I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 36: Chapter No.36 One Scratch...

[Samael Ashwood's POV]


Blink~ Blink~

I think I am still asleep because the moment I opened my eyes, They met with beautiful orange eyes staring back at me with a mix of curiosity and affection.

"Good morning, Sionna," I said softly, my voice still heavy with sleep. Her presence, so close and warm, was a comforting reminder of what I was fighting for.

"Good morning, Samael," she replied with a sleepy smile, her voice a soft whisper. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did," I assured her, reaching out to gently pat her head. "How about you?"

"Better than I have in a long time," she admitted, her smile growing a little wider. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"You're always welcome, Sionna," I said sincerely. "You can stay here as long as you need to."

Her smile widened at my words, a flicker of relief passing over her features. "Thank you, Samael. It means a lot to me."

As we both lay there in the morning light, the weight of the day ahead settled in my mind. The dungeon exploration was a crucial step in our journey, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But it was also an opportunity to gather resources and strength, to fortify our position against Lord Ashwood's machinations.

"I need to get ready," I said gently, slowly sitting up to avoid disturbing Sionna too much. "Today is an important day."

"Huh! Are you going somewhere? Don't leave me behind," Sionna said, her voice tinged with concern as she sat up, clutching my sleeve.

I offered her a reassuring smile. "I'm not leaving you, Sionna. I have to explore a dungeon today. It's dangerous, but it's something I have to do for our family's future."

Her grip tightened momentarily before she nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and understanding. "I know you have to do this, Samael. Just... please be careful."

"I will," I promised, gently kissing her nose, causing her to giggle softly. "I'll come back safely. You have my word."

Sionna's expression softened, and she gave me a small nod. "I'll be waiting for you," she said, her voice filled with determination.

I gave her one last reassuring smile before rising from the bed. The morning light streaming through the window illuminated the room, casting a warm glow over everything. It was a new day, and despite the challenges ahead, I felt a renewed sense of purpose.

After a quick wash and change into my gear, I headed to the kitchen, where Liliana was already bustling about, preparing a hearty breakfast. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon filled the air, providing a comforting start to the day.

"Good morning, Samael," Liliana greeted me with a warm smile as I entered. "I made sure to prepare something special for you today. You'll need all the energy you can get."

"You know how to cook?" I asked as she as a vampire would not need to eat.

Liliana chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I might not need to eat, but I've had plenty of time to learn over the years. Besides, I enjoy cooking for you."

"Eat up," she urged, setting a plate of food in front of me. "And remember, we're all counting on you to come back safely."

"After that go to your mother's room, She wants to talk to you before you leave for the dungeon," Liliana added, her tone gentle yet firm.

I nodded, acknowledging the importance of my mother's words before embarking on such a perilous journey. "Thank you, Liliana. I'll make sure to see her."

With that, I focused on the meal before me, savoring each bite not only for its sustenance but for the care that Liliana had put into preparing it. The flavors melded together perfectly, providing a comforting reassurance amid the looming uncertainties of the day.

After finishing my meal, I bid Liliana a grateful farewell and made my way to my mother's quarters. As I approached the door, I could feel a mix of anticipation and concern stirring within me. My mother, Elysia Ashwood, The strongest mage in the entire kingdom kidnapped indirectly by her own 'husband'.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and entered the room. The air inside was still and charged with magic, a testament to my mother's presence. She sat by the window, a book of ancient spells open on her lap. Her snow-white hair shimmered in the soft light, and her eyes were a piercing blue like one of my eyes, turned toward me as I approached.

"Samael," she greeted me, her voice steady yet tinged with concern. "I've been waiting for you."

I nodded respectfully, my gaze meeting hers. "Mother."

She gestured for me to sit beside her, and I complied, settling in next to her on the cushioned seat. For a moment, neither of us spoke, the silence thick with unspoken worries and unvoiced fears.

"Samael, Let me tell you one thing before you leave," She said with a tone of urgency, her eyes searching mine as if trying to convey the depth of her message through their piercing blue depths.

"Mother, whatever you wish to tell me, I will listen," I replied earnestly, sensing the gravity of her words.

"One scratch," she said, her voice lowering to a near whisper, "one wound, no matter how small. When you return, if I see even the slightest injury on you, Believe me when I say this."

"BLOOD BATH will be an understatement, No matter who comes whether it is the Ashwood family or Blackthorn family, I will ensure that none of them are left alive."

My heart skipped a beat at his mother's words, the seriousness of her tone cutting through him like a blade. I had never seen her so resolute, her gaze unwavering as she spoke of protecting me with such fierce determination.

"I understand, Mother," I replied, my voice steady despite the unease churning within me. I knew the depths of her power and the lengths she would go to for her family's safety. "I will do everything in my power to return unharmed."

"I hope that my words stay with you, Samael," Elysia continued, her expression softening slightly as she reached out to gently touch my cheek. "You are my son, and your safety is paramount to me. But know this: our enemies will not hesitate to strike at our weaknesses. Be vigilant, be strong, and return to us."

Her touch was warm against my skin, a silent reassurance amidst the gravity of her words. I nodded, feeling a surge of determination welling up within me. "I will make you proud, Mother. I promise."

"You already did my son, You already did."

With those words hanging in the air, I felt a mix of pride and determination swelling within me. Mother's unwavering resolve and unconditional love fortified my spirit as I prepared to face the challenges ahead.

"I won't let you down, Mother," I vowed softly, meeting her gaze with steadfast determination.

Elysia's expression softened further, a faint smile touching her lips. "I know you won't, Samael."

We sat in silence for a moment longer, the weight of our unspoken bond weaving around them like a protective cloak. Then, Elysia withdrew her hand, her gaze lingering on me with a mixture of maternal pride and concern.

"Go now," she said gently, breaking the silence. "Prepare yourself for what lies ahead. And remember, I am with you, always."

I nodded, rising from his seat with a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you, Mother. I will return soon."

Elysia stood up and pulled me into a brief embrace, her touch filled with both strength and tenderness. "Be safe, my son," she murmured softly against my ear.

I returned the embrace, feeling her love and protection enveloping me like a shield. "I will, Mother," I promised, holding onto her for a moment longer before stepping back.

With a final nod of reassurance, I turned and left Mother's quarters, my mind now focused and resolved. I knew the dangers that awaited me in the dungeon, but I also carried with me the strength of my family's love and support.

If I remember correctly then, In the original novel, this dungeon contains, monsters that are as powerful as third-circle mages at the least while the boss is as powerful as fifth-circle mages. The boss is the red ogre chief who is known for their magic resistance skin and brutality.

I walked out of my house and into the crisp morning air, my mind focused on the task ahead.

'System, Use Plot Exchange Card.'

[Using Plot Exchange Card...]

[Seaching for the plot...]

[Plot Found.]

[Please choose your target to exchange the plot with.]

[1. Ethan — The Protagonist]

On the system panel, only one name was shown to choose from...

After a brief pause, I made my decision.

'System, use the Plot Exchange Card on Ethan,' I said firmly, confirming my choice.

[Using Plot Exchange Card on Ethan...]

[Exchanging plot...]




[To Be Continued]


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