Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 61- Time for Work

Chapter 61- Time for Work

[Keeno POV]

Several minutes later we arrived in front of a big brick building with heavy-looking double doors.

“You know, I’m starting to think that there is some other purpose to the Guild having doors this big and heavy.  No matter where, every Guild building has had doors like this.” (Keeno)

“Now, I’m not completely sure, but I think it’s supposed to be some sort of safety thing.  If you struggle to open the doors and everyone inside can hear you when you come in, it becomes a bit harder to do something stupid like try and attack someone.  Same reason some shops have small bells on the doors.” (Freya)

“Makes sense, though I feel like you’d be an idiot to actually try something like that in the Guild.” (Keeno)

“Yeah, I mean, most people that visit the Guild are armed, skilled in magic, or both.” (Pram)

“Actually, some of the greener, stupider members of Families sometimes try and do that in order to strongarm the Guild into supporting them.  Never works out, one way or another, but that doesn’t stop said idiots from thinking they are the special one that will be able to do it.” (Freya)

“Anyway, that’s enough standing in front of the doors, let’s get in, get some work, and get out.” (Keeno)

I opened the heavy doors, and, with a loud groaning sound, we entered the Guild.  Inside looked kind of different that what we’ve usually seen in other Guilds.  It was a big open room with several floors visible from the ground through balconies.  Each floor had several people going through stacks of papers, messing with stuff in bottles, and more that I couldn’t really make out from here.  The floor we were on was the one that dealt with adventurers.  I looked around from a spot a little out of the way of the door.

“Where is the request board?  I don’t see it anywhere.” (Keeno)

“All the way in the back.” (Freya)

“Really like making it easy to watch people, don’t they?” (Keeno)

“Makes it easy to control people that way, so yeah.” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)

We moved further into the Guild Hall and I almost immediately noticed a few people watching us.  As soon as we made it to the request board at the very back of the Guild, I noticed a few people quickly leaving.  Just as soon as the doors were about to shut, some random saxophone music started to play.

“Huh?” (Keeno)

“Battle Musicians.  Ask later, find something to do first.” (Freya)

{Followers of the God of Music, nice lady, if not a bit dramatic.}

We looked over the requests on the board.  Most weren’t what I would consider interesting, mostly delivery or bodyguard requests.  They paid well but would take too long.  Some even had indefinite time limits.

“There are some for healing people, should we take those?” (Pram)

“Take a few.  I’ll take a few of these delivery ones.  None that will leave the city, but enough that can be done within the day.” (Keeno)

“Since I’m not a part of the Guild, I’ll leave all that to you two.” (Freya)

We nodded and after looking over the quests, we picked up the ones that we figured would give us the most money while taking the least amount of time.  After going through the proper motions, we made our way out of the Guild.  When we exited, there were signs of a fight going down the street until they disappeared into an alleyway.  Pram and I looked at the scene with deadpan expressions while Freya started to get a little twitchy.

“Okami or Pram, let me look over the places we need to go for those and let’s get out of here.” (Freya)

“Why?” (Pram)

“The Hunter is on the prowl and I don’t want to be anywhere near where she has been recently.” (Freya)

“How can you tell?” (Keeno)

“See those throwing knives over there embedded into the wall, those are The Hunter’s.  It’s like a calling card of sorts, so show me and we move, now.” (Freya)

We did as she said and, after looking over the papers, she started to walk in a direction away from where that obvious fight transpired.

“First up is for Pram.  After that we’ll pick up one of the things that needs delivering.” (Freya)

We simply nodded and followed Freya.  A while after picking up the requests and doing one of each of the ones we picked, we decided that we should get all of Pram’s done first before going around and doing the ones I chose.  The sole reason behind this was that it was more expedient.  All Pram had to do was show up, prove she could use healing magic, and use it, while on my end we had to show the request paper, fill out the proper paperwork, get the delivery, traverse the city to the destination, wait for the recipient to check their delivery, fill out more paperwork, report back to the starting point, and fill out more paperwork.

“I hate bureaucracy like this.” (Keeno)

“I don’t get how people do that kind of stuff all day.  I’d go mad.” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)

{No, Keeno, you cannot burn all the paperwork, it’ll only add more.  I’ve seen it happen to so many people to the point that it stopped being funny and is just sad.}

“Tch.” (Keeno)

I just shook my head and we got on with our work.  We spent the rest of the day doing this and by the time night was about to arrive, Freya took us to another one of her hidden safehouses.  Once the door to this one, which was hidden in a dried-up culvert, was shut and we sat down in the one big room, we all fell on our backs and let out long sighs.

“I see a few more long days like this before I say we have enough money to last for a while.  Though first things first tomorrow, me and Pram go get us some Vanir clothing.” (Keeno)

“I’ve never wanted to bludgeon something to death more than several of those people and their paperwork today.  Especially that one that tried to pull a fast one on us.  Thanks, Freya, for catching that for us.” (Pram)

“No problem…Well, slight problem in that we may be on that guy’s hit list now, but that’s negligible for me at this point.” (Freya)

“Guess it’s a feeling I’m going to have to get used to.” (Keeno)

“It’s not a feeling you should, but considering everything, it’s probably true.” (Pram)

“The more you two talk about this, the more curious I am.  What exactly are you going to do?” (Freya)

“All I’ll say for now is that it has to do with Dead Zones.” (Keeno)

“Ah.  While I haven’t experienced it personally seeing as the Family I was a part of never was part of the faction that had control of it in my lifetime, makes sense if you want to do anything with Dead Zones.  I’ve heard how just setting foot too near one without permission is immediate grounds for execution.  No questions asked.” (Freya)

{And it’s sickening.  They are there to help the world, not for mortals to fight over for power that isn’t even theirs.}

Ama’s feelings were a bit contagious for me, making my already slightly foul mood fouler.

“OI!  Stop turning up the heat.” (Freya)

“Sorry.” (Keeno)

After a bit more resting, I pulled out some more food and we all ate before turning in for the night.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Even if I already knew mortals get arrogant fast and easily, it still kind of shocked me at just how fast so many people tried to start scams and stuff when I made the stars.  It’s honestly insulting thinking I’d allow them to do something like that.

Tamamo: Happens to all of us, Luna.  Though the annoyance is extremely understandable.  Though if I had to give them one thing, it’s that those kinds of people are very courageous.  I mean, we’re not above smiting people.

Luna: True.


Amaterasu: …*tries to run away*

Luna: Nope. *teleports her back*


Luna: And I was going to commend you for that.

Amaterasu: Eh?

Luna: We really need to have a talk about how you see me.

Tamamo: I agree, it’s like you think my Luna is a tyrannical goddess who abuses her power.

Amaterasu: I have never and will never think that!

Tamamo: Ufufufu.  Good.

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