My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 138: 132: An Unlikely Encounter

Nothing came as a result of my silt contemplation, but I wasn't disappointed.

In the first place, I never expected to receive answers just by thinking about the situation, but I couldn't stop theless.

The more I thought about what was going on, the more questions I received rather than answers, and the more questions I asked, the less I realised I actually understood, leading me to simply think more about it, resulting in more questions, and so on.

By digging a little deeper each time, I felt that, evtually, I must be able to reach the most profound truth; it was rather ironic since, every time I dug deeper, I only realised that I was ev further from figuring out the truth than I originally thought.

It was an dless loop of thinking, asking questions, and realising I knew ev less.

Analysing it in this way, it felt like I was watching myself experice something similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect in real time.

It only felt worse and worse as time wt on as the gap betwe the knowledge I possessed and what was reality only seemed to wid.

...No, it wasn't that the gap was widing.

The gap had already be so vast since the beginning―it's just that I hadn't realised it.

I thought I had more or less figured it out, but I couldn't be further from the truth.

Now, I had absolutely no idea what was right.

I wanted to use this opportunity to try and extract information from Araceli, but I was required to be careful as to how I wt about it since the chances she would candidly tell me the answers to what I wanted to ask were near-zero.

So, I would need to bide my time until such an opportunity arose.

Abruptly, I muttered.

"There are a lot of people today."

As Araceli and I walked through the geral marketplace, I noticed the abnormal amount of people walking a and made a passing commt.

Of course, it was the weekd and so there would naturally be many people out and about, but I don't recall there being such a high conctration of people―specifically young people, such as teagers and young adults―in quite a while.


Casting a glance at Araceli beside me, who was staying strangely quiet, I observed the complicated expression on her face that appeared to be a mix of many conflicting emotions.

I didn't plan on saying anything to her, but with the consideration that it might have something to do with the many secrets she hides, I oped my mouth to dig.

"What's up with you all of a sudd?"

"Huh? N-no, it's nothing..."

She averted her gaze with a mumble and hasted her steps. Watching her from behind, I thought the sudd switch in character was rather abrupt and seemingly random, but I couldn't tell why.

Still, I didn't fail to notice the brief look of guilt that flashed on her face before she turned away.

"What did you do since earlier to feel so guilty?"

"Wh-what? No, like I said, it's nothing. Really."

Jerking her head towards me, she quickly insisted otherwise. Th, I nodded.

"Right. So, you're not ev guilty for barging into my home and forcefully asserting that you'll follow me a all day, without regard to my own opinion on the matter?"


Although the reason was unknown, my words seemed to hold some unexplained weight as Araceli wt quiet and lowered her head.

Wondering if the bustling vironmt truly had anything to do with her unusual state, I looked a once more. Briefly surveying the surings, I was still at a loss as to what caused Araceli's dip in mood.

All I could see were the dless waves of young couples walking side-by-side and showing affection, but wasn't that a typical sight?

I wasn't sure since I didn't usually pay much atttion to that sort of thing, but as there were so many unrelated people all doing the same thing as if it were prearranged, it must have be.

But, wasn't it odd?

Almost as if there was supposed to be some kind of evt or celebration held today...

As I continued observing the surings in subtle curiosity, I noticed something―or rather, someone―in the corner of my periphery.


Unconsciously, my feet stopped.

No way.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

What the hell is that guy doing here?


Ignoring the use of the one name this overly bold woman didn't deserve to speak, I turned and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Is that the reason you accompanied me today?"


My gaze returned to what I had previously be staring at and she followed the direction of my eyes.


Her exclamation indicated that she found what I was talking about.

"Y-yeah, that's why... But, remember, nothing bad should happ, so don't be so on edge!"

I cast a momtary glance at her as she tried fervtly to try and calm me down.

And th.


The person we were unabashedly staring at had noticed our hardstuck gazes.

"Uh-- uh... Hey, don't cause any trouble, okay? Please. Look, he's alone, right? And you know what that guy's like; he's not going to want any conflict, especially in a populated place like this."

Hearing Araceli's flustered voice beside me, I only watched as that guy began walking towards us with a strange expression on his face.

Somehow, the way he glanced betwe the two of us made it seem as if he didn't expect to meet either of us in this place, which I found suspicious.

After all, that guy.

He's from the future, isn't he?

"Cipher. Araceli. I didn't expect to meet you two here."


Staring blankly at Kiryuuin, who had stopped just a few steps in front of us, I wanted to laugh.

Everything that happed.

Could it be real, or should it just be attributed to something like confirmation bias?

For some reason, I couldn't help but think that believing the latter would be exceedingly negligt and careless.

"But, you two being together at a time like this... Ah. Don't tell me, you two are...?"

"Ah ah, ah! No! Nope! It's nothing like that? I'm just here as protection, nothing else. Okay? Good."

"?? I see. I apologise for the misunderstanding."

"No no, it's fine! Just, something like that, it would never happ. In the first place, do you think this guy is that type of person?"

Araceli waved her hand and gestured towards me as she said something that didn't quite feel like a complimt.

Perhaps I was missing a piece of important con as I didn't understand what the two were talking about, and I wasn't clued in ough to read betwe the lines, but it didn't sound like something important anyway, so I just ignored it.

"Anyway, Cipher... I've actually be meaning to talk to you about something. Do you mind if we move somewhere more suited to a conversation?"

Looking at me with great solemnity, Kiryuuin asked.


I thought for a second.

Just earlier, I was hoping for an opportunity to arise where I would be able to extract deeper information.

Although I was alluding primarily to Araceli at the time, Kiryuuin was certainly the other, slightly lesser anomaly who possesses secrets I remain unaware of.

There are undoubtedly many things he knows that I don't, and the most likely case is that he knows more than I can ev imagine at this point in time.

Just like Araceli, Kiryuuin is sure to hold Forbidd Knowledge no one else knows.

Perhaps, he ev knows things she doesn't.

A chance to have a one-to-one, or perhaps a one-to-one-to-one discussion with both Araceli and Kiryuuin.

Is this the opportunity I've be waiting for?


Regardless of whether it's a coincidce, a work of fate, or a serdipitous counter.

Whatever it was that resulted in today's meeting.


Ev if it's only partial, I will discover the truth of what is going on in this damn world.

"Let's go somewhere else, th."

Because I don't want to remain ignorant any longer.



Not long after, the three of us found ourselves tering a local café. It was a quiet one similar to the one I had visited with Tarou and Atsuko Fushigimi that one time, but not exactly the same.

There were more people inside than usual due to the strange evt going on that I seemed to be unaware of, and most of them appeared to be the same sorts of couples I spotted everywhere outside, but thankfully, this café was quite well-hidd, so customers were sparse.

We took our seats at an isolated table near the back window, and soon, a lady came to take our order.

"Ciphy, what will you have?"

"Don't call me that."


Ignoring Araceli's dog-like disappointed expression, I stared at the mu without a clue as to what I was going to order.

Last time we came to the café, I had never actually ordered something, and I had never drank coffee before, so I didn't know what to pick.

Furthermore, there were so many similar-sounding names that I had no idea what the differces ev were betwe all of them.

Latte, marocchino, espresso, americano... What the hell? What's the differce?

They all had pictures beside them but looked the same, so I honestly couldn't tell what the differtiating factor was for all of these differt types of coffees.

Asking Truth would also take too long since there were so many variations...

"I'd like a simple frappé, please."

Kiryuuin was the first to order, and th the waitress turned to me expectantly.


Since I still had no idea what to do, I could only stare at her in return.

I wasn't flustered, but it was admittedly a little troubling.

Should I just order a random thing off the mu and get it over with?

The momt I thought that, Araceli interved.

"We'll get two mochaccinos, please~"

Fortunately, she had ordered on my behalf.

Wh I turned my head to her, she flashed a grin.

"You've never had coffee before, right? It's okay; wh it comes to coffee, you've got the same taste as me, so I ordered us both something I'm confidt you'd like."


There was no need to ask how she knew what type of coffee I liked wh I had never ev tasted it before, but I can't lie that it was definitely unsettling.

And th, that shameless grin.



Reaching my hand out to her face, she flinched.

"Ow! What was that for?"

I pinched her cheek and pulled it roughly to inflict pain before letting go.

"Don't get cheeky."

Saying that, I turned away.

After all, a fan should respect their idol.

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