Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 31



The last chapterTo use the uselessness of futility

Became my best one so far, thank you very much.


The Holy Woman who became a commoner and the growth of the children

Side : Lulu

I was still alive thanks to Herge-sama. She saved my life.

No thats not right, the one who truly saved me was the Dungeon Master from this place.

Now, this strange room had cushions over a mysterious grass1), should I sit there?. They were paved around a

somewhat large desk where all the persons living in the Dungeon were sitting.

(Yuki)Well, its good that we finally helped Lulu. Now that were done with her treatment,whats everyone opinion on the matter.

The ruler of this Dungeon should be the one called the Dungeon Master, Yuki.

I heard legends about him. He was the one who brought disaster to the Demon King, a true dragonamongst men.

With the help of the skill he named Call, we were able to talk twice without seeing eachother, but it was nothing like meeting face to face.

He looks fairly young.

Regardless of that, he was the one who stopped the civil war. The one who saved the losingcountry Roshuru from the invaders Gai and Ritea.

The one who created the plan that stopped this rioting. The one who saved many lifes in aninstant.

Therefore, I didnt understand why he was uneasy.

Why did he ask for the opinions of the others?

(Lutz)Onii-san?Err, Onii-san what are you planning?

The person who said that might be one of the slaves bought by him.

The rabbit girl returned the question wondering as well what he wanted to know.

Rather, how could a slave make this kind of remark?

(Yuki)At last we ended with that question huhI think that its slightly early. Nicely saidLutz. Hence, I will comment now that the operation had ended. Should I say that I had expectedthis developement?

(Lutz)Yes, and I want to help

(Yuki)If I bring my opinon first, it will be hard for you to reject it, isnt that right?. Iwant you guys to help me. I dont want your opinion regarding what I said but regarding what youfeel, alright?

(Lutz)However, that isnt what you wish from us Onii-san, am I wrong?

(Yuki)Oh, my words were confusing. Lutz Well everybody. I gave you food, clothing and shelter butI am a Dungeon Master, and from now on things will get seriously so, didnt you think that I wasonly doing that for my own convenience?

(Lutz) I dont think that anything you did until now was wrong Onii-san.

(Yuki)Like you said, everything went smoothly until now. But I doubt it will continue. Dontmisunderstand, I am only a person. Sometimes, I may be wrong. Thats why I want your help. I askeveryone, please lend me your power. You can express your opinion here without worry. When Imake a mistake, please hit me until it stop me. If its necessary, you may even do it until itkills me off. Like this.

After he said that, he bowed. it was towards the slave that he bowed.

I couldnt hide my surprise from what he said.

He was so low profile that he stood out, he didnt care about dignity.

To a Country, a King is a symbol. It was the same when I was a Holy Woman, I had to made a lotof things, everything in order to keep my dignity.

Until now, there was no ruler who didnt take their dignity seriously.


The woman called Lutz probably had the same idea as me.

She seemed to be embarrassed from his remarks.

Furthermore, the others didnt know how to react at all.

(Lulu)I wil call you Yuki-san. Forgive me Yuki-san but your way of thinking is not the onefitting for a country. You as the Dungeon Master should lead the way. Like the ruler of acountry would do to his kingdom

Altought I tried to correct Yuki-sans misunderstanding

(Yuki)Lulu, I dont want to become a ruler or something like a King nor a representative.Instead what I want is to be a typical person who lives in the country. I will protect it,nurture it and listen to everyones opinions. Until now, the previous Kings have been symbolsonly by chance.

(Lulu)That kind of thinkingYou cant do that!!. The King is a symbol!!. Its necessary for acountry!!

(Yuki)Youre a symbol too, the Holy Woman, didnt the people took it and use it for arebellion?

(Lulu)Huh!!. There was some circumstances, I was prepared to it

(Yuki)You didnt listen to others opinions, as result didnt that happen?


(Yuki)In the end, the Holy Woman is barely a symbol that could be replaced anytime. Havent yourealized?. And the only necessity of a Holy Woman is for decoration.

It was as he said.The King and the Holy Woman just have the highest power of speech.

All the retainers opinion are ignored. The King is the only one as a symbol.

(Lulu) What about the nobility? And the persons from the church?, the law?, and therelatives by blood?

Somehow, I said everything I could think of.

Laws are something humans decided upon.

And its already set from your birth.

Unless you dont respect the Goddess unlike me and dont practice enough, there are things youwould never be able to reach.

(Yuki)You make me laugh. Hey, since when were the country of Herge and Lulu created?

(Lulu)?. The Holy Country of Ritea was formed 400 years ago. At that time, the people fromthe former country Reus were impoverished. The first saint took over the country and founded itanew.

(Herge)The country Hiruni was in ruins 300 years ago. To save the people from this country, aswordsman journeyed with other people, defeated the tyrant lord and founded the current RoshuruKingdom.

While I was wondering why he asked us about such a thing.

(Yuki)Like you said , their ancestors were commoners. They became rulers without being from alineage of nobles. They were strangers coming from some far away place.

All the things said by him came in waves into my mind.

(Yuki)The people who made your country saved your people. Then, they used itHow?. Becausethey had heard how to do it. They had seen how to do it. And since they knew that, thats whythey had the confidence to save your people and thats why they did it.

Yes, the ancestors who saved our country were free people.

Therefore, our countriesNo, I understand what they where seeking with it.

(Yuki)Thats why, you and the other girls had to lower your heads. Then you met with slavery,commoners, family, nobility and other things. Can you see it?. Listen, in my Dungeon I will makea village or a town which would be its own symbol And I think that representatives would besuitable to manage it. Many would be able to make a better job than me. I would be an arrogant if Isay that Im absolutely right. I only have some knowledge and abilities that may surprise someguys but thats all.

That was what he wanted to say.

He wants to make a special place where people can share their opinions.

And he wants to make that kind of place here.

Even though he is a Dungeon Master.

He wants the people from the country to become his representative.

(Lulu)Err, emm Yuki-san, why do you have that kind of wish?. What is it that you seek?. Ifevery man and woman had this kind of knowledge2), then therewould not be any meaning anymore in having our current society. Its a tremendous dreamlikestory. Theres no way such a sweet country could ever exist.

So what he wants to do is, to have the people from the countries with knowledge to becomerepresentatives and have everyone think about the laws.

A commoner cant know something like that.

And giving such knowledge to everyone from the other countries is impossible

Thats why the knowledge is only limited to nobility.

Because of that, I said to him that it was merely nothing but a sweet dream.

A superficial story, just like in a tale.

But he easily answered back.

(Yuki)Sweetness?. That thinking is only childs play. Just because nobody could think of that,such a country cant exist?. Does anyone not wish for a place where dreams, hopes, and where anyperson disregarding of their race and gender can express themselves freely, can such a countrynot exist?.The thing you are calling Sweet is only a mere excuse.

I was dumbfounded. Yet, he continued further with a smile.

(Yuki)In the over optimistic and sweet country Lulu is talking about, anyone can give hisopinion and propose a law that would involve many people. That will certainly bring varioushardships along. However, I think that this kind of country would be fun. Even more, Im surethat it will be a good Country. It goes without saying. Therefore Lutz give me your opinion. Doyou think that a place where the King has become the absolute ruler is a good thing?

When he declared that, he turned his sight to the way Lutz was sitting.

(Lutz)Onii-san, its an excellent opinion With that we will become really busy from nowon

(Yuki)Im in the middle of making the Village or Town inside the Dungeon. I will entirely relyon you for the Management~

(Lutz)Gya!?. You said an amazing thing so casually!?. We are amateurs you know!?

(Yuki)Well, I already knew about that. In this meeting I will give you the specific parts andask you to express your opinions. In the end, we will make amendments for whatever thing couldbe missing. To keep everything in order, I would have you from the Rabbit Tribe become the headrepresentative.

(Lutz)What is it with that crazy title!?. I know what it means but I dont understand!!3)

The many women from the different tribes seemed to be surprised as well.

Well, even thought they were from different species we couldnt see that here at all.

They didnt feel different from my status either.

So far, I only thought that I had to lead people alone.

Because of that, I worked hard, worshiped the Goddess and mastered my Magic.

Yes, it was like that. I became like this because of my own efforts.

I didnt do anything special. I became special.

Why is it that I thought it would be impossible, I just didnt know.

It was arrogant. It was natural that my position as the Holy Woman was aimed at.

(Lulu)Yuki-san no, Yuki-sama. Did you help me only because you wanted to hear my opinion?

(Yuki)Eh?,Sama?. Oh, whatever. Lutz and the others, should we move forward with the Citystalk?

(Lulu)Even if Im a stranger, I would like you to shelter me inside this Dungeon.

When I said that, everyone became quiet for an instant and the girls were looking towards me.

(Lutz)You said something quite funny there. And now there is no merits for us to hold Lulu-samahere. I mean, Onii-san wants to know about our opinions. So I will say mine clearly You arean absolute hindrance, please leave this place now, just go outsite and die ok?4)

When Lutz said that, the young women agreed, nodding with their heads.

(Herge)What are you saying!!.Lulu-sama doesnt need leave!!.Please Yuki-san dont do such athing!!

Herge-sama came in front of me and faced Yuki-san. She wanted to plead for my protection.

(Lulu)Herge-Sama, our opinions and emotions dont have any value in this place. However, Imreally happy for your intentions, but can you fall back?.Please, listen to this carefully. Thisworld is something that Seraria-sama, Aria-sama, and the King of Roshuru dindt want to show you

When I said that, Herge fell back behind me.

(Yuki)Lutz and the girls seem to be against we protecting you. Even if I raise my voice, Youwill have to confront Lutz and everyone by yourself.

Yuki-sama was relaxed. He said that while sipping his tea.5)

Now my status seemed to be even more useless.

(Lulu)I had that intention.

I answered back to Yuki-sama. I wasnt the symbol of a country only for show.

(Lutz)Hah!, then go ahead. Explain yourself please. However, I dont know how an official orthe Holy Woman of Ritea could benefit us at all?.And Lulu-sama was about to be assassinatedjust now. Even 12 of your guards cooperated to try and assassinate you. What will you do onceyou reach back to the Holy Country Ritea?. If you go back now, youll be handled as a fake. Evenif you can return it would be a situation where youll be surounded by assassins at anytime.

Lutz who seemed to be highly educated turned around to see me.

As expected of the representative Yuki-sama bowed his head to.

However, they shouldnt take me lightly.

(Lulu)As Lutz-san said now, I am a simple person. And I would go out of my way for the peopleimportant for me. I know that I would bring no benefit to this Dungeon. However, if I should gooutside and die, the event until no and all the informations from this Dungeon, I will tell themto the Holy Country Ritea. Then I would accomplish my revenge against this Dungeon which didntwant to shelter me.



(Lulu)I swear that if Yuki-sama shelters me and gifts me with his Guardian Appointement, myactions will be limited and restricted only to this Dungeon. And I swear to answer abouteverything I know regarding the Holy Country Ritea, different informations such as the militaryand the laws. I am now ashamed that I was one of the top positions in Ritea. Also, Im certainthat I can help Lutz regarding the Management.

(Herge)No, you cant!!.If you do that Lulu-sama, then you will betray your country!?

Herge wanted to stop me.

(Lulu)Herge-sama. The fact that I cant return to the Holy Country Ritea is definitive. Thatswhy its not like I am betraying them. And if I dont do that, for how long would I be able tocontinue this kind of random life

(Yuki)As for you Lutz, what do you think?. She says that she can be useful.

They didnt seem to react the same as they did when they said those remarks. But they dont seemto be as kind as a breeze yet.

Id also like that they would follow up.

Yuki-sama will tend to agree with Lutz-san and the young women wouldnt he?.

So if Lutz-san say that she wanted my death here

(Lutz)To kill you here or to throw you outside, both are good options right?

(Lulu)Would you go that far?. Do you really want to do that?. It could be possible that oncethey find me, there would be accusations against your Dungeon right?.Am I disgusting to thepoint where you dont want my help?.In the first place, even if you hide it Lutz-san and theyoung women, if by any chance the truth gets discovered, what would happen to this town?. ForRitea, it will become a good reason to condemn this place.

(Lutz)If we killed you here, do you know that you would become a good fertilizer?. In your caseLulu-sama, I wonder if you will become a lot of DP~


Oh no!. If they kill me here then they wont meet any problem.

(Herge)Thats no good!!. Ill never let you kill Lulu-sama!!

Herge raised her voice, threatening Lutz-san and the girls.

(Lutz)The useless Holy Woman over there please fall silent. Now, you dont have the right to speakanymore. Do you understand?

(Herge)I do!!. If you agree with me and help Lulu-sama, Ill see with Father and we will giveyou even stronger support!!

(Lutz)Ho? Onii-san, did you settle the affair with the country of Roshuru already?

(Yuki)No, because we stayed here, so I dont know. We will get the details when Seraria arrives

(Lutz)Ufufu, hopeless Holy Woman, Herge-sama. What will happen if you cant hold your promise?

Lutz-san said that and scowled Herge-sama.

The legs of Herge-sama where trembling. It couldnt be helped. Because the negotiations hadnthappened as of yet.

(Herge)We-, well that!!. If at that time we fail then!!. Lulu-samas by my owns handsIll behead her head !!

I couldnt understand her words.

My head was not yours, kind Herge-sama. You cant wage it like that.

(Lutz)Going as far as betting her head, well its a dangerous gamble because the members of theroyal family are rotten. Hmm~, if Roshuru increases their support and if you give us informationabout Ritea I can compromise. But I dont know if Roshuru will hold their promise soPleasewait a minute, Ill talk with everyone. As Onii-san wished~

When Lutz-san said that, Herge-sama body sunk to the floor, shivering.

(Herge)Huh huh, Im so sorry. At this rate Lulu-sama will

(Lulu)No, Herge-sama. Thank you so much for trying to save my life. If it was just me, I wouldnt have been able to convince them. You dont need to hold a grudge againt yourself even if I die,Herge-sama.

I grasped Herge-samas trembling hand and said thank you.

She was so small but she kept growing up. Even if I die here, Im certain that she would staypositive.

The meeting of Lutz and the young girls was over.

And Lutz-san was comming over here.

(Lutz)Very well. We have decided to shelter Lulu-sama. However, there will be a few conditions,I will tell them to you in a short while.

Apparently, I managed to survive6)



I think that the negotiations were easy to understand.

For Lutz and the others, Lulus submision and the informations from the country werent enough.

If Herge helped, it would increase the help from Roshuru.

But because there was no security, Lutz and the others didnt agrea immediately to it.

However, Herge proposed the decapitation of Lulu.

Like this, they could confirm how much Herge was prepared to do.

Althought they didnt have the guarantee that they would receive an increased amount of help,

the chance that it would happen and the informations of Ritea where enough to maintain her


Even if Herge would bet her neck there, she was under the protection so it was useless.

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