Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 65- Planning

Chapter 65- Planning

[Keeno POV]

Waking up the next morning, I found Red snuggling into my tail.

‘This is cute.’

{I agree.  Like a little sister staying near her big sister.}

‘I could get used to that…Though I get the feeling we need to teach her how to properly care for her tail, otherwise, all of us will get in trouble.’

{So, I wasn’t the only one.}

‘The same applies to Freya.  We can figure that out later.’

I started patting Red’s head as she slept and she nuzzled further into my tail, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

‘Are you sure you hate kids?’ (Pram)

‘I feel she’s more like a little sister than a kid, Pram.  Stop bringing it up or I’ll get mad.’ (Keeno)

‘Heard loud and clear.’ (Pram)

‘Aside from that, I think we need to teach Freya telepathy, and Ama, while I agree it’s funny, she needs chantless magic.’ (Keeno)

{And done.  Just tell her about it and get her to start getting used to it.}

‘Thanks.’ (Keeno)

{Anything for you, Keeno.}

‘Hehe.’ (Keeno)

‘Anyway, what do we do while we wait for the other two to wake up?’ (Pram)

‘I normally just sit here and talk to Ama.  I’m actually surprised you’re awake already.’ (Keeno)

‘Well, Red took my pillow, so it’s natural I wouldn’t sleep in as much as normal.’ (Pram)

‘…’ (Keeno)

‘Oh, don’t worry, I’m not jealous, in fact it was my idea to let her do that after you fell asleep.’ (Pram)

‘I see, so I’m just a glorified pillow to you now.’ (Keeno)


‘Try saying that with a less serious expression next time then.’ (Keeno)

‘…’ (Pram)

{Don’t worry, Pram, I get it.}

‘I do too.  I mean, Ama has eight more tails than I do, so how do you think I feel when I sleep with her?’ (Keeno)

{Oh Pram, you’ll love it when she gets more tails.  I will too, obviously, but just imagine it, sleeping while wrapped up in a cocoon of fluff.}

‘Keeno, let’s keep doing stupid things that I won’t like until I get enough time sleeping in your tails that it lasts until you get nine of them.’ (Pram)



‘Oh, Keeno, teasing you is so much fun.’ (Pram)

‘The two of you will face retribution one day, mark my words.’ (Keeno)

{I can’t wait.}

‘Ama, do I need to NOT do anything but sit with you next time?’ (Keeno)

{…Not even kissing?}

‘You will get ONE.’ (Keeno)

{I can work with that.}

‘It will last three minutes, then no more.’ (Keeno)


‘It wouldn’t be a punishment if you enjoyed it.’ (Keeno)

{B-but you’d be punishing yourself too.}

‘…Damn it.  You’re right.’ (Keeno)

‘Well, think about this later, I think Freya is waking up.’ (Pram)

Sure enough, Freya started to stir in the corner she chose to sleep in.

“…Hey…was everything I heard last night some weird dream, or is it all real?” (Freya)

“All of it was real.” (Keeno)

“…*Sigh* You better deliver on all that stuff you promised me.  The revenge is one thing, but the rest of it is a must.” (Freya)

“When I promise things like that, I don’t lie.” (Keeno)

“I can vouch for that.  Any promise Keeno makes with someone close to her, she will keep it unless there is no other option, and even then, she does her best to make most of it happen.” (Pram)

“Hmm.  Oh, what was that about me being an Apostle candidate?” (Freya)

“Exactly what it sounds like.  Of course, I need to get a bit more powerful, but once I do, I can give you a Trial and when you finish it you become my Apostle of the Sun.  I think Red can become one of my Valkyries too, but again, we need more trust and I need more power.” (Keeno)

“I don’t even know how to feel about that, so I’m just going to not think about it.  Now, what are we going to do?” (Freya)

“We have several options, though I do have an idea that I want to work with.  But first, Red, it’s time to wake up.” (Keeno)

I shook Red’s shoulder a bit and she slowly started waking up.  She sat up and looked around, still holding my tail in a hug.

“Red’s…awake……Keeno…fluffy and warm……comfortable to hug……Red…happy.” (Red)

I smiled and patted Red’s head again.

“I’m happy you are happy, but it’s time we talk about what we are going to do.” (Keeno)

Red reluctantly let go of my tail and we all moved over to the table.  Following the routine we’d made over the past days we were here, I handed out food to everyone.

“At some point soon we’re going to need to go hunt some more stuff.  I’m running low on food now.” (Keeno)

“If we’re going to take down the Families, then we can just take all the food they have in their main manors.  Not like they’ll be needing it if they are all dead.” (Freya)

“We’re not killing all of them, just most of them.” (Keeno)

“…Why…so little?” (Red)

“We do that, and it creates a power vacuum that will make everything even worse, even possibly leading to the fall of the country, if Fia and Freya’s understanding of how the country is run is correct.  I’m taking away the Dead Zones, not trying to mess up the lives of ever single person living in the country, even if taking away the Dead Zones will make some things more inconvenient.” (Keeno)

“Before we even talk about what we’re going to do, what will the repercussions of taking the Dead Zone away be?” (Freya)

{Diseases and sickness can start spreading, storms might become worse, harvests will no longer be as abundant, lifespans will probably fall a little, undead will start spawning more.}

I relayed what Ama said to everyone.

“Well, it’s not like people in other parts of the world don’t know how to live with that.  Solheim being an example.” (Pram)

“Yeah, this just means that those countries will be more appealing for their knowledge.  Though that also means there will probably be more wars of conquest.” (Keeno)

{Don’t worry too much about that.  The countries without Dead Zones are in places that make invading them very disadvantageous for the invaders.  They’d lose more people in the process than would be worth invading.}

‘Well, that’s good.’ (Keeno)

“Hmm.” (Freya)

“Red doesn’t…really get it…but Red knows…things will be fine.” (Red)

“And how do you know that?” (Pram)

“…Instinct…” (Red)

“Well, that’s comforting.  Now, about how we’re going to go about this.  The way I see it, there are two options we can go.  The first one: the fast approach.  The second one: the drawn-out approach.” (Keeno)

“And what are the details of these?” (Freya)

“For the fast approach, we go in, ‘take over’ the Family Fia requisitioned for us and get them to take us to the Dead Zone’s core immediately.  For the second one, we go in less domineering and slowly get them to tentatively trust us, knowing that even though Fia took them over they’ll betray us at some point.  I, for one, am fond of the first approach.” (Keeno)

“You always favor the more dangerous approach, Keeno.” (Pram)

“Yeah, but it’s effective and you know it.” (Keeno)

“I hate that I can’t deny that.” (Pram)

“So, what’s your vote, Pram?” (Keeno)

“I say the second option.  Even if it’ll exponentially increase the time we are around those things, it’ll help us get more information and plan accordingly.” (Pram)

“Red likes the first one.” (Red)

“Two in favor of the first approach, one against.  Freya is the decider.  If the vote is split evenly, I’ll ask Ama and Fia’s opinions.” (Keeno)

“Before I cast my vote, what was the idea you spoke of earlier?” (Freya)

“Shock value.  We get the head of the Salwhatchamacallems and the head of whahtevertheirnameis to convene at the core of the Dead Zone while I dismantle it in front of them.  We then get out as fast as possible.” (Keeno)

“What’s even the point of that?” (Freya)

“Shoving it into their faces that the thing they feud over is gone and that they are just the rulers without a claim to power or something like that.  Cause if I’m remembering right, some of the people who ‘lead’ countries with Dead Zones think that they have Divine Right to rule as long as they control access to the Dead Zone or whatever.  Take that away right in front of their faces and they’ll either lose it, crumble, or lash out.  Add to the fact that, if they do that, they’ll probably focus more on their bitter rival of a long time over us and boom, perfect way to escape while a faction war happens.” (Keeno)

“That is a horrible plan.  Funny, but downright horrendous.” (Freya)

“Hey, I’m the Goddess of the Blue Sun, Death, and Runes(eventually), not a Goddess of Tacticians.” (Keeno)

{I for one think it’s a great plan.}

“Pram, how have the two of you survived any kind of plan she’s made?” (Freya)

“Brute force and luck.  Though really, it’s more brute force.  Remind me later and I’ll tell you how she though it was a good idea to travel though high-up mountain passes instead of a safe road to get from Solheim to Odeen.” (Pram)

“Remind me again why I’m joining the two of you from now on?” (Freya)

“Cause, while you don’t act like it, you actually really enjoy everything you’re hearing right now.” (Keeno)

“Red agrees……Freya’s tail…waving happily.” (Red)

When Red pointed that out Freya started to blush.

“Good job, Red.” (Keeno)

“Red desires…pats.” (Red)

“And you shall get them.” (Keeno)

I started to pat Red’s head, causing her to smile.

“So, what’s your vote, Freya?” (Keeno)

“*Ahem* I vote for the first approach.” (Freya)

“And here I thought we’d gotten another sensible person on the team.  Looks like I’m still the only one that isn’t hot-headed.” (Pram)

“Don’t get me wrong, I think Keeno’s get both leaders to the core plan is stupid, but I’ve always been good at the fast approach to things.” (Freya)

“Thinking about it, I guess that makes sense.  But in the future, you have to try and help me curb Keeno’s impulsiveness.” (Pram)

“Gladly.” (Freya)

“…Well, with that concluded, let’s start the actual planning.” (Keeno)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …Wow, things have taken a turn for the fast paced.

It’s better this way, in my opinion.  The longer they wait, the more time the second big Family in the city has time to prepare to try something stupid.  Since they know Keeno is there now and all.

Luna: When did they learn that.  As far as I was aware, either Keeno’s group or Red has killed anyone that tried to report to the leaders.

One actually got away in their last fight.  He pretended to be dead, and Keeno dropped her guard too much.

Luna: …She needs to work on that.

I agree.  Guess we should drop a few hints next time either her or Amaterasu show up here.

Luna: Yeah.  And on the Fluff front of Freya and Red, I’ll leave their education for later seeing as they are about to be very busy.  But, once they get a breather, you will call them here for their Fluff lecture.

On it, Oh great Abyss of Fluff.

Luna: Stop it, that’s just creepy.

Well soooorrrrryyyy for trying to be funny.

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