Magi’s Grandson

Vol 3 Chapter 44

In fact, various things were made again

After the engagement party, Sicily and I returned to our individual rooms.

Im telling the truth!

At her parents house, and with her parents currently living under the same roof I dont have the courage to do that kind of thing!

Good morning, s.h.i.+n-kun.

The next day, on the way to the dining room, I met up with Sicily.

She greeted me with a somewhat different smile compared to yesterday.

Good morning, Sicily. Also, today You seem even more beautiful.

Fufu Thank you very much.

Oh, Sicily didnt turn feverish.

Sicily You

Maria seemed to have sensed something.

Haaa I didnt think that Sicily would the first one to climb the stairs of adulthood

Wha! What are you saying, Maria!

Its exactly what it seems, something probably happened between you and s.h.i.+n, right?

So-something, you say

I thought that she wouldnt suddenly become hurry-scurry, but as I expected, she did after all.

Gus, who just entered, looked at what was happening with a smile before retorting.

s.h.i.+n You, I feel repulsed looking at you

Those things aside, onii-sama! Sicily-san is acting strange!

Ah, about that s.h.i.+n, what did you do?

Wh-what, you ask?

Even though youre incompetent, your hands move quickly.

What are you saying

Good grief

Gus let out a sigh, and he moved his mouth closer to my ear before muttering.

Did you properly use contraception?

Idi! You idiot! I didnt go to that extent!!

I see, so you have indeed planned to go that far.

Pla! Planning!

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d As expected of the black-hearted Prince He had actually planned so far ahead to get a confession!

No Its because s.h.i.+n-dono is easy to understand

Eh? Is that so?

Ugh Really, s.h.i.+n-kun!

Ah, Im sorry Sicily.

I wonder if she wanted to keep what happened last night a secret?

Although it was immediately found out!

Hawawa, its a love affair between adults!

Thats why I said, May-chan! For someone whos just ten years old, you cannot speak of love affairs!

You guys, why are you people making so much noise at this place?

If you dont hurry up and eat breakfast, wont it will turn cold?

The group of adults appeared on the corridor while we were making noise.

Thats right, it would be bad if I dont hurry up and send Uncle Dis and Cecil-san to the Royal Castle.

Good morning, everyone, Your Majesty.

Irene-san was already waiting inside the dining room.

The dining room which was arranged differently because of yesterdays party was already returned to normal.

As I thought, the level servants of the Claude House is high!

Oh, my? What happened, Sicily, for your face to turn so red?

N-no! Nothing happened!

Hmmm, is that so? Other than that, everyone please hurry and have your meal.

And so, the usual members plus additional guardians started eating breakfast.

And while we were sitting down, Gus brought up a topic we once talked about.

By the way, s.h.i.+n, its about the ceremony of the official invest.i.ture to become the Crown Prince.

Ah, now that you said it, there was that.

The ceremony will take place in a week.

Heeeh, is that so.

Because of that, Im sorry but I would like for you to hold your engagement party before then.

Eh? Why?

After the ceremony of the invest.i.ture of the Crown Prince is over, it will be a public holiday and the Royal Capital will be having a festival for a while. Since thats the case, your engagement party will become really late.

Ah, so its like that.

Viscount and Viscountess Claude, since thats the case, although theres not much time, I ask of you to please make the preparations.

Certainly, Your Highness.

In that case, Claude, take some time off to make preparations. I will let the office know in your behalf.

Could I really do that!? Thank you very much!

Thank you for your consideration. Dear, I will take care of the preparations for the party, and Ill leave it to you to make a list of the invited guests.

I-I understand, you can leave it to me.

Cecil-san was pressured by Irene-sans aura So this person will end up becoming my mother-in-law

s.h.i.+n-kun Youre not thinking of something impolite, are you?

No! I am not thinking about anything like that!

Scary! Irene-san is super scary!

Sicily, after the training camp, there are a lot of things to be done for the engagement party, such as picking out a dress and choosing your accessories. So do your best.

Yes, mother.

In addition, because youre getting engaged before Cecilia and Sylvia Please be prepared.

Uhh Yes

Cecilia? Sylvia?

Theyre my first and second daughter.

I was probably making an inquisitive expression, so Cecil-san told me.

Now that I think about it, except for Sicily, s.h.i.+n-kun hasnt met any of our children?

Yes, although I did hear about them Do they not live in the house?

Its because the three of them have already become independent, they are living in dormitories away from the house, or rent a house of their own.

Three of them? Ah! The older brother!

What is the name of the older brother-in-law?

Hmm? Ah, its Royce. Royce von Claude, for now, we have planned for him to become the heir to the Claude House

Whats wrong?

Nothing really about our children, Sicily, and the other girls have entered the Advanced Magic Academy. Cecilia and Sylvia also joined the Magic Division Only Royce, however, graduated from the Advanced Economic and Law Inst.i.tute Although he has a good head, he feels like he has lost to his sisters in physical strength In any case, he lacks confidence.

I-Is that how it is The girls of the Claude House is scary!




No, its nothing at all! Un!

I feel like theres a strange power coming out of Sicily!

Eh, Your Majesty! Its it about time we leave for the Royal Castle!?

Oh, thats right. Since thats the case, Im counting on you, s.h.i.+n-kun.

Y-yeah. I understand.

Ah, which reminds me.

What is it?

About that communication magic tool s.h.i.+n-kun showed me, can you prepare two or three more of those?

Its fine. Since I have some of them on me, do you want it now?

Oh, it will be a great help! Because of whats happening in the Empire, its really hard to communicate with other bordering countries. It wont be right for our Kingdom to monopolize the magic tool s.h.i.+n-kun made.

I took out three of the magic tools I made and handed them over to Uncle Dis.

Wait just a second What are those, s.h.i.+n?

Huh? Nothing really, its because I heard that its difficult to gather intelligence of whats happening in the Empire, I thought that it would be convenient if there was a long distance communication tool, so I


Ah, did I not tell everyone about it?

To explain how it works, I showed the magic tool to everyone.

The form is a telephone made from two cans and a piece of string.

The cup part is the Voice Transmission and Reception, and once magic is directed into it, communication is possible.

I thought that the magic tool was nice and easy to use, and the structure of the communication device itself was simple. This is more enough if its just talking and listening to other peoples voices.

With this Can someone go outside the dining room to test it out?

Yes! I want to go!

May-chan raised her hand looking really cheerful.

Ah! I was too late!

Alice, you cant be too childish, since youre the older sister, please concede it to her.

Thats right. Since this will also serve the purpose of training May-chan how to use magic tools, can I leave it to you?

I did it!

Grandma, can you go with May-chan?

Ah I dont really mind

With a complicated expression, grandma left the dining room with May-chan.

Alice, can I count on you on this side?

I did it! Leave it to me!

Then, just like what you would do to use other magic tools, please direct your magic power to it.


Wa! I can hear a voice!

Eh? Princess May?

Eh? Are you Alice-oneechan?

Thats right? But Princess May, where are you right now?

Im in my room.

She sure went somewhere far!

From that place!?

Then, May-chan, we will cut off the magic source from here, and switch with May-chan. Grandma, please teach her.

Y-yeah. I understand

Now then, cut off your magic power, Alice.


And after a while.

Umm, can you hear me?

Yeah, its alright, we can hear you loud and clear, May-chan.

I did it! I was able to use a magic tool for the first time.

While May-chan sounded pleased with herself, a lot of questions were asked by the surrounding people.

Wait a minute, s.h.i.+n! What is this? Although Princess May was so far away, we could still talk to her!?

s.h.i.+n-dono, you once again made something really unbelievable.

With this, it would be easier to gather intelligence. This is wonderful.

Ehh~? Walford-kun, I really dont understand you anymore!

I wonder if it was close to the end of the joint training sessions with the Knight Academy? that I heard from Gus that it was really problematic to gather intelligence about the activities of the Old Empire. So I thought maybe I could do something about it.

While I was explaining the process, grandmas expression changed and jumped at me.

s.h.i.+n! You once again made something outrageous!

Gra-grandma I cant breathe

Grandmother! Please calm down!

Huff~! Puff~! s.h.i.+n! What exactly is this!

It is as you see A magic tool you can use to talk to other people even at a long distance.

Something like this The dream of Enchantment magic was this easily

Ah, thats right, thats how it is

This, with this transceiver, when I used enchantment on this connecting thread I managed to succeed creating the Voice Transmission and Reception

This is a large spider silk you got from a demon?

Ah, as expected of grandma, you are absolutely right.

Thats right, the string that I used as a transmission line was a silk thread I got from a spider that turned into a demon.

I expected it when I was looking at the uniforms enchanted with magic, and when I tried using the demonic spiders thread as a magic tool, it was a success.

Although I say that its a demonic spider, its not a two meters or three meters demon. At most, its size is twenty centimeters, and when you capture it alive, it will continue to spit yarn with magic power.

And if you use those thread full of magic power to make clothes, the clothes will be of high quality

No way, to use a magic thread this way So it was the stereotypical concept that magic threads should be used to make clothes prevented us from making this

Thats right, everyone thinks that magic threads are strictly used to make clothes.

I knew that everyone was looking at me dubiously when I went inside a clothing store and asked for a magic thread.

However, with this thing, s.h.i.+n-kun and His Highness doesnt have to go to the Royal Castle every day

Although Sicilys question is reasonable, theres still a big problem with this.

This thing, if it doesnt connect, theres no meaning to it. Thats why even with the Intel Unit, we still need people to stand-by on the other side of the line in order for this to work properly.

I guess thats only natural, but if we were to do that

Thats right, it will take some time. It is dangerous work to gather information about the Old Empire, and in addition, it takes a long time to communicate with the other neighboring countries.

In order to use this for long distance communication, a large-scale infrastructure is needed to bury the line underground and maintain it.

Although it will eventually be convenient to use the magic tool to contact the towns from the Royal City and vice-versa, but right now, it can only be used for emergency communication purposes.

This is amazing Im sure that this would make a lot of profit.

It cannot be sold just like that It wouldnt be strange if a fight for the rights over this breaks out.

Theres no need to worry about that, Melinda-s.h.i.+, this magic tool has already been registered under s.h.i.+n-kuns name. And since it has received the recognition of the royal family, a fight wont break out.

Diseum! What are you trying to do promoting s.h.i.+ns reckless behavior!

Eh? Ah, Im very sorry!

Grandma is amazing, she even scolded the King.

Uncle Dis, why are you so weak against grandpa and grandma? Even though youre the King.

What is this, s.h.i.+n, you didnt know about it?

About what?

I am fathers first child, but dont you think that father doesnt look all that old?

Now that you mention it, youre right.

I did hear that the royal family and other aristocrats marry really early, and even though Uncle Dis is Gus father, hes still relatively young. And I didnt quite believe that he already had a child at that age

About Diseum when he graduated from the Advanced Magic Academy, he accompanied us to live a vagabond life.

Back then, he was treated as an apprentice or rather, a maid so I think its a little too late to treat him with respect.

Hahaha I was overworked severely

Uncle Dis has a far away look in his eyes He probably was severely overworked.

Or rather, werent you the Crown Prince back then? What were you doing Uncle Dis!

Apparently, at that time, because he left his position as the Crown Prince behind, Mother, who was his fiancee at that time, still cant get over that fact.

Un, you reap what you sow.

Haha my ear hurts. That matter aside, Melinda-s.h.i.+, I do believe that this magic tool is necessary for this world. It is not necessary for just our country but other countries as well, and I plan to popularize it. Im am very sorry about this, but please give your approval.

Although grandma was looking bitter when she heard those words, she approved of it before long.

A communication device for the Kingdoms military I dont think its a good idea to give such a young person so much money.

I think its probably fine since s.h.i.+n is already an adult, lets just consider this an excellent way for him to earn an income.

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Nice follow, grandpa! Besides, Im already engaged to Sicily, so I need to make some income, un!

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