Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 37

Youre already living with him, but you wont let me call him Brother-in-law?

Right as Pei Yings drama finished shooting, Song Nanchuan started preparing his vacation plans.

After an exhilarating night with Pei Ying, he finally showed off the plane tickets to her. Ive already booked the plane tickets. 9 oclock, the day after tomorrow. Have a good rest tomorrow and pack up your things.

Okay. Pei Ying picked up the plane tickets and looked at them. She suddenly started to feel a faint sense of worry. There wont be any problems when I ride the plane, will there?

Song Nanchuan asked curiously, Like what?

Pei Ying sat up and pulled a pillow into her arms. She turned to Song Nanchuan and said, My luck has never been very good. If I tell you, you wont believe it. All the places I worked for previously had to close down for various reasons.

Song Nanchuan, .

He suddenly recalled the files that Xiao Zhang had first given him about Pei Ying. Nearly half of the projects that she worked on halted midway.

Pei Ying sighed and said, I took the flight stewardess test before, but I failed it because my English wasnt good enough. Ren Shanshan always says that it was a fortunate thing, otherwise planes would be falling from the sky every day.

Song Nanchuan, .

Although he was a believer of materialism (matter is the fundamental substance in nature), taking into account Pei Yings past, he couldnt deny the possibility that her constitution defied the laws of science.

However, he was very much anticipating their long-awaited vacation. How could he let this kind of thing bother him? Youre overthinking things. At the least, weve known each other for quite awhile, and your work has been going very well.

Except for that time he disturbed it.

Pei Ying also felt that ever since shed met Song Nanchuan, there werent as many unfortunate things happening to her. Maybe he was her lucky star. Mm, my luck hasnt been that bad lately. The drama wrapped without any issues and the ratings keep rising. Who knows, maybe Ive been entrusted with your fortune.

Song Nanchuan laughed. So dont keep letting your imagination run wild. By the way, the numbers show that planes are the safest mode of transport.


Because Song Nanchuan had started planning this vacation last month, it was already very matured. There was nothing for Pei Ying to worry about. All she had to do was pack up her belongings.

Just as she was putting her new bottle of sunscreen into her bag, her phone rang from the table. Pei Ying walked over to take a look, and she saw that it was a call from her brother.

Why was he looking for her? She frowned as she picked up her phone, carrying some misgivings. Before she could even greet him, her brother called out with youthful vigor, Sis, Im on vacation, so I came to A City to hang out!

Pei Ying was taken aback. She asked, When are you coming?

Im already in A City! Pei Xiuran looked out the window of his taxi. Im taking a taxi to your place now.

Ah, Ive already moved. Pei Ying was caught completely unaware with Pei Xiuran suddenly appearing in A City. Ill text you my new address. Let the taxi driver see it.


After Pei Ying hung up, she sent her new address to Pei Xiuran, the place that Chen Sheng had helped her get, since she still hadnt gotten rid of it.

Just as she sent her text, her phone rang again. This time, it was her mother calling. She asked, Mom, what is it?

Xiujuan ah, Xiurans in A City to visit. Did he call you yet?

Mm, I just spoke to him.

Good. It wasnt easy for him to visit A City, so take good care of him. Take him around to have some fun.

Mm Pei Ying responded reluctantly. Then she hung up.

Her brother had come at a terrible time, so Pei Ying couldnt help feeling anxious. What was she going to say to Song Nanchuan? They couldnt bring her brother along with them on their vacation, but she couldnt just leave her brother all alone in A City either. She could already imagine how her mother would berate her about it

Ah Her luck was still terrible! It was all an illusion, thinking that her luck was changing!

After her phone calls, she quickly changed her clothes, about to meet up with her brother. Song Nanchuan was finishing off his last bit of work with Xiao Zhang when he saw Pei Ying hurry down the stairs. He asked, Where are you going?

Something came up. Ill be right back. Pei Ying didnt tell him that Pei Xiuran had arrived. She didnt know how things would turn out if her brother and Song Nanchuan met, so she felt it was safer for her to meet him on her own first.

Song Nanchuan looked at her and then asked, Do you need the driver to send you?

No need. Ill be fine on my own. After Pei Ying finished speaking, she headed out the door. Song Nanchuan watched her receding figure and raised his brow.

Xiao Zhang thought for a moment and then asked, Should someone be sent to follow Ms Pei?

Song Nanchuan shook his head. Ill ask her about it when she gets back.

Pei Ying had to walk a bit before she found an empty taxi. The traffic wasnt bad that day, so it didnt take long for her to get back to her apartment.

Because Pei Xiuran didnt have the keys to her place, he could only wait outside the front door of the building. Pei Ying walked quickly over to him after exiting the taxi. Did you wait long?

Almost half an hour, Pei Xiuran replied, rather unhappily.

Sorry, sorry. Pei Ying looked at him and raised her eyes to look at him. She laughed. Did you grow taller again?

Wow, you even notice a one centimeter difference? Pei Xiuran said, and then he looked over Pei Ying. Sis, I already told you not to wear high heels since youre already so tall. Wont that add pressure to CEO Song?

Pei Ying was suddenly thrown off after hearing CEO Song. She helped carry one of Pei Xiurans bags and they headed into her building. Song Nanchuans 187cm. Even with heels on, Im not even 180cm tall.

Brother-in-laws pretty tall, huh. He doesnt look bad either, Pei Xiuran said in a purposefully joking tone. Pei Yings brow twitched. You just called him CEO Song, and a sentence later, hes become Brother-in-law?

Hes not your brother-in-law. Dont call him that.

Whats the big deal? Its just a matter of time.

Pei Ying didnt continue arguing about this issue with him. They headed into the elevator and went up. Because her apartment had been empty for awhile, when she opened the door, they were greeted by a wave of dust.

Pei Xiuran coughed severely a few times before covering his face and taking several steps back. How long as it been since someones lived in here? Its dirtier than my dorm.

Its been awhile. Ill just clean it up now. She told Pei Xiuran to get inside and then closed the door. Pei Xiuran took a look around and was taken aback when he found there was nowhere to sit. Pei Ying wet a towel and then pulled off the cover on her sofa. She wiped it down so that Pei Xiuran could sit down.

Pei Xiuran took a photo of the sofa and asked her, Where do you live?

Oh, I live with Song Nanchuan.

Pei Xiuran glanced at her and then said, Youre already living with him, but you wont let me call him Brother-in-law?

Pei Ying blushed at his words. She asked him, Why did you suddenly come to A City without saying anything to me first?

I came here right after I finished my exams. To surprise you.

. Pei Ying was quiet for a moment. How long are you planning on staying here?

Half a month, I guess. Its been a long time since weve seen each other after all. Oh yeah, and youve become a big star in that time.

When she heard that hed be staying for half a month, Pei Ying knew that her vacation was no more. She went to wash her hands and then went out to the balcony with her phone. I have a call to make. Have a seat.


She made sure to close the door to the balcony on her way out, and then she made a call to Song Nanchuan. The phone rang twice and then he picked up. Ying Ying, whats the matter?

Um, so its like this. Honestly speaking, Pei Ying didnt really want to say anything. My brother suddenly came to A City. I was in a rush earlier because I was going to meet up with him.

On the other end of the phone, Song Nanchuan pondered for a moment. Then he asked, Where are you guys right now?

The apartment that I rent. He said hes going to stay in A City for half a month, and Im going to have to stick around too

After she finished speaking, she waited nervously for Song Nanchuans response. She knew that hed been planning their vacation for awhile, so finding out that they suddenly couldnt go would most definitely leave him unhappy.

And indeed, Song Nanchuan wasnt very happy. With a slight angry tone, he said, Your brother sure has great timing, to pick this precise moment to come here.


Hes basically an adult. He wont starve to death if you leave him by himself in A City for two weeks.

That doesnt seem like a good idea. Hes my brother after all. Pei Ying was also regretful at not being able to go on a vacation, but she had to first appease Song Nanchuan. Im really sorry. I didnt know that he would appear so suddenly. Sorry

Hearing Pei Yings pitiful apology, Song Nanchuans heart softened. Still irritated, he said, Forget it. Ill have Xiao Zhang get a refund on the tickets. Well go next time.

Mm. Im really sorry

Leave your remorseful heart for the evening, Song Nanchuan said.

Pei Ying, .

He was still acting a rogue even in this situation. Wow.

She really had to give him a thumbs up.

Since you were going to pick up your brother, why didnt you tell me before you left?

About that You know that my familys kind of mmh Actually, I didnt really want you guys to meet, Pei Ying started with difficulty. They were already hungry for Song Nanchuans money before theyd even met him. If they met, who knows what her family would say.

Song Nanchuan laughed. Ill have to meet them eventually. Dont worry. I already told you, the only person who can dig into my money is you.

Pei Ying, .

How about this. Its not early anymore. Ill have the driver pick you two up, and Ill treat your brother to a meal at Tianxiaju.

Okay. Ill tell him. After Pei Ying hung up, she pulled open the glass door and headed back into the living room. Pei Xiuran was still siting on the sofa, playing a game on his phone or something. When he heard Pei Ying enter, he looked up. Who did you call?

Oh. Song Nanchuan said he would treat us to lunch. The driver will be here soon to pick us up.

Pei Xiuran froze briefly. Then he put down his phone and stood up. Brother-in-laws treating? It must be a big meal then! And a driver? Rich people really are something!

Pei Ying thought for a moment. She couldnt help warning, When you see him, dont talk about nonsense.

Dont worry, I have a sense of propriety.

Pei Ying glanced at him and didnt say anything. Not too long after, Song Nanchuans driver arrived. Pei Xiuran followed Pei Ying downstairs. When he saw the car, he ran over excitedly. His tone suddenly changed as he said, My god, its a Maybach 62S. This car costs ten million yuan!!

He circled the car excitedly. Then he shoved his phone at Pei Ying. Sis, hurry and take a photo! I want a photo with the car!

Pei Ying grabbed his phone and glanced over to the driver. Can I take a photo?

The driver nodded. As youd like, Ms Pei.

Great. Hurry and take a few photos. Im going to post them onto Weibo. Theyll be so jealous! Hahaha!

Pei Ying helped Pei Xiuran take three photos and then handed him back his phone. She dragged him into the car and then apologized to the driver, Sorry, my brother is still in school. He hasnt seen much of the world.

The driver courteously responded, Ms Pei is too polite.

Pei Ying smiled. Beside her, Pei Xiuran was completely immersed in his photos with the Maybach. God, its so cool! Im actually sitting inside of a Maybach 62S! As he spoke, he held up his phone and started to take photos of himself.

The whole way to the restaurant, he was as excited as a monkey. When they arrived at Tianxiaju, he was still reluctant to leave the car. Pei Ying was finally able to drag him away and into the restaurant. When they entered the main hall, the pretty hostess at the door smiled at Pei Ying. Ms Pei, how are you. Mr Song has already arrived. Ill take you to your room.

Okay, thank you. Pei Ying pulled at Pei Xiuran, who was still looking all around. They took the elevator to their room. When they arrived, the hostess stopped and knocked on the door twice. She looked inside. Mr Song, Ms Pei and company have arrived.


As she spoke, she opened the door and motioned for Pei Ying to enter.

Before Pei Ying could enter, Pei Xiuran hurried inside. Song Nanchuan sat by himself inside and gave a slight nod as they stepped in.

Pei Xiuran walked up to him and admiringly said, So youre Brother-in-law! Hello, hello. My name is Pei Xiuran, Pei Xiujuans little brother.

Pei Ying, .

Must he call her by her given name right now?!

Song Nanchuan stood up and shook hands with him. Pei Xiuran said excitedly, I saw your Maybach. Its beautiful. Brother-in-law, youre my idol!

Although Song Nanchuan didnt much like this younger brother, it was still extremely pleasing to hear himself be called Brother-in-law. He smiled at Pei Xiuran and said, I have a Lamborghini and Ferrari as well.

Pei Xiurans eyes lit up. Brother-in-law, can you let me drive one?

Pei Ying frowned and knocked him on the head. However, Pei Xiuran didnt seem to have felt it at all, his glimmering eyes still staring at Song Nanchuan. Song Nanchuan kept the smile on his face as he asked, Do you have your drivers license?

I was planning on taking the test during this break!

Then well talk again after you pass.

Thank you, Brother-in-law!

Song Nanchuans lips curved up, not saying anything. Instead, he pulled Pei Ying over to sit down in the seat beside his. I ordered a lot of things that you like to eat. Make sure to eat a lot.

Mm, okay. Pei Ying looked at Pei Xiuran, who was still foolishly standing at his side. She said, You sit down too.

Oh, okay.

Pei Xiuran pulled out a chair and sat down. Song Nanchuan finally looked to him. Pardon me. Since I didnt know what kinds of things you like to eat, I just ordered what your sister likes.

Thats okay. The two of us have similar tastes!

Song Nanchuan chuckled. Thats good then.

Brother-in-law, what do you do that you make so much money?

Nothing much. Just a small business.

Dont trick me, Brother-in-law. If you have a small business, then who has a big business? Pei Xiuran picked up his tea cup and took a sip. Somewhat unexpectedly, he exclaimed, This tea is pretty good!

Song Nanchuan said, Mm, its biluochun (type of green tea).

Oh. Pei Xiuran took another sip and continued, Brother-in-law, when do you plan to get married?

Song Nanchuan looked at Pei Ying beside him and smiled. That will depend on when shell agree to marry me.

Pei Ying glared at him. Pei Xiurans voice came again, Im not rushing you guys, but you should take care of things sooner than later. All our relatives and everyone at home knows you guys are together.

Song Nanchuan nodded without saying anything. And Pei Xiuran continued prattling on, What are you planning for the ceremony, Brother-in-law? You guys have to come back to our hometown

Pei Ying finally couldnt stand it anymore and asked, Xiuran, how were your final exams?

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