My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 59: The 100 Deadliest Poisons in the World, and Leon's Unyielding Determination

The next morning, inside his room, Leon sat in his study chair and gazed at the neat stack of books on his desk with a satisfied expression.

"Do all these books contain information about poisons from a the world?" Leon asked, his tone curious, as he selected a book from the top of the stack.

With intrigue, he studied the title on the front cover and was surprised by what he read.

"The world's 0 deadliest poisons and their derivatives? Damn, that title is quite imposing! I hope the contt lives up to its promise and isn't merely clickbait or deceptive." Leon chuckled under his breath, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

Yesterday, after concluding his conversation with Liliana in her study, he didn't immediately retire to his room to seek out his two little daughters.

Instead, he headed to the library in search of books containing information about poisons, hoping that by finding descriptions, he could create or locate an antidote.

Although Liliana had informed him that the poison within him was unknown and mysterious, he refused to believe that there was no antidote in existce.

Leon firmly held onto the principle, "For every poison in the world, there must be a cure," and thus, he resolved not to give up under any circumstances.

Regrettably, upon reaching the library, he found himself at a loss as to which shelf contained the books on poisons amidst the vastness and size of the library.

As luck would have it, Lyra happed to pass by in the library hallway, and she kindly assisted him in gathering all the books related to poisons.

Reflecting on it, Leon felt immsely grateful to Lyra for her assistance.

"If I have the opportunity, I'll find a way to repay her kindness," Leon vowed to himself before refocusing his atttion on the book before him.

"Alright, let's dive in!" Leon exclaimed eagerly, clching his palms as he slowly oped the book.

On the first page, Leon countered pictures and explanations of numerous types of poisons, which he read through for a while.

However, he shook his head in disappointmt, as they were all derivative, low-grade poisons unrelated to the poison coursing through his body.

As he turned to the second page, he countered the same array of chick-grade poisons.

Leon continued flipping through the pages, and by the time he reached page 5, one particular poison caught his atttion: the [Frosthoar] poison.

"Frosthoar? One of the 0 deadliest poisons in the world?" Leon blinks several times as he reads the name of the poison.

Swiftly, he scrutinized the description of the poison, reading it carefully.

"'Frosthoar, a liquid-shaped poison that exhibits attributes of ice and frost. It operates by freezing the internal organs of the victim upon ingestion, causing excruciating pain and bringing them to the brink of life and death in a torturous ice-cold ordeal...' Damn! This poison is truly scary!" Leon exclaimed, his eyes widing in shock as he finished reading the description.

He never anticipated the existce of a poison with such appalling effects.

The mere thought of anyone being exposed to this cursed poison filled him with dread, as he couldn't fathom the extt of its devastation.

"I feel like the individual who discovered this poison must be a psychopath," Leon muttered to himself, considering this poison deserving of its title among the 0 deadliest poisons in the world.

Fortunately, despite the deadly nature of this poison, there was an additional description stating that there were certain special individuals who were immune to it, and the three heroes of humankind were among them.

"Tsk! If a deadly poison like this can't breach a hero's defses, th what kind of poison could be inside my body capable of petrating a hero's holy power defses?" Leon chuckled helplessly, shaking his head slightly.

For some reason, he found himself increasingly curious about this and how that damn loli, Rain Violet, managed to create such a poison that now coursed through his body.

Yet, after a momt, he pushed aside these distracting thoughts and redirected his focus to the book before him.

Leon turned the page once more, only to find that the next page was a derivative of the previous [Frosthoar] poison, which failed to capture his interest.

Swiftly, he continued flipping through page after page until he abruptly halted his movemts upon reaching the 40th page.

"Black Feather Poison, one of the 0 deadliest poisons in the world?" Leon muttered under his breath as he read the name of the poison on the 40th page.

He th carefully read the description of this poison at the bottom of the page.

"'Black Feather Poison is a shape-liquid poison and one of the 0 deadliest poisons in the world. It was concocted by an extraordinarily powerful sorceress about 7,000 years ago out of heartbreak from being dumped by her beloved.

This poison is exceptionally lethal as it possesses the ability to corrode the soul of its victim unnoticed, causing excruciating pain akin to being impaled by thousands of swords for months before succumbing to death...'" Leon's eyes wided as he finished reading the tirety of the poison's description.

If his horror had peaked at 70 points upon reading the description of the [Frosthoar] poison, th his terror towards this [Black Feather] poison skyrocketed to 0 points!

"Damn it! This poison is truly horrifying! Moreover, it originated 7,000 years ago. Wasn't that the era of the first-geration of three heroes and Demon Emperor Amon reigning over the throne?" Leon was astonished to discover that this poison had a connection to an era from 7,000 years ago, ev if it was only briefly mtioned in the description of the poison.

However, upon reflecting on the fact that the creator of this poison was an immsely powerful sorceress driv by heartbreak from a romantic problem, he felt the corners of his mouth twitch.

"The saying, 'Never give a woman heartache,' holds true, and I should probably be cautious in the future," Leon said with a hint of apprehsion, siltly reminding himself.

After a while, Leon continued to flip through page after page, finding several poisons listed among the "0 deadliest poisons in the world," yet of them seemed to correlate with the poison coursing through his body, leaving him disappointed.

Unbeknownst to him, he had already reached the d of the book page, further exacerbating his feeling of helplessness.

"Hah~ This issue isn't going to be simple," Leon sighed as he closed the book.

From the beginning, he understood that discovering a description of the poison within his body wouldn't be straightforward.

Moreover, ev if he found it, he still had to figure out how to locate the antidote, a task likely a hundred times more challging than this.

Afterward, Leon set the book aside and cast a glance at the stack of books on his desk.

"Ev if the previous book didn't have it, it doesn't necessarily mean that the other books won't," Leon reassured himself, feeling his spirit rekindle.

Just as he was about to reach for another book, Leon suddly felt a warm embrace from behind, accompanied by a soft, sweet voice that resembled milk.



A/N: Hello my handsome readers! Starting tomorrow, I will update in the morning like this and thank you!

Don't forget for your support~(^་།^)

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