Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 92- Amaterasu’s Worries

Chapter 92- Amaterasu’s Worries

[Amaterasu POV]

It’s been a few days since Keeno and the others got into Falheim, and over this time I’ve been getting increasingly worried. While I do understand, Keeno has been getting angrier and angrier the further into the country she went. It’s getting to the point that one small thing will be enough to make her explode and I don’t want that to happen. While I have been trying to calm her down, it’s not really doing much.

{Fia…I need your help.}

Shortly after saying that, a shining door appeared and Fia stepped through it, and she also looked extremely upset.

{Gah! Why are both of you like this today!?}

“What do you mean, Rasu?” (Fia)

{Why are you so mad!?}

“Because those idiots won’t let me meet with anyone important!  None of them were even alive when I made that desert of ash, so why are they still holding a grudge!?” (Fia)


Fia fumed for a few more minutes before taking a deep breath and calming down.

“So, what fixed you to call me here?” (Fia)

{I don’t know what to do. At the rate it’s going, Keeno is going to end up doing something she will regret, but she’s barely even listening to me.}

“Where is she now?” (Fia)


“…Oh……hmmm.  Can you let me see her the way you do?” (Fia)

I waved my hand and an illusory mirror appeared with Keeno centered in it.  She was currently sitting a small distance away from a campsite watching the suns set.  Just by seeing her face, I could tell things were getting increasingly volatile.

“I see what you mean now.” (Fia)

{It’s just, all of this anger…it’s misplaced.  Yes, she has a right to be angry, but not at EVERYTHING in Falheim.  Sure, I may be saying something hypocritical, but it’s too much.}

“Is she at least still thinking rationally?” (Fia)

{For the most part, though like I said, she’s barely listening to me when I try to bring up her being angry.}

Just then, a few people tried to approach Keeno, but when they called out to her and she looked at them, they froze up and pretty much ran away.

“Cowards.” (Keeno)

“…” (Fia)

{*Sigh*What am I going to do, Fia?}

I slumped down and started hugging one of my tails.

“I’d say she should see a town or something so she can see that there is no reason to indiscriminately hate all of Falheim, but that can backfire extremely easily…Hmmmm.  AH!  What if you see what that sperm donor is doing and see if you can get her to focus all her anger on that?” (Fia)

{…I can try, though I feel like Keeno will just up and leave the group to go and hunt him down if I did that.}

“True, but what if you say that he is in a place that is impossible for her to get to without the help of an army?  Sure, she can take out a lot of people, but even she will get overwhelmed by the numbers eventually.  You said she is still thinking rationally, so saying that much should help alleviate some of the problems.” (Fia)

I nodded my head and waved my hand.  The image in the mirror changed.  We were looking into a dark underground room.  Water running down the bricks, washing away several liquids on the ground.  In the middle of the room was a man standing over a table with a woman strapped to it.  Both the man and the woman were extremely sick looking and not a single strand of hair could be seen on either of them.  The woman strapped to the table had nothing on, though her body was full of scars and fresh wounds while the man that looked more like a rat than a fox at this point had a crazed, nearly feral look on his face.

“Oh, my precious Leticia, I know this hurts you.  It hurts me as well, but the more of your blood I take, the more I feel that part of myself awaken.  Soon, I know I will have the power to kill even a god, and once I subjugate it, I will have it return you to your proper self.  HEhE.  Once I do that, I will find the mongrel and offer you its head.  KuaaHaahAhahAhaHA.  We will have everything we lost from that disgrace returned to us tenfold.” (Lucius)

Seeing what was displayed in the mirror, Fia and I were horrified and disgusted.

“Rasu, what kind of ritual is this?” (Fia)

{It isn’t one.  There is no magic or cursed ritual like this, I think he’s just gone insane, though looking at him, I can see that his draconic lineage is starting to awaken.  I don’t know why though; I never made any magic that could or should be able to do this.}

“Is it possibly some kind of Fiend magic?” (Fia)

{No, I would know if it was, but it isn’t…either his draconic bloodline is one of some kind of vampiric dragon, or…I see now.}

“Well, what is it?” (Fia)

{Dragons are very big on familial love, you know this.  What he is doing is destroying what he loves very slowly and deliberately, forcing the draconic aspects in him to come to the surface.  Of course, this is only happening because that is a value ingrained in the soul of a dragon and is passed down to any and all in their bloodline, no matter how diluted said blood is.  Of course, if we leave him to his own devices, he’ll end up killing himself, but not before he goes on a rampage.  While I know Keeno has no love for either of them, her anger will definitely be focused on him if we tell her what she’s doing because it’s a horrid act that she would consider a major sin.}

“Then what are we waiting for?” (Fia)

I waved my hand and Keeno came into focus again.


“…Yes Ama?” (Keeno)

{I know you don’t want to hear this from me again, but please listen.  Your anger is misplaced.  Yes, you can hate and feel angry about Falheim, but before long, you are going to do something to regret.}

“I’m trying to keep it in check, Ama.  It’s just, I keep remembering things and it makes me angry all over again.” (Keeno)

{That’s understandable, but that doesn’t mean you have to take that anger out on all of the unrelated people.  And besides, you should focus all your hate and anger on that sperm donor.}

“You saw something it was doing, didn’t you?” (Keeno)

{He’s torturing his wife, barely keeping her alive, all so that he can gain power enough to kill me and you.}

The second those words left my mouth, all the grass around Keeno started to burn.  It must be unbearably hot for the mortals around her right now.

{Keeno don’t just run off on your own, you won’t be able to reach him before you get done in by numbers alone.  You need an army, and those rebels are the best you can find unless you go and bring one from somewhere else or make one yourself.}

“…Ama…I’m going to burn his soul so much it will be completely destroyed.” (Keeno)

{And I’ll be there to witness it, but please, for your sake, keep your anger focused on him, and not all of Falheim.}

“I’ll see what I can do…but to think he would do something like that to someone he actually, if somewhat twistedly, loved.” (Keeno)

“It’s definitely something that needs to be dealt with.  I have faith in you, Keeno.” (Fia)

“Fia?” (Keeno)

{Yes, I called her here for something.}

“Alright.  Anyway, I should sleep some, I’ll talk to you both later.” (Keeno)

{Goodnight, my beloved.}

“Night, Keeno.” (Fia)

Once Keeno went to bed, I made the mirror vanish.

{Why do I feel like I just manipulated Keeno?}

“Because you love seeing her making her own decisions, but when you are the one that strongly suggests something to her and it seems like the only option, you feel bad.  Like you’re interfering too much.” (Fia)

{That perfectly describes it.}

“It does…Now, before I go back, there is something I want to ask of you, Rasu.” (Fia)

{What is it?}

“Can I meet this Red person?  I’d really like to meet Keeno’s first Apostle.” (Fia)

{Stay for a bit, she should be coming for her regular visit tomorrow.}

“Alright.” (Fia)

Chaos Realm:

*Loud booms and crashed coming from outside*

Luna: He’s really struggling, isn’t he?

Order: No, he just like making things dramatic.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just using magic to make those noises.

Luna: That’s something I can totally see happening.  Heck, I’d do it myself.

Tamamo: We all know you would, Luna.

*Suddenly all the noise stops and a few seconds later a note appears on the table*

‘Order, I beat the chaos quake, but the last hit sent me flying.  If I’m reading the trajectory right, I’ll end up at a friend’s place, so don’t worry about anything.  I’ll even pick up something for you and Astraea.’

Order: *quickly writes a reply that vanishes* And that takes care of that.

Luna: So, now what do we do?

Tamamo: Not sure.

Order: Want to have some girl talk?  We don’t get to do that very much.

Luna and Tamamo: Sure.

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