I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 94: Chapter No.94 Showdown (14)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"Isn't that... Sera Rutherford, Mother of Clarissa." I whispered as I took in the figure lying in the containmt unit. Sera Rutherford, once a formidable woman in both beauty and power, now looked pale and frail, her body seemingly sustained by the arcane machinery suring her. Tubes connected to her arms and head pulsed with a dim glow, channeling an unknown substance into her veins.

Her face, though gaunt and sunk, still carried traces of the elegance she was once known for.

The beeping grew more erratic as if ssing my presce. I couldn't tell if it was a warning system or a sign that her condition was deteriorating. Either way, I knew I had to act fast.

"This complicates things," I muttered, feeling the weight of the decision looming over me.

Now, how to move her without making those machines go haywire? who knows those machines might be her life support.

I needed to tread carefully. Sera Rutherford's condition seemed precarious, and any wrong move could pottially wors her situation or trigger an alarm. I quickly assessed the magical apparatus suring her, trying to determine their purpose and how they were keeping her alive.

The tubes and wires connected to Sera pulsed with a faint, rhythmic glow, likely indicating that they were infused with some sort of life-sustaining magic. The beeping had an ominous tone, one that suggested a precarious balance betwe life and death.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I was skilled in many things, but delicate medical procedures wer't one of them. Still, I couldn't leave her here, not in this state, and certainly not to the mercy of Garrick and the Crimson Circle.

"Think, Samael," I muttered, trying to recall anything I knew about magical life support systems. My time in my past life had giv me knowledge far beyond that of an ordinary person, but this was uncharted territory. The machinery seemed to be a hybrid of alchemy and magic, a complex array of chantmts designed to keep her barely alive but also restrained.

My eyes flickered to the system interface, hoping for some clue or assistance.

[Ding! New Mission Objective Unlocked.]

[Objective 5: Stabilize Sera Rutherford's Condition and Secure Her Safety (Incomplete)]

[Hint: The machinery maintaining Sera's life is powered by a combination of alchemical ergy and forbidd blood magic. Disabling it without harming her will require either deactivating the blood magic or substituting it with a compatible life force.]

[Rewards: ???]

Blood magic. The words st a shiver down my spine. Blood magic was one of the most dangerous and unstable forms of magic, oft involving life force as both fuel and a conduit. If this machinery was indeed using such forbidd arts, I had to be ev more cautious.

There were two options: deactivate the blood magic or find a substitute life force. Neither was ideal, but I had to choose quickly. The beeping was growing more frantic as if the machinery ssed my indecision.

I recalled the pulse of life ergy within me, something that the Dragon Heart had hanced. Could I possibly transfer a portion of that to stabilize Sera? It was risky, and there was no guarantee it would work, but it was the best option I had.

"I guess it's time to test just how far this power can go," I whispered, placing my hand gtly on Sera's forehead.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

I closed my eyes and focused, reaching deep within myself to tap into the core of my life force. The Dragon Heart responded immediately, beating like a hammer within my chest, its rhythm syncing with the erratic beeping of the machines a Sera. I could feel the raw power coursing through me, a primal force that had the pottial to both create and destroy.

But I had to be careful—I needed to channel just ough to stabilize her without overwhelming the delicate balance that was keeping her alive.

I began to push my life force through my hand, letting it flow into Sera's body. The ssation was strange as if I were pouring a part of myself into her, and I could feel the ergy being absorbed by her frail form. The beeping slowed, becoming more regular, and the pale glow of the machinery seemed to bright slightly.

[Ding! Blood magic detected. Dragon Heart ergy is recognized as a viable substitute. Commcing stabilization.]

The system's notification was reassuring, but I couldn't let my guard down yet. The blood magic was deeply trched in the machinery, and I had to sure that my life force could fully replace it. I conctrated, visualizing the ergy weaving through Sera's veins, reinforcing her failing organs, and purging the dark magic that had be keeping her on the brink of death.

For a momt, the air a us seemed to vibrate with ergy. The machinery hummed louder, and the dim light within the tubes flared with a bright, gold hue as the Dragon Heart's ergy took hold. I could feel the blood magic retreating, like a malignant force being driv back by something purer and stronger.

Sera's breathing, which had be shallow and unev, began to stabilize. Her skin, once pale and lifeless, took on a faint but noticeable flush of color. The tsion in her muscles relaxed, and the beeping of the machines slowed to a steady, reassuring rhythm.

I sighed in relief, but I knew this was only the beginning. The blood magic had be neutralized, and Sera was no longer at immediate risk, but she was still incredibly weak. Moving her in this state was risky, but leaving her here was not an option. I had to act quickly before anyone realized what I was doing.


Oh, Come on! Could you give it a rest?

"Found you, Ashwood rat. Sniffing a our territory, Tired of living I guess."

The door was blown to the smitheres, As eight blurry figures stepped inside the room I could see more than thirty were waiting just outside. The dust and debris settled, revealing the figures clad in dark, crimson-tinged armor, their faces obscured by helmets bearing the insignia of the Crimson Circle.

The leader, a hulking brute with a scar running down the side of his face, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as they locked onto me.

I could sse the malice emanating from them, like a suffocating cloud of hatred and bloodlust. They wer't just here by coincidce—they had be tracking me, waiting for the perfect momt to strike. And now, with Sera Rutherford still barely clinging to life and my ergy partially drained from stabilizing her, they believed they had me cornered.

"I suppose you're the ones responsible for this little setup," I said, glancing at the machinery still humming a Sera. "Using blood magic to keep someone alive... that's quite the twisted hobby."

The leader chuckled darkly, his voice resonating with a deep, guttural tone. "You've got guts, kid. But guts won't save you from what's coming. The Crimson Circle doesn't tolerate meddlers, especially not some upstart noble brat who thinks he can play hero."

The tsion in the room was palpable. I could feel my muscles coiling, ready for a fight, but I knew I had to be careful. Any wrong move and Sera could be caught in the crossfire, or worse, the blood magic could reactivate and undo all the progress I'd made.

"You're right," I said calmly, my eyes flicking betwe the eight emies in front of me. "I'm not here to play hero..."

I continued as a maniacal smile started to stretch on my face splitting into a grin that hinted at something far darker. "...I am here to... slaughter!"


"Hahahaha!!!" x30


The room echoed with a cacophony of sinister laughter. The Crimson Circle members, their faces hidd behind their dark helmets, laughed with chilling thusiasm. Their collective mirth was unsettling, a stark contrast to the dire situation unfolding before me.

"Hahaha! Kid, You! Haha~ seriously just Haha~ Oh my! Almost died from the laughter!" the leader finally managed betwe fits of dark, cruel amusemt. "You really think you can stand against us with just a few tricks? How adorable."

The laughter died down, replaced by an air of grim determination. The leader's eyes locked onto me, his gaze sharp and calculating. "Let's see how much of a hero you are wh you're face-to-face with death."

"Death?! Hahahahaha~ You know what death looks like? let me show you, What staring in the face of death looks like," As I drew my sword from its sheath with a practiced, fluid motion, the blade catching the dim light of the room. The laughter of the Crimson Circle members faded into an uneasy silce, replaced by the sharp, expectant ergy of the impding confrontation.

The leader's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of amusemt still flickering in his gaze. "You think a mere blade will make any differce? You're outnumbered and outmatched."

"We'll see about that," I replied, my voice steady as I took a defsive stance, the edge of my blade gleaming ominously.

The Crimson Circle members spread out, their crimson armor clinking softly as they prepared for the attack. Their leader, a massive figure with a scarred face, watched with a predatory smile. The room's atmosphere crackled with tsion, the air thick with the sct of impding violce.

I scanned the room quickly, noting the positions of each emy. The machinery a Sera Rutherford continued its steady hum, and I had to sure that any conflict wouldn't disrupt the delicate balance I had just achieved. I couldn't afford to let them get close to her.

The leader raised a hand, signaling his subordinates. A slder-looking figure lifted its hands as they started to glow blood red-

"Blood Magic: Crimson Bindings!"

The slder figure chanted, and dark tdrils of blood magic surged toward me, aiming to snare and immobilize me. The sinister crimson strands slithered through the air with an eerie grace, their very presce tainting the room with a malevolt aura.

I quickly reacted, using my agility to dodge the initial attack. My instincts kicked in as I sidestepped the blood bindings, the tdrils missing me by mere inches. The leader's confidce was palpable, but I had no inttion of giving them the satisfaction of an easy victory.

"Shadow Steps!" I whispered, vanishing from sight in a blur of darkness. The blood tdrils flailed ineffectually where I had be, but I was already reappearing behind one of the Crimson Circle members.

"Bye-bye ~" I swing my sword in a practiced arc, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The Crimson Circle member I targeted barely had time to react but before my sword could find its mark, The tdrils of blood pulled the target back barely missing their intded path. The Crimson Circle member staggered, the crimson bindings wrching them out of harm's way.

The leader's lips twisted into a sinister smile, clearly pleased with the defsive capabilities of their blood magic.

"It seems, we have a sneaky bastard in our hands. I am going to joy slicing your bones apart, little rat."

The leader's voice was laced with sadistic pleasure as he stepped forward, his massive form exuding a terrifying presce. I could see the glint of malevolce in his eyes as he prepared to join the fray. The other Crimson Circle members spread out, some preparing to attack while others formed a protective ring a their leader.




[To Be Continued]


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