My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 32: The freedom I wanted

Dante was immersed in thoughts as he was escorted by a group of mercenaries his mother had previously hired to ensure his son's safety.

Despite trusting his son's abilities, the world's evils had begun to emerge slightly as various information was being traded by malicious mercenary groups, and dark guilds were resurfacing.

Since becoming just a common vampire, the group consisted of a coachman and two guards who said nothing. For Dante, it was even surprising to see such a small caravan, as he had always been surrounded by powerful women.

None of the people in this group were authorized to speak to Dante. They just had to leave Dante at the entrance of the city of Kryoris, and their payment would be made directly at the Hellsing Guild branch.

Until now, Dante wanted to understand why Valentina had a guild. Her status was very strange; he didn't really feel that she was the strongest female vampire that existed. On the contrary, everything seemed more confusing.

His entire life was confusing, so he just wanted to enjoy it while he still had time, and that would start now.

Dante now had strong thoughts on how he could hide his powers in a way that could keep the eyes of other students away. He didn't want too much attention, and even with his changed appearance, his powers were still the real problem. He didn't know how to hide them.

Dante couldn't use his mother's flames because they were too characteristic, just as he couldn't use sacred flames precisely because he was a vampire, and vampires didn't have the Hero's aura. So, Dante would have to rely only on his physical ability and the magic he learned from Morgana.

"What a hassle." While watching the carriage approach a reasonably large line, he sighed, thinking about how long he would have to wait to enter the city.

"We'll be here all day." He closed his eyes while meditating. Meditation helps improve breathing and mana concentration in his body. Unfortunately, he felt that something in his body didn't fit with this method; it was as if there was a missing gear in the machine he was trying to make work.

Dante adopted this method that his mother taught him. However, Morgana taught about mana veins. Dante then created a new method, merging the two modes, but it was still very flawed. He felt constant discomfort when using this method he called "Complete Circulation," where breathing and mana circulation occurred at a constant rhythm, forming an infinite cycle that channels and enhances his veins.

The ability to breathe increases every time he does this; it's as if his lungs are always in a greater flow to improve his breath and internal stamina, increasing the work of his organs and thus accelerating his metabolism. This helps in the development of his body and veins as a whole.

However, as it is not yet complete, he has some problems, such as his mana core becoming unstable, and his body ceases to absorb mana for a while.

While mana enters the veins, improving the entire circulatory system of blood and mana, strengthening the body completely, the strengthening can give the "boost" needed for the improvement and refinement of techniques, and so on. But his mana has a constant surge, disrupting the process.

When the technique is performed, the body will enter refinement again, and then mana will strengthen him in large surges, making both body and mana unstable, and this problem can overload his magic core.

This was a problem.

A unique method created from the foundation Dante built with his own hands, sweat, and blood, but it lacked refinement. He had to think about how to overcome this barrier alone again.

Hours passed as Dante continued to meditate, and finally, it was time to enter the world capital, the city most concentrated in power in the whole world.

Dante passed through the Arches of Destiny, the main gate of the city of Kryoris, and finally fell into the main street.

He never needed to say anything, and the mercenaries did everything for him. It was really convenient, as he hardly knew what to do in this situation. It was the first time he went out alone without a direction or security by his side to take care of his needs.

Dante saw his eyes fill with satisfaction at that scene, taken directly from a medieval painting.

"Finally, alone." With a long sigh, he puffed out his chest and moved forward, entering the Most Popular City of the Present.

Different races, colors, sizes, and ages, all kinds of people could be seen, Catskins, Werewolves, Witches, Vampires, and Demi-humans coexisting with each other, even with some disagreements among each race.

Really a painting that could only be seen in an RPG.

"I'm finally here; I hope they won't bother me so soon..." Dante said as he thought about two specific women...

"Now, let's explore!" He moved forward like an excited child.

It was the first time alone and interacting completely with the world; previously, he only went to places controlled by his mother, where she had total control, and everyone treated him like a great Lord.

But Dante never wanted things like that. He felt useless most of the time simply because he was someone of High Status. But he never lost his desire to venture into the world and learn more about everything.

Dante wanted to live more, learn more, enjoy more, and above all, be proud to live the way he really wanted in this life.

In recent weeks, every day he had dreamed of moments from his past life where he suffered some trauma related to school. He couldn't remember perfectly, but it was still there, and it began to generate insecurities beyond what was expected. So this was his moment to prove to his past self that all this was just bad luck for being born in the wrong world; it was time to live the way he really wanted!

At this moment, he was walking through the streets, observing the buildings and shops. He saw something that caught his attention, a small stall selling Fried Squid, something he had never tasted in his entire life.

"Hmm... I'm going to take the opportunity to get to know the cuisine of this world." Convinced, he went to the stall and saw an old woman he had met before.

He immediately recognized that damned old woman!

"Margaret!" Dante said when he saw the old woman who once held him before selling him to that scary red-haired woman.

The kind woman turned around and looked at the boy but couldn't recognize him. "Oh, who would you be, little one? Have we met? I don't remember encountering such a handsome young man."

"Of course, I know you; you sold me!" Dante said, provoking the old woman who was slightly shocked by the boy's assertion. She raised an eyebrow with wide-open eyes and tried to analyze the boy again.

"Don't you remember your biggest sale, huh?" The boy said, and the old woman didn't understand; she really didn't remember. "Slow old woman, Valentina Scarlet." Dante said, and the woman fell back slightly in fear.

"Hey, hey, calm down, I'm not my mother, okay?" Dante said, seeing the old woman almost have a heart attack in front of him; obviously, he didn't want anyone to die.

"How do you remember me?" She said in shock, as if a baby would remember her.

'Oh, it's true, she thinks I was just a baby; I have to make up something.'

"My mother told me; thank you, old lady, you gave me the best wife of all!" Dante said, leaving Margaret in even greater shock.


"Oh yes, we did the wedding ritual; now I'm her husband." Dante said lightly; the woman was too shocked while trying to understand the absurdity that the boy had said; it was really absurd.

"Absurd!" Margaret was still stuck in human thoughts, so such a reaction.

"Ah, relax there; I'm fine, you know? Now sell me a squid. It's the first time I've been out there; that crazy woman is too overprotective of her precious possessions." Dante said, pointing to the grilled squid in the small stall's showcase.

"It's 2 Copper Aurins, Young Master." She said immediately; she was a merchant! She wouldn't give a squid for free to a little boy she sold!

"Oh, yes, of course, here." Dante threw two copper coins on the counter and took the squid from Margaret's hand.

"See you later, old lady, and don't sell any more children to dangerous women." Dante said, waving back, leaving several stares directly at the older woman.

"What are you looking at! That was more than ten years ago!" She shouted at some merchants who were nearby, looking with unpleasant looks.

'I'm going to kill you, boy!' She cursed to herself, as if she could do anything when he was the husband of that woman.

'Who got the wife was me! Screw off, old hag, you almost condemned my life!' Dante thought as he walked past other stalls, and he saw the merchants slightly raise their eyebrows and stare at the old woman.

'Hehe,' he chuckled.

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