Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 38

(Mr Peis vacation)

Pei Yings words successfully caused Pei Xiuran to shut up.

The dinner table quieted a great deal after that. When they finished dinner, Pei Xiuran said that he wanted to hang out in A City, so Pei Ying had the driver take them to Starlight Park. Song Nanchuan also tagged along.

It was very hot out, and since Pei Ying didnt want to get tan from being outside, she let Pei Xiuran wander around on his own. She and Song Nanchuan sat inside a pastry shop to enjoy the air conditioning and eat desserts.

Song Nanchuan looked at the cup of lemon soda and the piece of orange jelly mousse cake in front of her and raised his brows. Youre still hungry after our meal?

She was the one whod eaten the most at the table. Even Pei Xiuran ate less than her.

Pei Ying took a sip of her lemon soda and picked up a spoon of cake. Didnt you know that theres a stomach for eating meat, and then theres a stomach for eating dessert?

I dont really understand your black magic. But seeing how happy she was, he couldnt help ordering a serving of ice cream. (t/n: Technically, he calls it black technology)

The serving of ice cream was very large, enough for three people to eat. Pei Ying took a spoonful, looked at him, and said, Sorry. Dont be too concerned about what my brother said.

Song Nanchuan chuckled. Dont worry, your brothers hardly someone in my sights.

Huh Pei Ying said, Actually, my brother isnt a bad person. Hes just been pampered by my parents all his life, so hes rather spoiled.

Song Nanchuan responded, Its one thing for girls to be pampered and spoiled, but its not good for a boy to be like that. He tried his ice cream, and it was surprisingly not bad. But your brother doesnt seem completely hopeless. If you train him a bit, he should get better.

Oh. For some reason, hearing those words come from Song Nanchuan felt a bit off.

When it was nearly 5 oclock, Pei Xiuran finally had enough fun and returned back to Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan. Pei Ying had spent the entire afternoon in the pastry shop eating, so she wasnt in the mood for dinner. Song Nanchuan planned on letting Pei Xiuran have a few slices of cake and then theyd all head home.

Pei Ying thought for a moment and said, Ill stay with my brother at my apartment.

Why? When Pei Xiuran heard, he immediately lifted his head. Were not staying with Brother-in-law?

No, thats too much trouble (for him).

Its fine, Song Nanchuan said, before Pei Xiuran even had the chance to rebut. Stay at my house. There are a lot of rooms.

Look! Brother-in-law said its okay! Pei Xiuran took a sip of soda and looked over at Song Nanchuan. Thank you, Brother-in-law!

Song Nanchuan smiled but didnt say anything.

As they were leaving the pastry shop, Song Nanchuan ordered a few pieces of cake to-go for Pei Ying to eat tomorrow. When they arrived back at his villa, Pei Xiuran started looking around excitedly.

Song Nanchuan arranged the villas smallest room for Pei Xiuran, but after he saw the room, Pei Xiuran excitedly cried out, Its such a beautiful room! Thank you, Brother-in-law!

No need for thanks. Song Nanchuan walked out and closed the door. Pei Xiuran plopped down onto the bed and bounced twice. He sat up to call his mother. Mom, Im staying at Brother-in-laws house tonight! His house is really big, its a super luxurious villa. Theres even a garden and swimming pool! The rooms really spacious too

Pei Xiuran spent more than half an hour on the phone before his excitement started to wear off.

Several rooms over, Song Nanchuan walked out of the bathroom after his shower. He sat down on his bed and wrapped his arms around Pei Yings waist. Your brothers extremely foolish. I gave him the smallest room, but he was still so happy.

. Pei Ying quirked the corner of her lips. Our family is very ordinary. He hasnt seen much of the world, and hes never lived in such a large house.

Ah, I wanted to stun him but I dont feel any sense of accomplishment.


How did your brother get into college with an IQ like that?

Well, he did work hard for awhile in his final year of high school. Mmh, even though he only got into a tier-3 school in the end. But after he started college, hed gotten lazy again. When she asked about his final exams earlier, he was totally at a loss for words.

Pei Ying had just finished speaking when Song Nanchuan pulled away her hair and kissed her on the collar. Pei Ying raised a brow and turned to hide from his kiss. What are you doing? Its still really early!

The sky wasnt even dark yet!

Song Nanchuan raised his eyes to look at her. His expression was one of grievance. Do you know how hurt I was after our vacation plans fizzled out?


Shouldnt you make it up to me?

I When Pei Ying opened her mouth, Song Nanchuan quickly moved to cover her lips. As he explored between her lips, his hands also busied themselves. He undid Pei Yings sleepwear and pressed her against the bed.

Pei Ying couldnt help letting out a moan. Song Nanchuan pushed her legs apart, and as he moved to her, she subconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms reached around his back. Dont

Mmh? Song Nanchuan mumbled, as he continued kissing her and moving closer. Pei Yings moan only caused Song Nanchuan to grow more excited.

Ying Ying As he called her name, he kept moving into her. Pei Ying clung to his shoulders as she stammered, Dont Mmh Brother Next door

Song Nanchuan took a bite of her red lips and his lips curved up ambiguously. Doesnt your brother being next door make you more excited?

No, it doesnt Pei Ying answered simply as Song Nanchuan thrust into her. He licked her ear and whispered, I can tell that youre feeling more excited than usual.

Pei Ying grew more ashamed and indignant at his words, but the feelings soon dissolved as they went another round.

It was dark by the time Song Nanchuan was finally done.


The next day, Pei Ying slept until 10:30 before her ringing phone woke her. Song Nanchuan was still asleep beside her. He knit his brows lightly and asked, Who is it?

Oh, its GM Chen. Pei Ying originally didnt want to answer the phone, but after seeing Chen Shengs name, she jolted awake. GM Chen, good morning.

Morning? Its nearly 11 oclock, Chen Sheng teased. You told me that you were going to be out of the country for two weeks, right?

Yes, but my plans have been canceled for now.

Oh, thats perfect. Chen Sheng continued, Season of Love is a hot drama right now and the heroine is leaving a great impression on the audience. Theres an advertiser that would like for you to be their spokesperson.

Ah, what product is it for?


Pei Ying, .

Does the entire country thing that shes super adorable when she eats?

And well, she did enjoy eating meat

Theres a fast food chain thats introducing a new black pepper beef rice meal. Your role would simply be to eat the food happily.

Okay, no problem.

Can you come to the office now?

Sure. After Pei Ying hung up, she got up to change her clothes. Her body was still a bit sore. She seriously wanted to kick Song Nanchuan in the face.

Song Nanchuan watched her get up and followed along. Are you heading out?

Mm. GM Chen said that theres an advertisement for me. Pei Ying pulled her hair into a ponytail behind her head and opened the wardrobe to pick out her clothes.

Song Nanchuan wrapped his arms around her pillow and sat up on the bed. He looked at her and said, Youre not going to stay with your brother?

Pei Ying frowned. No. If he had put on a good performance yesterday, then she might have taken him out to a few places. But it seemed that work was more important. And her favorite jobs were working as a spokesperson.

It was the most relaxing job and it made a lot of money.

Then what about your brother? You cant be telling me to hang out with him all day?

Pei Ying put on a dress and turned to shoot him a smile. No need. Ill find him something to do. After she spoke, she waved to Song Nanchuan. Come help me with the zipper.

Song Nanchuan tossed aside the pillow and very happily walked over. He dawdled around with the zipper for ten minutes before finally pulling it up. Pei Ying called her assistant to pick her up, and then she went to wash her face in the bathroom.

Pei Xiuran was still sleeping at this point and Pei Ying didnt wake him. She sat in the dining room with Song Nanchuan, and when she finished eating the cake from last night, her assistant arrived.

Pei Ying finished the last of her juice and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She said to Song Nanchuan, Stay here and wait for me. I had my assistant buy a few things for Xiuran. When he wakes up, give them to him.

Song Nanchuan raised his brows and nodded, curious about what shed prepared.

Pei Ying left for a moment and then returned with a paper bag. College English Test Band 4 and 6 practice exams, as well as past years professional exams, are all in here. She put down the paper bag and pulled out a stack of papers. Are the bodyguards you hired for me still here?

Song Nanchuan looked at the colorful test papers on the table and nodded. Yeah.

Tell them not to follow me. Have them watch over Xiuran and make sure that he works on the practice tests. After he finishes a set, then he can go out.

Song Nanchuan couldnt help laughing. He looked over to her. No need. I can get someone else to watch him. Your bodyguards should follow you.

Alright. Pei Ying turned to him. Then, Im heading out. When I finish up with work, Ill call you.

Okay. Song Nanchuan watched as Pei Ying left, and he figured that he ought to head in to work as well. He called Xiao Zhang and explained simply before asking for two bodyguards to come to the house.

After he finished dealing with that, Pei Xiuran finally came downstairs, looking half asleep.

Brother-in-law, good morning. He yawned. He glanced at the table and asked, Is there anything to eat?

Your sister and I already ate breakfast, Song Nanchuan responded.

Ah Then, what about lunch? Are you guys going out?

Im going to the office later. I wont be having lunch. What would you like to eat? After he asked, he added on, Theres nothing in the house to eat anyway.

Pei Xiuran, .

He was thinking that there was no way that large refrigerator didnt have anything to eat inside, when Song Nanchuan suddenly said, Oh, I just remembered. You said your taste is like your sisters, right?


Great. Song Nanchuan opened the refrigerator and smiled as he pulled out a bag of Luosifen. Your sister loves to eat this, so I bought an entire box.


Yeah. Have one for lunch. Ill make it for you. As he spoke, Song Nanchuan started to cook. He opened the bag of pickled bamboo shoots.

The heavy smell drifted through the air and Pei Xiuran took two steps back. He looked at Song Nanchuan and said, Since when did my sister like eating this?

Didnt you know? Song Nanchuan asked curiously as he started to cook the noodles. After the pickled bamboo shoots were cooked, the smell drifted even further, and it felt as if the smell had infiltrated the entire room.

Pei Xiuran backed out of the kitchen and shot a smile at Song Nanchuan. Actually, Im not very hungry. Ill just skip lunch.

Then he fled upstairs and ran back to his room.

Song Nanchuan stood there and chuckled, and then he ate the noodles that hed just cooked.


Just as he finished eating, Xiao Zhang brought in two bodyguards. When he walked in, he was completely taken by surprise with the smell. He retreated and asked, CEO Song, what are you doing in your house?

Cooking Luosifen. What about it? Song Nanchuan asked clearly as he glanced at Xiao Zhang.

Nothing, his assistant answered respectfully, even as he grew frantic inside.

Im going upstairs to change. Ill be right back. Cut off the electricity and internet to the villa.

What? Xiao Zhan asked quizzically.

Song Nanchuans brows knit together slightly. What, didnt hear me? I said to cut off the electricity and internet.

Okay Xiao Zhang felt that as a lowly assistant, he would never be able to see through CEO Songs thoughts.

Song Nanchuan changed into a suit and returned downstairs. Xiao Zhang immediately reported, CEO Song, the internet and electricity have been turned off.

Mmh. He walked to the living room and picked up the stack of papers that Pei Xiuran left. He directed the bodyguards, After I leave, you two are to watch over Pei Yings brother as he studies. Hes upstairs. If he doesnt come down in twenty minutes, you are to go up and knock on his door.

Yes, Mr Song.

After he gave his orders, Song Nanchuan left feeling satisfied. Pei Xiuran was gnawing on a bag of cookies in his room upstairs. He wanted to go online to play games when he found out that there was no internet.

He stepped outside to see what the situation was, and then he discovered two strange men in suits downstairs. He nearly fell to the ground in fright. Who are you guys? How did you get inside?

The bodyguards responded, Hello, Mr Pei. Were bodyguards that Mr Song hired.

Bodyguards? Pei Xiuran was utterly taken by surprise. Brother-in-law was so great that he got him bodyguards. He slowly walked down the stairs and asked suspiciously, Wheres my brother-in-law?

Mr Song has already left for work.

Then what are you guys doing here?

The two bodyguards responded, Our main task is to monitor Mr Pei as he completes his practice exams.

Pei Xiuran, ????

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