Magi’s Grandson

Vol 2 Chapter 43

Receiving Blessings

May-chan finally agreed when I told her that I would let her fly using Floating Magic tomorrow.

I will definitely wear pants tomorrow!

It looks like she made up her mind to join the training in the wilderness again tomorrow.

Although Im fine with it, but since you came to a hot spring resort and all, are you sure youre okay with this?

Un~ Rather than going to the hot springs, its more fun to be with you guys!

Well, I guess if the child says so, then its all good. For May-chan, it might be better for her to stay with everyone.

As you have seen today, you should be able to understand that we were seriously practicing magic. Thats why, make sure you dont become an obstruction, okay?

I do understand! I will also be taught magic by Melinda-sama so its all good!

Youll probably be just troubling Melinda-dono.

Ah, you dont have to worry about me. Im free anyway whenever Merlin is conducting his lecture. So, its no problem for me to watch over May-chan.

Im really sorry about this, Melinda-dono.

On the other hand, I also gave you some difficulties looking after s.h.i.+n. Since shes a girl, it would be pleasant to take care of her.

But, I, on the other hand, dont remember having any difficulties looking after s.h.i.+n.

Grandpa and grandma looked like they were experiencing nostalgia thinking about the time when I was small.

s.h.i.+n-kun when he was small, I wonder what kind of child he was?

Hearing their words, Sicily seemed to have gotten interested and asked about how I was like when I was a child.

Thats right Although its fine for me to talk about those times, but s.h.i.+n, Your Highness. Please finish up what you need to do first. There are still some things that are needed to be said to Sicilys parents.

When that was brought up, the conversation was postponed for the time being.

With my parents, you say?

Yes, since your House is part of the n.o.bility, right? In that case, we should talk about the engagement. But before that, there are some things they need to know about.

Yes I understand.

Is it about that? The fact that Im not grandpa and grandmas real grandson?

Now that I think about it, I havent told anyone else.

It looks like grandma is intending to tell everyone sometime during this celebration.

So there was actually that plan all along, grandpa?

Hohho, this is the first time Ive heard of it

It seemed like grandpa wasnt told a thing about it.

Grandma has seized all the initiative.

I can clearly visualize it, her being moved to tears during the marriage ceremony

After I sent everyone to the mansion, I opened Gate once more and connected it to the Royal Castle.

Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness, Walford-san.

The same guard I met this morning greeted us.

Hey, Ive been waiting for you, s.h.i.+n-kun.

And as I expected, Uncle Dis was already waiting there.

As I thought, youll be here.

As you thought?

Irene-san said it earlier that Cecil-san would probably spread it to everyone in his workplace, and naturally, that includes Uncle Dis as well.

Certainly He was boasting about it to everyone at the office

And so, because Uncle Dis would also probably come, she told everyone to prepare for it.

s.h.i.+n-kun, is it okay if I go inside the Royal Castle?

You cant do that! If you do then

No! Dont tell anyone else! Haaa Shell probably get angry

Pl-please do your best

There are a lot of people around me who have strong wives.

Is it possible that everyone has the same circ.u.mstances?

What is it, s.h.i.+n-kun?


Father is also no match for Mother.

As I thought, its like that after all.

Wha! Why are you exposing that for!?

Oh, Im really sorry. Since its s.h.i.+n, I just accidentally

When I thought that I finally had the chance to talk to my son

Since hes so black-hearted, you were surprised.

Hey, what do you mean black-hearted.

Its completely black.

How amazing, to think that you can actually interact with His Highness and His Majesty?

Cecil-san and the Soldiers on guard were surprised. They dont usually see such scenes.

Now that I think about it, where are Sieg-niichan and Chris-neechan?

Ah, arent we going there by Gate? In addition, Magi-dono, Guru-dono, and s.h.i.+n-kun will be there, so its not necessary to bring guards along.

I guess thats true.

In addition, since there will be a formal announcement and engagement party held here in the Royal Capital, itll be fine to invite them then.

Are you doing it at such a large scale?

Its only natural. The parties involved are an aristocrat and the newly inaugurated hero. The world wont be convinced if you dont hold a formal engagement party to announce it.

Haaa, are you serious

I am serious. Or rather, we should get going soon. If we are delayed, Merlin-dono will end up worrying.

Ah, yeah, I understand.

Then, the other side it probably ready and waiting for us, please prepare yourselves.

Yes! I understand!

Although were finally ready to head to the mansion in Claude town, but

Ah, sorry Uncle Dis, theres a place I want to go to first, so please wait for me.

What is it? Its fine if we go together.

Its fine! Ill come back immediately, so please wait for me!

When I said that, I quickly finished up what I needed to do and went back to the Royal Castle.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Then, lets go.

This time, we went to the mansion in Claude Town.

As I thought, its really convenient.

Then shall I send you to the territory the next time you need to come here?

Ah Although its an attractive offer, I cannot accept it.

Eh? Why is that?

Thats because, s.h.i.+n-kun, aristocrats will always go to their territory from the Royal City. And from their territory, they come to the Royal City. And during their journey, they will definitely stop by different places.

Uncle Dis answered my question.

The movements of aristocrats are always being watched. And we cannot ignore the economic effect that occurs in our territory.

Hee, so its like that.

In addition, for aristocrats, its important to interact with their territories stewards.

So there was such a thing.

It sure is difficult being an aristocrat.

Thats why it was really helpful to receive this magic tool from s.h.i.+n-kun. Thank you.

No need, if its just something like that, I can make you as many as you want.

Is that the truth? If thats the case, Im really thankful. Of course, I will pay for it.

About that, I dont really mind that kind of thing.

I cannot accept it just like that. And also, if I dont pay for it

If you dont pay for it?

It would be as if hes selling his own daughter for magic tools.


When I heard what Uncle Dis said, I started to doubt my hearing.

Although its regretful, its exactly as His Majesty had said. This world doesnt only consist of good people, especially now that the seat of the Vice Minister of the Finance Bureau is vacant. And there are a lot of people aiming for that seat.

I see, Cecil-san is also someone part of the Finance Bureau. I guess he also wants to aim for the vacant seat. A fight for a bureaucratic post Even though its a different world, it doesnt look like those kinds of things changes.

I understand. However, the offer still stands, and Ill give it to you at a bargain price. That is something I wont budge on.

Is that so Thank you.

While we were having a conversation in the entrance hall, a servant noticed us.

Y-your Majesty! Master!

When all the servants heard that voice, they hurriedly gathered in the entrance hall and knelt.

And then Irene-san came out from inside and bowed gracefully.

Welcome and thank you for coming all the way here, Your Majesty. We were expecting you.

Today, I came here as a normal member of the public to partic.i.p.ate in the celebration and congratulate s.h.i.+n-kun. Theres no need to be so formal.

Yes, by your leave. And also Dear.


We will talk later.


Im so sorry Cecil-san I wasnt I wasnt able to save you

Coincidentally, the preparations are complete, please come to the dining room. Ah, as for s.h.i.+n-kun, please come this way.

Why is that?

Of course, so that you can change your clothes, as well as make an appearance together with Sicily.

I feel like this is getting more and more important!

Well then, please get changed and wait in this room. Ill immediately call for Sicily to come here.

When she said, Irene-san immediately pushed me into a vacant room and went to call Sicily.

After I put on the white s.h.i.+rt and white trousers with military blue lining, I started to get restless.

While I was being fidgety, someone suddenly knocked on the door.


When I answered and opened the door, the person standing there was

With an updo hairstyle and wearing a light blue dress, Sicily was waiting there.

On Sicilys dress, there were frills all over it, which seems popular right now, and hair and accessories make her look more mature. Because of that imbalance, it makes her look even more cute.

U-umm s.h.i.+n-kun?

While I was absentmindedly looking at her, Sicily called out to me.

A-ah, Im sorry. I was fascinated for a moment because you look so cute.

Ehh Th-thank you very much. s.h.i.+n-kun also looks really attractive.

Is that true?

Its the truth. Or rather, what you thought about me, were you telling the truth?

Yeah, because you look so cute, my heart is pounding.




I forgot that Irene-san was standing right there!

I understand that its because you guys have a good relations.h.i.+p, but in a while, please head to the dining room.

After she said that while smiling, Irene-san left us alone.

There was someone else around But if there wasnt anyone else, I have a feeling I wouldnt be able to stop myself.

After we mutually looked at each other, we started smiling bitterly and I asked her what was on my mind earlier.

Sicily, although we just start going on, and then to suddenly get engaged, does Sicily not have any objections?

Yes. Although I was fl.u.s.tered a little while ago, I am, after all, a daughter of an aristocrat, so I have prepared myself. In addition, I will be getting engaged to a person I like. If anything, I am really happy about it.

When she said that, she eyes started to moistened and she started to smile.



Umm If you guys are going to do that, please take your time to do it later

A maid who stayed behind was still there!

Ah, Im sorry.

Ugh, what have I done again

Thats why I say, step on the brakes! Theres still someone else around!

Then, let us head off.

The place where maid-san led us to was the place we always had our meals, the dining room.

The usual chairs and tables were removed, and it has been transformed into a buffet style party.

The level of servants of the Claude House is also high!

When we entered the dining room, everyone welcomed us with applause.

Does everyone have their Now then, let us commence the party to celebrate the start of the relations.h.i.+p between my friends, Merlin-dono and Melinda-dono, grandson, s.h.i.+n-kun, and the daughter of Viscount Claude, Sicily, as well as their engagement.

Diseum, wait just a moment.

Yes? What is it, Melinda-s.h.i.+.

When you declare that, these children will be officially engaged. Although it would be a joyous event Viscount and Viscountess Claude.


What is it, Melinda-sama?

There are some things that we must tell you before anything else.

Its probably about that.

If we dont tell you these things, we would feel like were deceiving you. Because it would be painful for us, please listen.

I-I understand.

After seeing grandma looking very serious, Cecil-san felt overwhelmed as he replied.

And then grandma started talking about my early life.

s.h.i.+n is actually not our real grandchild.

When everyone heard those unexpected words, the entire party hall was wrapped in silence.

It happened about 15 years ago. I discovered a carriage that had been attacked by a demon and was exterminated.

Grandpa started talking about the day he picked me up.

There was no one left alive Thats what I thought because of the terrible scene I saw. I approached the wrecked carriage because I thought, at the very least, to hold a funeral. At that time I found that a little baby managed to miraculously survive.

Because of the shocking contents of the story, everyone seemed to cant get any words out. They listened to grandpas story in silence.

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I picked up that baby For various reasons, I thought that it was destiny and I decided to raise the child.

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