My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 58: Edward's Bold Conjectures Regarding the Identity of the Fated One

As soon as Edward finished speaking, an immediate silce veloped the tire hall of gods, underscoring the profound shock elicited by his words.

Notably, Arshley herself appeared to be the most tak aback.

After all, as a saint and leader of the tire Holy Orthodox, she found herself utterly unaware of a secret of such magnitude, rdering its revelation all the more absurd.

"Edward! Are you absolutely sure about what you're saying? Can we truly rely on the accuracy of this claim?" Louis, positioned beside Edward, inquired urgtly and hastily.

As a diviner and a frequt researcher of ancit s, Louis could scarcely believe what Edward had just disclosed.

The era 7,000 years ago, during which the three heroes of mankind emerged alongside the first Demon Emperor, Amon Crimson, stands as a profoundly mysterious period.

This scarcity of ancit s or manuscripts documting the history of this era meant that ev if they existed, their contts were either deemed unimportant or already known to most people.

This significant anomaly led Louis to speculate whether someone or a formidable power was inttionally concealing this history.

If indeed it is, as he suspects, th the sheer greatness and terror of that power are beyond imagination.

Therefore, how could he not be surprised and astonished by Edward's words?

On the other hand, while the other guardians refrained from voicing their doubts like Louis, their expressions mirrored his disbelief, emanating a similar sse of distrust.

Despite ssing everyone's doubts, Edward's expression remained as calm as ever.

He understood that what he had revealed was truly extraordinary and unbelievable, so he harbored no anger whatsoever.

"I understand that both the saint and all of you might find it difficult to believe what I'm saying, but I can swear that it is the truth," Edward asserted calmly.

"Furthermore, the ancit manuscript still resides in my study, and I will gladly show it to you after this." With a steady gaze, he addressed Arshley, seated upon the throne, th turned his atttion to Louis, Victor, and Adam standing beside him.

To be honest, giv his idtity, status, and relationship with them, Edward did not actually need to swear an oath to prove his words.

However, the gravity of what he was disclosing was not insignificant; it was substantial ough that the oath he offered was more for their psychological comfort than anything else.

Sure ough, after Edward made his statemt, the doubts etched on the faces of Louis, Victor, and Adam dissipated swiftly.

The four nodded simultaneously, implying their acceptance of Edward's words without further questioning or doubt.

Ssing that the doubts of the three had dissipated, Edward redirected his gaze towards Arshley.

"Saint, may I proceed with what I was saying earlier?" Edward asked, his tone light and polite.

Upon hearing Edward's request, Arshley regarded him with a deep gaze and offered a slight nod.

"Very well, Guardian Edward, please proceed," Arshley agreed promptly.

She, too, was eager to hear firsthand about the significance of "the fate one" that Edward was referring to and how this figure could pottially resolve the dispute betwe humanity and the Demon Race.

It's crucial to remember that the mity betwe the two races dured for 7,000 years, making it appear impossible for them to ever reconcile.

Yet, for someone capable of prompting ev the first saint of Holy Orthodoxy to swear a sacred oath and patitly await for thousands of years, this figure should possess the ability to truly broker peace betwe the two races.

With Arshley's sanction, Edward took a momtary breath and commced his explanation once more.

"In the ancit manuscript," Edward began cautiously, "it is also explained that this 'the Fated One' will emerge as one of the three heroes of mankind during an era wh the conflict betwe mankind and the Demon race will escalate to unprecedted heights." He paused for a few momts, allowing his words to sink in.

Th he continued, "Ev so, the ancit manuscript does not specify wh that figure will appear in this world or what holy weapon they will wield."

Louis, Victor, and Adam, standing beside Edward, couldn't help but frown upon hearing his explanation.

Each of their faces betrayed the desire to ask deeper into the matter to Edward, yet they suppressed their strong curiosity, mindful of Arshley's presce seated on the throne.

As Arshley listed, her brows furrowed, and the face concealed by her veil adopted a serious demeanor.

If the contts of the ancit manuscript were indeed accurate, th this figure known as 'The Fated One' would truly hold the key to resolving the mity betwe the two races of humans and demons.

However, after a momt of contemplation, she abruptly discerned something peculiar.

Although she was greatly surprised by this news, she couldn't fathom why Edward had suddly disclosed this matter to her.

Earlier, it should be recalled, she had nearly lost control upon learning from Louis about her big brother's Hero's Star showing signs of disappearing.

With a doubtful expression veiled on her face, Arshley inquired, "Guardian Edward, I must admit I am indeed very surprised about this matter. However, I trust there must be a reason behind your sudd revelation, correct?"

Arshley knew Edward's nature very well. As the one holding the title 'Wise Angel of Holy Orthodoxy,' every word he uttered held significance.

Sure ough, upon hearing Arshley's question, Edward's previously serious countance swiftly dissipated, giving way to a calm and gtle expression.

"Saint, you guessed correctly." Edward nodded, replying with a slight chuckle.

His gaze shifted from Arshley to Louis, Victor, and Adam beside him before settling back on Arshley once more.

"After reading the ancit manuscript, I found myself deeply curious about the idtity of the figure mtioned within," Edward said in a low tone, th continued, "However, after conducting research and calculations, I have arrived at a bold conjecture regarding who this figure, referred to as 'the Fated One,' might be."

"Who is it?!" Louis, Victor, and Adam suddly exclaimed in unison, their voices ringing out loudly.

Surprised, they exchanged embarrassed glances, yet their curiosity outweighed any sse of discomfort as they fixed their intse gazes upon Edward.

While it was merely a conjecture, the three of them understood Edward's reputation for accuracy; he never made guesses or inferces lightly.

Arshley, equally intrigued as the three, clched her palms tightly, her curiosity piqued.

For some inexplicable reason, Leon's face involuntarily flashed through her mind, causing her heart to race.

'It's impossible, isn't it?' She thought inwardly with caution, but Edward's next words left her and the three guardians utterly shocked.

"The Fated One mtioned in the ancit manuscript is most likely... sword hero Leon Kruger."

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