bitterness made it seem as if only people who hated their lives would prefer to drink such a thing like that which made my tongue curl.

Maybe the Professors were right wh they claimed that coffee was an acquired taste.

The only reason I could bear to drink the whole thing was because of the added sweetness offered by the chocolate sauce, cinnamon sprinkling and frothed cream.

And ev with all that, the unsavoury aftertaste still shot through, lingering on my disturbed palate for a short while afterwards.


"So, that's a no...?"

"What? I never said I wouldn't have another one."

Something about that drink, that felt more like an insult than anything else, drew me in.

Almost like an addiction.

"We can get you another one if that's what you want. I'm the one who invited you here, so it's on me. Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to spd too much time with me, right? So, I won't beat a the bush."

Suddly, Kiryuuin said as much and looked at me solemnly.

"Cipher. Please, reconsider returning to the Playg."

Hearing his request, I rolled my eyes.

This again? Seriously?

"If that's all you called me here to say, I'm disappointed."

If all he had to say was the same thing he had already said countless times before, th it really would be a disappointmt.

Come on, Kiryuuin.

Ev someone like you is smarter than that.

Listing to my nonanswer, he nodded.

"I understand. I won't ask you anymore."

"Good. It's annoying, and besides, you already know my answer."

If he thought he could get me back into the Playg just by pestering me ceaselessly and making the same request over and over again, th he was plain stupid, so I'm glad to see that isn't the case.

"You're right. It's obvious that you ar't one to change your mind so simply, but I thought there was no loss in trying, so I did."

Kiryuuin shrugged, th continued.

"In any case, the thing I actually wanted to discuss is... I guess, sort of related? But, it's less one-sided coercion and more of a deal."

My eyes narrowed.

A deal?

I could already foresee what he would ask of me.

"You want to make some kind of deal that'll have me return to the Playg of my own accord?"

He nodded, "Precisely," To which I leant back in my seat and folded my arms.

"You did the same thing last time. Do you guinely think I would consider something like that?"

Perhaps, he really was just this foolish, I thought.

But, as if to prove me wrong, Kiryuuin shook his head.

"No, it's not like that. Of course, I know you wouldn't accept if I asked a second time. This time, I'm offering you a deal to satisfy both our needs simultaneously."

Intrigued by what kind of deal the time regressor came up with, I waited for him to speak.

"What I want is for you to cause no further trouble, and for that, I feel like I have no choice but to keep you within the Playg."

"Obviously, however, you don't want that, which is something I understand. Still, although I feel bad about it, it's something I must do because it is necessary."

"If I'm correct in my understanding, what you desire is both freedom from the Wards as well as knowledge of the secrets of the world, right?"

"So, I propose a deal to you, Cipher, that will not only fulfil my wish to preserve the future of the world, but will also guarantee your security and sate your curiosity."

"If necessary, I will do whatever I can to make things as comfortable for you as you'd like. So, whatever it is, just tell me."

"Is that ough for you?"

Kiryuuin closed his mouth and we stared at each other for a while.

It seemed like he would only tell me the details of the deal if I expressed my interest in what he was saying, and I couldn't dy that I was.

Although he wouldn't tell me about the deal, it wasn't difficult to guess what it might include.

I wasn't particularly surprised that he knew what I wanted since he bore the backing of the Wards, who held pottially the most information about me compared to anyone else in the world except maybe Professor Marcus Lynton.

What was most interesting, however, was the assumption that locking me up would 'preserve the future of the world'.

I already knew to some extt that he thought this way, but was it to such a degree?

Ev I'm aware that I've had some questionable thoughts, but not once have I ever be serious about plotting the world's d or something like that.

It really made me wonder.

Just what did this guy see in his version of the future that convinced him so?

Or, like I was speculating before, was it ev that he came from the future in the first place?

There was no way for me to find out the answer to these things by sitting here in silce.

So, I stopped wasting time and prompted him.

"We'll see if it's ough. Go on."

Nodding his head once more, Araceli and I each looked at Kiryuuin as he explained the deal, beginning by holding up his thumb.

"First of all, should you agree to the deal, Cipher, th we, the Wards, will guarantee your safety and personal security."

Th, he raised his index finger.

"Secondly, we will offer you all of the knowledge you desire. Frankly, I don't understand how there is something you can't figure out the answer to, but whatever it is you may want to know, I promise to extd our full power in helping to satisfy your curiosity--"


Just as Kiryuuin raised his middle finger and was about to continue, Araceli interjected from the side.

"...Araceli. Please, don't interrupt the deal. I don't understand what role you're trying to play here, but what is at stake is much more than you realise."

She stared at him sternly and shook her head.

"No. I'm sorry, but it's you who don't understand."

"Th, could you elaborate?"

I watched the two begin to ignore me tirely and argue with each other about the contts of Kiryuuin's deal.

"Carelessly leaking knowledge that shouldn't be known is dangerous. You, who hold a good deal of secrets yourself, should know this better than anyone else, Azaki Kiryuuin."

"W-what? How do you-- No, never mind that. List. I don't know what your deal is, but you seem to know a lot about the situation, so how is it that you don't understand?"

"Huh? Like I said, it's not me, but you who doesn't understand. You should be the one listing to me, okay? I promise I'm not here to cause trouble or anything; I just want to help as best I can."

Something about this sce struck a nerve in me.

It wasn't the fact I was being ignored, but rather that it seemed as if Araceli's objective was to prevt me from acquiring the Forbidd Knowledge.

It felt like I was finally beginning to understand what her goal here really was.

Araceli's interruption.

I don't know if it was because of that, but a vile, bitter ssation soon began to arise in my mouth.


Just like the taste of coffee.

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