My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 33: Between Queues and Unexpected Encounters

Dante wanted to make the most of the city; however, unfortunately, he arrived late due to the long line he had to face. He could simply enter as a guest of the city through an Authority Token that Valentina possessed, but as mentioned, he needed to conceal his true identity. Of course, all of this could be easily solved with teleportation.

However, Dante longed for freedom and, most importantly, independence.

"Let's see." While holding a letter in his hands, it had a seal from the Vampire King himself, basically a recommendation letter as the "Prodigy of the Vampire State."

According to the explanation he received, all he had to do was present this letter to a knight stationed to receive prodigies. It was just presenting this letter, and he could pass through the initial stages of the trials to be admitted.

Dante walked directly towards a massive building, which occupied a circular area in the city center. It was a huge castle that housed a vast area comparable to a medium-sized city. As time passed, he could no longer wait and increased his walking speed.

On the way, he encountered various candidates and aspiring students. He took it as a child's play to walk through the city observing these strange young people. Of course, he was one of them too, but his mindset had already advanced to much deeper levels, and he could barely consider himself a youth.

The boy's anxiety was about to explode; he wanted to fight someone to test his skills! How could he not? He trained only with powerful monsters and never got to battle someone of his own age.

He already imagined what it would be like when he was an adult, walking through these streets with Valentina or Morgana, without having to hide behind his childish mask that had hindered his life. He wanted time to pass quickly.

1 minute... 5 minutes... 10 minutes.

Not much time had passed, and finally, Dante arrived at the place where they could register. There was a line that could easily circle a small neighborhood and a single entrance where a silver-armored knight stood guard.

Dante looked at the line and simply ignored it, passing by everyone without caring. He had a recommendation letter, so he could easily skip all the basic steps. Despite that, others were not like him, and many looks hit him with hatred and disdain. However, an older boy stared at him and did not allow him to pass as he was doing.

"Hey you! Get in line!" He shouted, expressing what everyone wanted to say. Dante just ignored him and moved on.

He was not content; he left his own place and went to Dante. When he approached, he bathed his fist in aura and attempted a punch. The punch traveled all the way, and when it was about to hit Dante, the young man's arm was stopped by the knight.

"I believe you don't want to die, do you?" The knight said to the undisciplined youth, who was slightly stunned.

"It would be a shame if a promising warrior like you were killed so quickly. You wouldn't kill him, right?" The helmeted knight muffledly said, but Dante faintly recognized him. 'Hahaha, you old bastard!' he laughed.

"Of course not, just going to burn your arm so it never regenerates again," he said with a grin from ear to ear.

"Oh, I understand. It's good to see you again, Dante." The knight took off his helmet and revealed himself to be Simon Cloht, the Space Mage.

"Indeed, but what are you doing here? I thought you were a mage," Dante asked curiously.

"I was a royal knight before becoming a mage. I'm here at Lady Morgana's request to deal with some... unforeseen circumstances, if you know what I mean." Laughing lightly, he let slip the real intentions surrounding; he was basically saying, "I'm here to prevent you from causing a massacre, you damn kid!"

"Oh, I see. Send my thanks to my dear White Tower Mistress, if you know what I mean," laughing again, Dante said. "Of course, I understand, Lord Dante." Following Simon, he left at least thirty people open-mouthed with the situation. Who was he? How does he know the White Tower Mistress? Who would speak so informally to a magic knight?

Hey, Lord? Who was this bastard? That's what everyone thought, but they couldn't even open their mouths because offending someone with such status could make their families disappear, after all, they were still commoners and low-ranking nobles compared to someone who was called Lord.

But the rebellious young man who attacked him was furious. Kill him? Who would dare to do that? Soon him? He was in rage; his arrogance left a bitter taste after such humiliation.

"Dante... I'll remember that name," muttering in anger, he returned to the line. He was infuriated and wouldn't let it go.

While Dante left a new enemy behind, he managed to catch the attention of another person with this demonstration...

In the distance, a woman with blue hair watched this situation. She looked at the boy with long black hair and just smiled.

"Suspicious," she said, pulling slightly.

This was Sara Vortex, daughter of the Human Empress Lyriana Vortex, a woman who was bored with her spoiled princess life and decided to explore the magical world at the academy.

"I hope he's not another troublesome one I have to crush until they disappear," Sara said as she looked at the boy disappearing.

"Looks like it's my turn," she pulled out a card with a blue seal. "I hope you're interesting, Dante." She muttered as she remembered the boy's previous moments and the knight talking casually.

"Hm?" Dante looked back and felt a sly gaze hitting his back slightly. "What's up, kid?" Simon asked, and Dante just replied lightly: "I felt someone watching me; take a look later and let me know." He replied, completely changing the atmosphere. He clearly already understood that his position was given because of Valentina and Morgana.

"Of course, Master," Simon bowed and snapped his fingers, and two women completely dressed in black clothes and white masks appeared from Simon's shadows. "Keep an eye on the young master's rear."

"Understood," they said and disappeared with the wind, and Dante hardly cared about the two figures.

"Good," he continued walking with his hands behind his back while whistling lightly. He was in a good mood, and it wouldn't be a mere peek that would throw him off.

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