Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 60- To the Guild

Chapter 60- To the Guild

[Keeno POV]

Once Freya had finished eating, we all sat there, wondering what exactly we should do first.

“Well, I already said it, so me being with you two, you don’t really need to go around the city to explore it, so getting you two money and inconspicuous clothes should be first.  Just how much money do the two of you have?” (Freya)

“Not much.  And, depending on how much clothes here cost, we’ll end up basically broke after getting some.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  Then I’ll bring you to the Guild first, but when we get there, try to be quick, we don’t want ones that are in charge of watching the Guild getting suspicious of us.” (Freya)

“While I’m not really surprised, I find it weird how the Guild would allow something like that.” (Keeno)

“It’s one of those open secret things.  Too many people to really comb through to catch the trash, but if you get caught then it’s on you.  Though I expect that, once you get seen there, the Salviento Family will try to get in contact with you sooner or later, seeing as they have been waiting for you.” (Freya)

“Got it, though since I’m guessing the other one knows what at least I look like as well, so what do we do if we get attacked somewhere?” (Keeno)

“Fight back, obviously.  Though you bring any civilians into the fight, you’ll get hunted down by everyone.  Very important to remember that the Families may be ruthless scum, but they have their own, extremely twisted, morals.” (Freya)

“Well, the thought of involving the uninvolved never crossed my mind.  Though I guess that means I’m stuck fighting with magic in the city.  My Soul Weapons aren’t really great in tight quarters like a city.” (Keeno)

“True.  Speaking of magic, neither of you need to chant…how is that possible?” (Freya)

“Secret for now, need more trust for that answer.” (Keeno)

“Fair enough.  Now, let’s go.  Pack up anything you left out; I don’t think we’ll be coming back to this place.” (Freya)

“Got it.” (Keeno)

“Oh, and thanks for the food.” (Freya)

I nodded, accepting Freya’s thanks and got up.  I collected the blankets we used last night and looked back at Freya.

“Anything you want me to hold for you from here?” (Keeno)

“Nah.  Got my own storage ring.” (Freya)

Once we were all ready, we were about to leave when I thought I heard some whispering.  One of my ears twitched, but I couldn’t hear anything anymore, so I just shrugged it off as one of us brushing past something.

{Keeno, you weren’t hearing things.  Those were Death Spirits, they are getting uppity with you being there, so be ready to start hearing their voices.  They won’t come to meet you or anything, at least while you aren’t IN the Dead Zone proper, so be prepared to start hearing whispers.  After a point you’ll just tune them out.}

‘I see.  Well, it’s good that I’m not going crazy.’

We left the hidden safehouse and walked into the rain-soaked alleyway.  Just before we left the safehouse, I cast another illusion over Freya and she took the lead of our little group.  She stopped at the entrance of the alleyway and looked to each side before waving us over.  When she was sure nobody was really looking in our direction, we left the alleyway.

Walking down the road, I nearly immediately got fed up with the rain, so I turned up the heat again.  Pram got a little closer to me to enjoy the small benefit of not getting soaked.  Freya, on the other hand, loosened her collar a bit since she wasn’t expecting it to suddenly get hotter.

“Really?” (Freya)

“Don’t want to get wet…speaking of, how are you not?” (Keeno)

“Clothes here repel water.  Doesn’t stop hair and tails from getting wet, but since it’s practically always raining here and nobody likes getting soaked through to their skin and lugging heavy clothes around, we figured out how to make clothes that would stay dry, not matter how much water got on them, though it also makes them an absolute pain to clean.” (Freya)

“We definitely need to get clothes here now, I’m not going to walk around like a living humidity machine if I can just make I don’t get wet.” (Keeno)

“Guess that leaves me getting my hair and tail wet then.” (Pram)

“I’ll figure something out.  I mean, look at Freya, her hair and tail are completely dry.” (Keeno)

“Perks of Solar magic.” (Freya)

Saying that, Freya actually had a small smile on her face.

“Tch.  And here I am, just stuck with healing magic.” (Pram)

“And it’s very helpful, along with you being a source of joy for all of us.” (Keeno)

“…I’ll accept that.” (Pram)

“You two just go at your own pace, don’t you?” (Freya)

“Meh, we’re actually more serious than normal.” (Keeno)

“Yeah.” (Pram)

“Oh, I wasn’t complaining, it’s actually kind of nice.  It’s dreary here all the time, so people like you are a good change of pace, at least until they get broken by the system here.” (Freya)

“Well, we’re not planning on staying here long enough for that to happen.  While not getting in, doing what we came here for, and getting out, I want to move on before we get caught up into things we don’t want to be a part of.” (Keeno)

“What is it you’re here to do, anyway?” (Freya)

“I’m not at liberty to say unless I know we won’t be overheard.  Since you said you’re sticking with us at least while we’re here, you’ll find out when we get to it.” (Keeno)

“At least you’re sensible enough to know that it’s not good to talk about stuff like that in detail in public.” (Freya)

“Just because we’re easygoing, doesn’t mean we aren’t sensible.” (Pram)

“Says the one that will heal anyone.” (Freya)

“I still have standards, you know.  If I see or know someone doing something bad, then I won’t heal them.” (Pram)

“Yeah, and how would you know if they did something like that without you seeing or knowing it?” (Freya)

“That’s what Okami is for.” (Pram)

“…” (Freya)

As we continued to walk, we passed another alleyway.  In said alleyway, I saw a wolfgirl wearing a somewhat tattered, long red coat staring at me.  Once I blinked though, she was gone.

‘Huginn, Muninn, keep your guards up until I say we’re good.’ (Keeno)

A rustling of feathers later, and the two poked their heads out of my tail.

Chaos Realm:


Order: What is it?

What kind of wardrobe do you think they’ll go with?

Order: Something like what Freya is wearing.

So you thought so too.

Order: I mean, it’s kind of obvious.


Order: Yes, I’ll wear something like that at a later date, but only if I get to see you wear a suit as well, you’d look so good in one.

It’s a deal.

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