Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 93- Red’s a Genius

Chapter 93- Red’s a Genius

[Fia POV]

I spent the rest of the night and a bit of the next day relaxing with Rasu as we watched Keeno.  While what Rasu told her earlier managed to get her to focus her anger at Falheim to something specific, it seems that it was just a small bandage on the larger problem.  Though, from our perspective, the anger Keeno was feeling is starting to seem strange to even her.  She hasn’t realized it fully yet, but she’s noticed that even she is way too angry.

{Fia, what could it be?}

“I don’t know, Rasu, but at least we managed to extend the meltdown timer.” (Fia)

“Miss Amaterasu…who is this?” (???)

The third, unexpected voice made me turn around quickly and prepare some magic when Rasu spoke.

{Hello, Red.  This is Fia, my Sun Apostle.}

The young wolf girl approached me somewhat timidly before circling around me.

“Smell reminds me of…big sis Keeno.” (Red)

{Your speech is getting better too.}

“Mother has been…teaching Red and…helping with talking…want to keep it secret…so Red can surprise big sis Keeno, Pram, and Freya.” (Red)

{Then we’ll keep our mouths shut on this.}

“Thank you.” (Red)

Red then walked up to Rasu and wrapped herself up in a few of her tails like it was the most natural thing in the world.

“…” (Fia)

“Want to join Red?” (Red)

“…” (Fia)

Rasu just smiled and offered up a few more of her tails.  I silently just walked over and placed myself comfortably in the fluffy embrace.


“Mofu, mofu♪” (Red)

“What’s that?” (Fia)

“Red doesn’t know…just something Red has heard in dreams before…seemed fitting.” (Red)

“It does sound fitting, though I also feel like it has some…interesting connections to it.” (Fia)


“What?” (Fia)

{Nothing, just seems the two of you are getting along very quickly.}

“She gives off…same feeling as big sis Keeno…so, Red trusts her…Red has also been working on…trusting more.” (Red)

“And I don’t see why I should be hostile to someone that you let this close AND is also Keeno’s Apostle.” (Fia)

“Valkyrie.” (Red)

“I mean Valkyrie.” (Fia)

{Hehehe.  Red, calm down or your tail is going to get tangled in mine.}

“Red can’t help it.” (Red)

“Shall we tell Keeno that Red is here?” (Fia)

{Do you want to, Red?}

“Not yet…but Red won’t mind seeing…big sis again.” (Red)

Rasu nodded and the mirror appeared again.

“Nn?  Big sis is…different…angry.” (Red)

Red started frowning when she saw Keeno.

“Why is big sis…letting all the grudges…affect her?” (Red)

“Eh?” (Fia)


“Don’t know?” (Red)

“We know what grudges are, but why are you saying they are affecting Keeno?” (Fia)

{*Gasp!*Fia, it’s her Death Authority.  Dead Zones purify the souls of the dead, but not any of the grudge they may hold.  It doesn’t affect people normally, but Keeno is basically a giant vacuum for purifying even the grudge left behind.  Falheim being so closed off from the rest of the world pretty much made it like trapping everything in a jar and sealing the lid, and since Keeno has a little more of her Authorities unsealed since she took down Vanir’s Dead Zone, she can take in and purify more of the grudge, but since she’s never been exposed to so much, it’s starting to affect her.}

Rasu took a deep breath after saying all of that so quickly which allowed me to process what she said.

“So, how does she fix this?” (Fia)

“Can’t big sis…use her Death magic to do something?” (Red)

“Rasu, you are the Goddess of Magic, so, is there a way to do that?” (Fia)

{There are a few ways, yes, but it won’t do much for Keeno since there is so much concentrated grudge in Falheim that any progress she makes will just instantly be replaced.  It would be like trying to scoop a pit out of the ocean with a teacup.}

“Hmm.  Oh, Red, how did you know it was the grudge affecting Keeno?” (Fia)

“Red has seen it before.  It didn’t happen…often, but…sometimes people that normally were…calm and meek would…suddenly go on a rampage…spewing hate that they never had before.” (Red)

{Honestly, I’m surprised we didn’t figure that out, Fia.}

“Well, it isn’t a problem we would normally think of due to it being simple.” (Fia)

{That’s true.  And I should teach Keeno some of those spells, it may not be super effective, but it should give her some reprieve.}

Rasu waved her hand again.


“Ama?  What is it?” (Keeno)

{Fia and I have come up with another reason you’re so mad and I’m going to teach you a spell to hopefully grant you some reprieve for just a little while.  It won’t perfectly appease you, but it should help.}

Rasu then went over a Death Magic spell for clearing grudges.  After explaining its effect and how to use it properly, Keeno attempted it, but since it was her first try, it failed.  We continued to watch Keeno for a few hours while Rasu and I continued to give her pointers.  She eventually figured it out and when she did, all of us present saw a noticeable improvement in Keeno’s mood.

“My head feels way clearer now, though now that I know what’s going on I can feel the grudge coming back.  It’s annoying and I don’t like having all this messing with my head.” (Keeno)

“That’s completely understandable.” (Fia)

{Hmm.  Keeno, you’re still trying to make those Rune things work, right?}

“Yeah, though I’m still not making any progress.  I don’t know if it’s because they technically don’t exist here, or I haven’t put enough mana into them, or something else, but I am trying.” (Keeno)

{Well, why don’t you try making one that is for clearing grudges and wear it so that it can help keep your mind clear.}

“I’ll try, though I need to find something to write a rune on.  A normal rock won’t work since I’ve tried that before, but…hmmm.” (Keeno)

Keeno started to dive into her thoughts like she does so we left her to it.  Rasu cut the connection.

“…Big sis Keeno…needs to get out of that place…not good for her.” (Red)

I smiled at Red’s concern for Keeno and started to pat her on the head.

“Uheeee~” (Red)

{Thank you for being concerned for Keeno, Red, but she needs to get the Dead Zone there as well as finish off some things related to her past.}

“Nn…Red will give her pats next time Red sees her in person.” (Red)

This time Rasu joined in on the Red patting.  The rest of the day was mostly spent by me getting to know Red more while we all watched Keeno.  Once the day ended though, I decided I needed to head back to what I was doing.  After bidding farewell to Rasu and Red, I stepped though the door I used to get there and appeared back in the Church dedicated to Rasu in Valkyr.  I was about to step out of the church when someone walked inside.  They were wearing a dark cloak with a hood pulled over their face, though every so often there was a flash of a golden blond tail and the telltale sound of armor moving against other armor was heard.

“Lady Fiametta, I’ve heard you’ve been meaning to talk with someone in Valkyr.  I may not be someone of extreme importance, but I hope me, and my order will suffice.” (???)

The woman in the cloak flashed a crest at me.

“And here I thought the Radiant Knights were gone.  Let’s have a nice, long chat.” (Fia)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Hmm.

Tamamo: Something wrong, Luna?

Luna: Just trying to figure out how Keeno is going to make Runes work.  I’m pretty sure she can use some of that excess Divinity she’s got flowing around inside her, but not how she can go about it.

Order: That’s a good theory.  Maybe something to do with the material?

Luna: That’s a good idea, maybe something old or with some kind of history to it would work, though those are mortal concepts, so who knows.

Tamamo: Well, it is a different world, so who can say that things don’t work like that there?

Luna: Also true.  Oh this is fun.

Tamamo and Order: Endeed.

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