I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 95: Chapter No.95 Showdown (15)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The room's atmosphere thicked as the Crimson Circle members prepared to launch their coordinated assault. I tighted my grip on my sword, feeling the weight of the situation settle on my shoulders. I needed to keep them away from Sera and, at the same time, find a way to systematically dismantle their forces.

"Alright, you want to play?" I said, my voice low but carrying an edge of cold determination. "Th let's play."

The leader sneered, his eyes flashing with murderous intt. "You'll regret that, boy."

He motioned to his subordinates, and they charged forward, their movemts synchronized and deadly. I could sse the power emanating from each of them, a mix of dark magic and combat prowess. They were no ordinary soldiers; these were elite members of the Crimson Circle, each one a skilled practitioner of blood magic.

As they closed in, I activated [Starlight Burst], allowing radiant ergy to course through my veins. With a swift motion, I unleashed a wave of starlight ergy that cascaded outward, temporarily blinding and disoriting the closest emies. Their advance faltered as they shielded their eyes from the sudd burst of light.

Taking advantage of their momtary hesitation, I dashed forward with a burst of speed, targeting the nearest emy. My sword cut through the air with precision, aiming for the weak points in their armor. The blade sliced through, severing tdons and arteries as I pivoted to strike the next target.

But the Crimson Circle wasn't going to let me take them down easily. The slder figure who had initially attacked me raised their hand, and the blood tdrils from before surged toward me once more. This time, they moved faster, more aggressively, as if they had learned from our previous exchange.

I countered with [Lightning Strike], summoning a bolt of crackling ergy that shot from my hand, striking the blood tdrils mid-air. The electricity sizzled and crackled, burning through the crimson bindings and forcing the slder figure to retreat with a snarl of frustration.

Before I could press the advantage, the leader lunged at me with terrifying speed, his massive blade swinging down with brutal force. I barely managed to parry the blow, the impact reverberating through my arms. He was strong—far stronger than the others.

"You're not bad," the leader growled, pushing me back with raw strgth. "But you're still outmatched."

He swung again, this time with a combination of strikes aimed to overwhelm my defses. I had to rely on [Shadow Steps] to evade, flickering in and out of visibility as I dodged his powerful blows. But each time I reappeared, the other members of the Crimson Circle were there, attacking from differt angles, trying to pin me down.

Despite their numbers and strgth, I couldn't afford to let them see any signs of weakness. I was outnumbered, but I had faced worse odds before. I just needed to stay one step ahead, keep them on the defsive, and look for an oping to turn the tide.

As I danced through their attacks, I noticed the leader was the linchpin of their formation. If I could take him out, the others would likely falter. But getting close ough to land a decisive blow wouldn't be easy, not with the way they were all working together.

I needed to create a distraction—something that would draw their atttion away from Sera and give me a chance to strike. My mind raced through possibilities, and th an idea hit me. It was risky, but at this point, risk was the only thing that could give me the edge I needed.

"Time to up the ante," I muttered under my breath.

I focused inward, summoning the power of the [Dragon Heart] once more. But instead of channeling it into healing or hancing my physical abilities, I let the ergy build up inside me, compressing it into a volatile, unstable form. I could feel the raw power surging, almost too much to contain.

With a fierce shout, I released the ergy in a controlled burst, not as an attack, but as a shockwave that rippled through the room. The force of the explosion knocked back the Crimson Circle members, throwing them off balance and disrupting their formation. The machinery a Sera rattled, but I kept the ergy controlled ough to avoid causing any harm to her.

The leader staggered, momtarily disorited by the sudd blast. That was my chance.

I lunged forward with everything I had, my sword aimed directly at his heart. He saw me coming and tried to raise his weapon, but he was too slow. My blade pierced through his armor, sinking deep into his chest.

His eyes wided in shock and pain, and th a smile as his body dissolved into blood and reformed a few feet away. The leader of the Crimson Circle was more than just a skilled fighter; he had a trick up his sleeve that I hadn't anticipated.

"Impressive, boy," he said, his voice laced with malice. "But you're not the only one with a few surprises."

His body seemed to pulse with dark ergy as blood magic surged through him, healing the wound I had just inflicted. The other members of the Crimson Circle, who had be knocked back by my shockwave, began to recover as well, their determination only heighted by the leader's appart immortality.

I gritted my teeth. This was bad. The situation was spiraling out of control, and Sera's condition was worsing with each passing momt. I had to find a way to d this quickly, but how do you kill someone who can just reform from blood?

The leader's eyes gleamed as he raised his hand, and a dse fog of blood-red mist began to fill the room. It was thick, cloying, and reeked of iron. The mist obscured my vision, making it difficult to see anything beyond a few feet in front of me. I could hear the Crimson Circle members moving within the mist, their footsteps silt but their presce unmistakable.

"Let's see how you fare wh you can't ev see your emies," the leader taunted, his voice echoing ominously through the room.

The blood mist wasn't just a visual obstruction—it was also a conduit for their blood magic. I could feel the air growing heavier, the pressure building as the mist sapped my strgth, trying to drain my vitality. I couldn't stay in this fog for long, or it would bleed me dry.

I needed to act fast.

It seems I have to use it, I hav't cast the spell ev a single time. It was a spell I obtained in the inheritance of the Legdary Merlin.

This spell should be one of the most powerful spells Merlin ever created. Of course, this is not the most powerful destructive type but it does its job most effectively.

"Hehehehe~ You know I wanted to just kill you all and be done with it, But it seems. I'll have to step it up." I said as my chuckles echoed in this tse situation like a devil's laughter.

The leader's grin faltered for a momt as he ssed the shift in my demeanor. The Crimson Circle members paused, uncertainty flickering in their eyes as they heard my words.

"What's he planning?" one of them muttered, his voice betraying a hint of unease.

Ignoring their whispers, I focused on the spell I was about to unleash. It was a creation of Merlin, one of the most powerful and revered mages in history. The spell was ancit, complex, and required immse conctration and power to cast. But in this dire situation, it was exactly what I needed.

I positioned my arms wide, spreading them as if to embrace the tire room, and began to chant in a loud and clear voice, "The g will burn..."

A thin layer of space tore through separating the dimsion betwe our reality and another, as I continued, "The skies will fall..."

The air a me crackled with arcane ergy, the mist quivering as the powerful incantation resonated through the room. The Crimson Circle members exchanged anxious glances, realizing too late that they had underestimated me.

"Your soul will scream..." The scery changed into an dless barr land with few trees, but everything was red. No matter where you looked it was as if the tire world was soaked in blood. The Crimson Circle members seemed to falter, their once-unshakable confidce replaced by a growing sse of dread.

"But who will care..." My voice grew darker, carrying the weight of the spell's power. The ergy I was channeling was unlike anything I had ever wielded before—ancit, forbidd, and overwhelming. I could feel the raw force of it tearing at the very fabric of reality as it began to manifest.

The leader's eyes wided in fear as he finally realized the gravity of the situation. "Stop him!" he bellowed, but his voice was tinged with desperation. The Crimson Circle members surged forward, trying to interrupt my casting, but it was too late.

"Within this realm of dless gory... Domain Expansion: Crimson Purgatory!!!"

As the words left my lips, the tire room was gulfed in a violt, crimson light. The very air seemed to ignite as reality twisted and tore, pulling everyone within it into a new and nightmarish dimsion.

The once-confined laboratory was now replaced by a vast expanse of a blood-soaked wasteland, where the g was charred and cracked, and the sky was an ominous shade of red, as if stained by the essce of countless battles fought and lost.

This was the Crimson Purgatory—an ancit domain where the laws of nature were subverted, and the very vironmt was a weapon in itself. The spell was one of Merlin's most devastating creations, designed not just to defeat emies but to break them tirely, body, mind, and soul.

The Crimson Circle members, once confidt and poised, now found themselves in a state of disarray. The g beath them burned with searing heat, causing them to stumble and scream in agony as their flesh began to sear. The blood-red sky above bore down on them, pressing with an overwhelming, oppressive force that made it difficult to ev stand, let alone fight.

"Welcome to your d," I whispered, my voice carrying across the barr expanse like the whisper of death itself.

The leader of the Crimson Circle staggered, his once defiant expression now twisted with fear and disbelief. He tried to summon his blood magic, to reform his body and resist the assault, but the domain's very nature suppressed his powers, turning his own blood against him.

He coughed, a thick, dark liquid spilling from his mouth as his internal organs began to fail, crushed under the reltless pressure of the Crimson Purgatory.

The other members fared no better. They were scattered, their screams echoing through the vast expanse as they were torn apart by the unforgiving vironmt. Some tried to flee, but there was no escape—this was a prison, a hellscape designed to trap and punish, and there was no mercy to be found within its boundaries.

"But this is just the beginning..."




[To Be Continued]


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