I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 37: Chapter No.37 Dungeon (1)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

A shimmering light enveloped me as the system activated the Plot Exchange Card. The sensation was strange, a mix of warmth and cold that coursed through my body. I felt a slight tug at my consciousness as if something profound was shifting within the very fabric of my reality.

[Plot Exchange complete.]

[You have successfully exchanged plots with Ethan, the protagonist.]

The light faded, leaving me feeling slightly disoriented but also invigorated. I knew that this exchange would tilt the odds in my favor, altering the course of events to align more closely with my objectives.


[Right Away.]

[Status Window]

[Name: Samael Ashwood]

[Race: Dhampi, Royal ???, Royal Elf]

[Magic: Second Circle (Peak)]

[Body: Iron Body (Mid)]

[Strength: 30]

[Agility: 30]

[Endurance: 30]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Charisma: 49]

[Destiny Points: 12500]

[Affinities: Star, Destruction, Lightning, Nature, Shadow (Locked)]

"It's been some time since I last saw my status. Changes are quite visible," I mused to myself, noting the increase in my charisma attributed to the new title of Charmer.

With my attributes now comparable to a peak third-circle mage, I felt prepared to face the challenges ahead. The dungeon awaited, its depths harboring dangers that would test not only my strength but also my strategic abilities and resilience.

"I even have to check that shop function I unlocked," I mused to myself, recalling the System's notification about a new feature.

Focusing on the task at hand, I made my way towards the outskirts of town where the entrance to the dungeon awaited. The air grew cooler as I approached, a tangible sense of anticipation building within me. The dungeon's entrance loomed ahead, its ancient stones weathered by time and marked with warnings of the dangers within.

There was a crowd gathering near the entrance, a mix of adventurers, merchants, and curious onlookers. Some were preparing their gear, others exchanging hushed conversations about the dungeon's rumored perils. I spotted Ethan among them who had just entered the dungeon with a determined expression.

As I approached the dungeon entrance area, A guard wearing royal colors blocked my path while motioning me toward the desk where I needed to register before entering.

"Name?" the guard asked, his tone businesslike but not unkind.

"Samael Ashwood-"

Before I could say more, The guard stood up and nodded in approval.

"Samael Ashwood, you're registered. Be cautious inside and good luck," the guard said, stepping aside to let me pass eyeing me with pity as if I was going to die.

As I passed through the guard and approached the dungeon entrance, the atmosphere around me grew tense with anticipation. The dungeon's ancient stones loomed before me, weathered by time and etched with warnings of the perils within. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

Inside, the air was cool and damp, carrying with it a faint scent of earth and moss. Torchlight flickered along the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced with every movement. The sounds of distant creatures echoed through the corridors, a constant reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness.

Navigating cautiously through the labyrinthine passages, I kept my senses sharp, alert to any sign of movement or danger. The dungeon's layout seemed designed to disorient, with twisting corridors and sudden drops that tested even the most experienced adventurers.


The sudden, high-pitched squeal pierced the air, followed by a flurry of movement from above. Instinctively, I raised my guard, scanning the ceiling for any threats. A small swarm of bats fluttered overhead, their leathery wings casting fleeting shadows in the torchlight.


The deep growl reverberated through the corridor, sending a chill down my spine. It was a sound that resonated with primal aggression, hinting at a creature far larger and more dangerous than the bats above.


A crude arrow whistled through the air, narrowly missing my shoulder and embedding itself into the stone wall with a sharp thud. I spun around, eyes scanning the darkness for the source of the attack.

Swish~ Swish~ Swish~ Swish~

From all the directions around me, more arrows flew, each one aimed with deadly accuracy. I dodged and weaved through the onslaught, my reflexes honed by the urgency of survival. The attackers remained hidden, their identities shrouded in the shadows of the dungeon's depths.

'Shadow Steps~'

As the arrows continued to rain down, I focused my mind, invoking the Shadow Steps technique granted by my newfound abilities. In an instant, I melded into the shadows, becoming one with the darkness that surrounded me. The arrows passed harmlessly through the space I had just occupied, unable to find their mark.

Moving swiftly and silently, I navigated through the corridors with enhanced agility, using the shadows to my advantage. I sensed the presence of my assailants lurking nearby, their movements masked but not hidden from my heightened senses.

Getting behind a troll, which I identified by their thick, muscled body and coarse, greenish skin. I immediately unsheathed the sword of the dark light hanging by my side and in a swift motion beheaded the unsuspecting troll. The creature collapsed with a heavy thud, its massive form crumpling to the ground as dark blood pooled around it.

The dungeon echoed with a momentary silence, broken only by the flickering torches and the faint sounds of distant creatures.

Swish~ Swish~

As the echoes of the troll's demise faded, the dungeon seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the next move. The assailants, alerted by the noise, closed in with renewed aggression. Arrows whizzed through the air with increased frequency, aimed at my position now revealed by the recent confrontation.

Swiftly assessing the situation, I calculated my options. The dungeon's layout offered limited cover, but my recent enhancement and skills granted by the System gave me an edge. I focused on evasion and strategic positioning, utilizing the environment to shield myself from the relentless barrage of arrows.

"Lightning Strike!"

Calling upon my affinity with lightning, I sent a surge of electrical energy coursing through the air. The bolts crackled with intensity, illuminating the corridor with brief flashes of blue-white light. The attackers, momentarily blinded and disoriented by the sudden brightness, faltered in their assault.

Seizing the opportunity, I moved swiftly from shadow to shadow, closing the distance between myself and the assailants. With each step, I planned my next moves carefully, keeping my blade ready and my senses keenly attuned to any movement or sound.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, wielding a bow and clad in the garb of a dungeon raider. Their eyes widened in surprise as they realized I had closed the gap. Without hesitation, I lunged forward, my sword slicing through the air with lethal precision.


The clash of metal echoed through the corridor as my blade met theirs in a fierce duel. Sparks flew as our weapons clashed, each strike fueled by determination and skill. The raiders fought with desperate ferocity, their attacks fueled by the need to defend their territory within the dungeon.

With a series of swift maneuvers, I pressed the advantage, driving the raider back with calculated strikes. Their defenses faltered under the relentless assault, and in a decisive moment, I disarmed them with a precise slash.

More and more sparks flew as our weapons clashed, each strike fueled by determination and skill. The raiders fought with desperate ferocity, their attacks fueled by the need to defend their territory within the dungeon.

With a series of swift maneuvers, I pressed the advantage, driving the raider back with calculated strikes. Their defenses faltered under the relentless assault, and in a decisive moment, I disarmed them with a precise slash.

And with a precise moment beheaded them. The raiders collapsed to the ground, their weapon clattering beside them as they gasped their last breath. Silence settled over the corridor once more, broken only by the faint hum of residual magic and the distant echoes of creatures within the dungeon.

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I scanned the surroundings for any further threats. The encounter had been intense, but I knew there was more to navigate through in this treacherous place.

Thump! Thump!

The ground started shaking as a deep growl reverberated through the corridor, followed by the heavy footsteps of massive creatures. The dungeon floor trembled with each stride, signaling the approach of something formidable and dangerous.

A whole group of trolls approached, their towering forms casting long shadows in the torchlight. Their greenish skin glistened with sweat and grime, muscles rippling beneath as they advanced with purposeful strides. Each troll wielded crude weapons—clubs and axes stained with the blood of previous victims, their faces contorted in savage grins revealing sharp teeth.

Despite the daunting sight, I remained calm, my mind racing with strategies to confront this new threat. The trolls' strength and resilience were formidable, but I had faced challenges before and emerged victorious, thanks to my enhanced abilities and strategic prowess.

"Starlight Brust!"

Channeling the power of the stars through my fingertips, I unleashed a barrage of celestial energy towards the approaching trolls. The Starlight Burst exploded upon impact, sending shockwaves through the air and illuminating the dungeon with brilliant bursts of light. The trolls staggered under the force of the attack, their roars of pain echoing through the corridors.

Taking advantage of their momentary disorientation, I swiftly closed the distance, my sword flashing in a series of precise strikes. With each blow, I aimed for vulnerable spots—joints, tendons, and unprotected areas of their thick hide. The trolls retaliated with brute force, swinging their weapons in wide arcs, but my agility and speed allowed me to evade their attacks with calculated grace.

"Nature's Embrace!"

Calling upon my affinity with nature, I summoned thick vines and roots from the ground. The plant life entangled the trolls' legs, immobilizing them and leaving them vulnerable to further attacks. The trolls struggled against the magical bindings, their roars of rage filling the air, but nature's embrace held firm, restricting their movements.




[To Be Continued]


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