Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 66- Dead Zone Plan

Chapter 66- Dead Zone Plan

[Boss Salviento]

Sitting in my big cushy chair, staring out the window at the particularly stormy day today, I was listening to my underlings’ reports.  For the most part they were the same as yesterdays.  Small skirmishes here and there, debt collections and the people who either tried to pay less or not at all, names of those suspected of being traitors, names of those who wanted to join us from the other side, progress on how the newest members of the Family coming along in training.

“Has there been any news on Madam Fiametta’s sister?  Has she still not arrived?  Also, where have our contacts in the Guild gone?” (Boss)

“Sir, from what we can tell, the Guild contacts have been Hunted when they tried to come and report.”

“Tch.  The Hunter has been more active recently.  Send out more people to try get rid of that nuisance.” (Boss)

“Yes, Sir.”

That underling left to relay my orders when another stepped up.

“Sir, I have news from our rival.  They are quickly gathering a lot of people.  From our insiders, apparently the one we’ve been waiting for has appeared and they are going to try and kill her before she makes it to us.  Also, she is traveling with Lightblade Freya and The Hunter.”

“Hmm.  Go tell the one that just left to hold off relaying my previous order for the time being.  Instead tell him to spread out and search for Madam Fiametta’s sister at all costs.” (Boss)

“Yes, Si-”


A loud crashing sound came from behind the door.  I turned in my chair as the underling that was reporting to me turned and pulled out his sword, ready to defend me if needed.  After a few more crashing sounds, the door was kicked open and the one I just sent out came flying in, crashing into the other underling, and knocking both of them unconscious.  After that, SHE walked in.

A tall kitsune woman wearing a fine, Vanir-made suit walked in.  She was a stunningly beautiful woman with long silver hair tied in a ponytail, yet it still reached past her knees, yet it somehow managed to avoid her similarly silver tail.  The tips of her tail, ears, and the very end of her hair were a stunning, almost electric blue.  While very well hidden by her clothes, her figure was something that would make many women jealous, and many men fall.  Her face was well featured, though the cold, uncaring expression made even me shiver.  But the most eye-catching thing about her were her eyes.  Glowing blue irises that reminded me of the blue sun shining in a sea of pitch black.  They gave a feeling that you would die if you looked away from them for even a second as well as a sense that they saw all your secrets.

After walking far enough into the room, she was joined by two more people.  On her right side was a snow leopard girl that seemed to be around the same age as the kitsune.  Her silver hair, while not tied like the kitsune’s, was still long, ending just above her knees.  Her tail peeking out through it, yet unhindered all the same.  She also wore a Vanir-style suit, though her figure was more well hidden than the kitsune’s.  Her expression was just as cold as the kitsune’s as well, though it was easier to tell that it was just for appearance than anything.  Her grey eyes surveyed the room disinterestedly before landing on the two unconscious underlings.

‘A healer, huh.’ (Boss)

The third woman was a Vanir native that I knew of.  Lightblade Freya, last living member of the Falkyron Family.  I didn’t know how or why she met and was traveling with the kitsune, but I decided it didn’t matter as long as I could use her in the end.

“I’ve kept you waiting, huh.  Well, here I am.  Fiametta’s sister, Okami.  I don’t know what she told you, and I’m in a hurry here, so it’s time for you to take us to the Dead Zone.” (Okami)

“Direct and to the point, I like it.  Leaves no room for useless prattling.  I’ll have someone come and be your guide.” (Boss)

“No, you do it.  This is something too important to leave to some no-name mook.” (Okami)

“…I-” (Boss)

“This isn’t a negotiation.  It’s either yes, or yes after more…convincing.” (Okami)

I fought the urge to snap at the arrogant girl, but remembering what Fiametta did to those who badmouthed her and knowing this girl was most likely raised with similar teachings, I decided to play along.

“Fine…All I was going to ask for was a few minutes to make the preparations.” (Boss)

“That is acceptable.  Get whatever needs to be done, done and come on.  We’re already wasting time.” (Okami)

I got up from my chair and moved to exit the room.  Just as I passed by Okami, lightning flashed, and thunder roared.

*Meanwhile in another part of the city* *Rival Family main base*

[Red POV]

Red’s new Family had given Red a mission.  Eliminate enough enemies and draw out the leader.  Subdue the leader and get him to bring Red to the Dead Zone.  Let it slip that this is a test for him and that he will have a chance to best his rival.  Red will not disappoint Red’s new Family.  Red WILL get pats for a good job.

Red arrived at the location.  Red stalked around, looking for a place or opportunity to infiltrate.  It didn’t take long.  Red found two guards standing beside a grate on the wall of the compound.  One was leaning against the wall, a small plume of smoke coming from a paper in his mouth while the other had his stupid looking hat lowered over his eyes, light snores coming from him.  Lightning flashed and a short while later, thunder roared.  Red took this chance to go on the attack.  Red jumped down from the roof of the building Red was watching from.  While Red was falling, Red’s Soul Weapons appeared on the bottom of Red’s wrists.  Red landed between the two guards and, in one fluid motion, Red extended Red’s arms to the sides, and the blades extended, stabbing into the necks of the guards.  They silently fell to the ground, dead.  Red then opened the grate and climbed in before shutting it behind Red.

Red crawled silently through the tunnel, trying hard to make as little noise as possible in the small stream of water at the bottom of it.  Red followed the sounds of voices Red heard coming from somewhere further inside.  At one point, the tunnel slanted downward, and more water was flowing.  Red used two of Red’s knives and started to climb up the slope.  When Red got to the top, Red listened to see if there was anyone around before slowly raising the grate above Red.  Once Red was out, Red placed the grate back and looked around.  Red was now on the roof of the compound.  Moving slowly over to the side of the roof where voices were coming from, Red saw a large number of people gathering together.

“…30 people…all weak…Red can handle…leave five.”

Lightning flashed again and as soon as the thunder sounded, Red leapt from the roof and landed on one of the people, stabbing into his neck with Red’s Soul Weapon.  Red then rolled and threw several knives, killing each target.  Red then moved on and before they realized what had happened, six people were already dead.  When the others finally realized what was happening, they tried to attack Red, but Red was better.  Red dodged all of their attacks and managed to kill a few more who got too close.  Red’s ears twitched when a door slammed open and more people ran into the room.  Red then ran up to one of the enemies and used them to jump up onto a ledge and Red then disappeared into the shadows.


“The Hunter!  She infiltrated and took out some of our people!”


“She disappeared!  How are we supposed to find her when she disappears in the shadows!?  Have you ever fought her before!?”

“You’re all idiots.”

The one that burst into the area first raised his had to the sky and Red knew it would be a bad idea to let him finish whatever he was doing.

“I call on the power of fire.  Light up the world and become my hope.  Fla-*gurgle*”

Red threw one of Red’s knives from a new vantage point and it sunk into the enemy’s throat.  He fell to his knees after his hands instinctively went to his throat and soon after died.  After that, panic took over the group.  Red continued to fan the flames of the panic by moving from vantage point to vantage point, throwing knives and killing enemies until another loud sound came from a door being kicked out of the frame.


“B-boss it’s the-*gurgle gurgle*”

Red’s main target had finally shown himself.  Red made it to a vantage point above the boss and, after killing the one directly in front of him, jumped down and held a knife to his neck.

“Heh…Red superior……Families…inferior.” (Red)

“Don’t gloat yet, little gir-” (Boss)

“No talking…You will do…as Red says.” (Red)

Red held the knife closer to the leader’s neck and cut into it a little.

“What do you want, Hunter?” (Boss)

“Bring Red to…Dead Zone……is test for you…can get what you most want…if you listen.” (Red)

“…May I relay commands to my men?” (Boss)

“If a trick…say goodbye to life.” (Red)

“Stand down, all of you.  We will go and lead The Hunter to the Dead Zone.” (Boss)

“No…only you…and two others…no more.” (Red)

“Alright.  You and you, get ready, we’re heading to the Dead Zone.” (Boss)

The two that were just commanded bowed and ran from the place.

“Now, Miss Hunter, can you release me?” (Boss)

“Once out of compound…no trust for any of you.” (Red)

“Smarter than you look then.” (Boss)

Several minutes later, the two that ran out came back carrying some things.

“Let’s go.” (Boss)

“Two idiots…walk in front…never look back unless needed to relay directions.” (Red)

“You heard the girl, do as she says.” (Boss)

‘Plan successful…Now to get praise from…sister Keeno and…sister Pram.’

Red was then led through many dark alleys and streets that even Red didn’t know where there.  An hour later, Red and Red’s hostages arrived at a small graveyard with only one thing in the entire place.  A large stone building with eroded designs that had long lost any identifiable shape.  We stopped in front of the rusty iron gate in front of the entrance.

“Boss…someone else was here not too long ago.”

“Red said…you will get what…you most want.” (Red)

The leader’s eyes widened.

“Hehehe.  Boys, get ready.  I believe we’re gonna have a lot of good things coming to us soon.” (Boss)

The two idiots opened the rusty gate and all of us walked inside, the sound of it squealing closed behind us rang out as we walked down some old stone stairs into the dark.

Chaos Realm:

Oi Luna, you missed some good stuff.

Luna: Yeah, yeah.

What are you watching over there.

Luna: That wolf from your friend’s place.  She’s trying to figure out mixing magic and melee.


Luna: It’s honestly a bit frustrating, why doesn’t she just do what she’s thinking?  It’s just some simple space magic.

…Luna…you are the Goddess of Space for your world, space magic is as simple as breathing to you.  It’s not easy for mortals.  It wasn’t easy for you in the beginning either.

Luna: …Oh yeah…Guess I forgot how hard it was at first since I got so used to using it as naturally as possible.


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