Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 30



Finally is Herges turn to shine!!

Tough I didnt say this before she is my favorite character!!

Dont you think she is the most humane of the characters, and now she needs to grow!!


To use the uselessness of futility

Side : Herge . Rau . Roshuru

On the other side of the screen, Lulu-sama who was following the slime got hit by an arrow.

And Yuki-san made a crappy signboard1)

(Herge)Lulu-sama!?..Yuki-san why did you write that?!. Because of you, Lulu became injuried!!

I raised my voice to criticize the foolish thing done by Yuki-san.

By the way, they reached the place where the Royal Guards of Roshuru had to play the game From here on please enter only with six persons.


Yuki-san sighed at my reaction.

(Herge)Why arent you doing anything!?. Rather than that, why dont you rescue her!!

That is what I, complained about it.

(Labiris) Herge really, you never consider anything.The meaningless thing Yuki seems to be doing is in fact useful.

From my side, I heard the sound of a cute voice.

It was Labiris who said that. She was currently acting as Philias and Aslins onee-san because this matter was probably too boring for those two.

(Lutz)Indeed, Herge-sama is an honest Lady. It probably was an easy thing to do. Well, the one over there should be your follower, I think?

Oriel when sawing my helpless face stepped forward and asked Yuki-san in my stead.

(Oriel)Was it with the purpose to know Lulus true intentions that you let her become wounded?


When she said these worlds, Oriels anger toward Yuki-san increased even more.

(Yuki)No, this are two different things. Well, because Herge seems unable to understand, I will explain shortly.

Yuki-San stared at my place.

I felt tremendous pressure but I didnt shrinked and remained straight.

Because what I said wasnt wrong.

(Yuki)Herge, the only reason you should become angry is because of that signboard.

(Herge)What do yo mean!!. Why should I get angry about that!!

(Yuki)It wasnt my objective to say something like dont aim for my friend. The main objective of that signboard is to confuse the enemies. Herge, now do you see how dull is your judgment?. Instead of trying to find a reason to get angry at me. Why dont you head toward Lulu and help her?


I couldnt refute what Yuki-san said.

I should go and rescue Lulu instead of questioning Yuki-san.

We shouldnt argue here.

Immediately, I halted the conversation. I was ready to jump out but Oriel stopped me.

(Oriel)Please calm down, otherwise youll get in the way of Yuki!!

Oriel raised an unsual and severe voice to ask me to stop.

(Lutz)Onii-san. Herge is too straightforward isnt she?. Mou, why dont you simply tell us already.

(Herge)Why, I was only going out to help?

Saying that, I shrugged my shoulders.

In the meantime, Lulu was advancing with serious steps inside the Dungeon. We could see blood flowing out of her back.

(Herge)We cant spare time talking!!.Her pursuers are already inside the Dungeon!!

There was still quite the distance before Lulu could reach this deep.

A painful to see blood mark was left at the entrance of the Dungeon.

(Knight A)Whats with that sign?

(Knight B)Something like this is at the level of the second Princess Seraria!!

(Knight C)Lulu escaped inside but look, its a mark of blood. Shes injured, it will be easy to catch her up.

(Knight B)What should we do?. How many people should we leave outside the Dungeon?

(Knight A)According to Seraria, the monsters and traps inside this Dungeon have stopped. However, no one had draw a map yet.

(Knight C)Even if Lulu is bleeding, it will be troublesome to follow her inside this maze.

We could hear their conversation.

(Herge)Hu-hurry we need to save Lulu-sama!!

(Labiris)Youre really stupid huh?. The enemies actions are fully readable now. Thanks to the injury received by Lulu

As Labiris said that. She was looking at the screen.

(Knight A)We should kill her quickly before she goes to far. Outside two guards should be enough. You and you stay. The rest of us, will charge towards Lulu at full speed!!

(Knight Mob)Yes!

Like that, the person who seemed to be the captain took the lead and they charged inside the Dungeon.

(Lutz)Herge-Sama, is as see. Onii-san succeded with Lulus injury, now most of the enemy force is entering the Dungeon. I dont think the signboard had any deeper meaning than what it says. But isnt it a good way to completely lead them wherever we want them to go~. With that, we were able to see the opponents foolish actions and behavior and now, were able to find the best strategy against them. This time the sign was used to provoke the other party reaction. Well~, the only one who would put a stupid sign like that at the entrance of his own Dungeon is Onii-san only~

The female of the same tribe as Oriel said that.

(Labiris) Therefore Yuki, since they already barged inside the Dungeon. How do you plan to deal with them?

(Yuki)Who knows how I will do it. Honestly, that will be difficult. And I will say it now. By playing as you said Herge, I will be able to gather more information. You said that it was a waste but its only your own judgement. When one thinks of a method that isnt wasteful, its better than a method that is wasteful.

Even though you did that to capture the opponent.

To injure Lulu-sama was wrong

(Yuki) Its bad. If we help Lulu then this Dungeon will have problems with the ones who want her dead, the ones from Ritea. To be frank, I dont care if Lulu dies here. Then, she would disappear and so would our worries about Ritea. If Lulu dies here, we would have plenty of ways to negotiate from that. If we do that or if we help her. Actually I dont care whether we choose one way or another.

How could you spit those heartless words?

That you dont care if Lulu-sama dies!?

(Herge)How can you!!

(Millie)Be silent!!.You useless Holy Woman!!.Since the beginning, the only thing you have been doing is complain!!. You insulted Yuki-san The person that has taken good care of us!!. You got lost within your feelings without even thinking!!.You are so selflish!!

Throught the room, the yell of the person whom I took away her happiness echoed, Millies angry voice

(Lutz) Honestly~, I cant bear to hear you.Herge-sama, you may be an important womanOr was it a Holy Woman?.However, even if Onii-san doesnt respond to your verbal abuses, did you think that we would do the same?2)

(Labiris) Thats right. Besides, Yuki didnt intend to leave Lulu-sama since the beginning. Werent 5 arrows fired?. Why would only 2 of them hit?.Its strange but I think that the speed of the arrows decreased a bit. I can just think of it as Yukis doing.3)

The two people stared at me with eyes filled with contempt.

Like before, Oriel who wanted to protect me appeared before me

(Oriel)The three of you, your anger is justified. However, Lulu is like an older sister for Herge-sama and Seraria-sama. Can you take that in consideration this time?

She bowed deeply.

(Lutz)Haa. Now I know your circumstances. However, please think a little more before you start talking. Honestly, if we had to choose between Lulu-sama and Onii-san, we will obviously not betray him.

(Labiris) You only use Yuki to vent your anger.

(Millie)Initially, its the fault of the Holy Woman if Lulu-sama is chased.

Millie-sans words made sense. They struck my head.

Thats it. Now that the Holy Woman Lulu-sama got expelled from her country, and the fact that I called myself a Holy Woman, she probably went through quite a bit of hardships. Thinking about that, something started to swell inside my stomach.


I spat on the floor, drenching the tatami.

(Yuki)Well~, Lulu is already here. If you cant afford to heal her with your magic, I can call a goblin to do that in your stead. Herge, what do you want to do?. Keep spewing your remains and leave the healing to me?. Or cure Lulu by yourself?

When I raised my face, I saw that the pale Lulu was watching me.

(Lulu)Herge-sama. Its not your fault. Ritea, I couldnt manageI only wanted to stop them So it was natural


(Lulu)!?Herge-Sama I know what you are trying to do It was my mistake So

Lulus face distorted when she said that.

(Yuki)I will count up to five, in that time you have to heal her. You heard me so do it now.

(Herge)Huh!!. Even if Yuki-san isnt the one who tells me that I will do it!!.Lily-sama, I will rely on your healing recovery!!.Extra heal!!

Immediately, the arrows got removed. It was the highest recorvery magic I could do.

Colors started to return in Lulu-samas face.

(Lulu)Herge-sama. Thank you very much. I can even lift my arm now. I am proud of you. So please, stop making a face like that. Never doubt yourself. You are the one who saved my life right now Herge-sama.

I felt like the one who was saved, was me. The words of Lulu-sama made tears overflow from my eyes.

Aslin and Philia were happy when they heard her voice of gratitude.

(Yuki)Well, this scene wasnt bad. Can you tell us about your pursuers?

(Lulu)How is it going!?.Are they still chasing me!?

In order to understand, Lulu-sama was staring at Yuki-sans face.

(Yuki)The 10 people who invaded fell inside a pitfall, Good bye. The two people at the entrance were successfully dealt with. Slime 02 and 03 made a diversion and slime 04 and 05 made a surprise attack like Mauve and the others suggested. By preventing them from breathing, they were captured. Now, the enemys remaining forces amount to 0. While staying vigilant, the slimes are transporting the captured soldiers.

(Laburis) Was it thanks to the traps Yuki and I thought of?

(Yuki)They werent able to go that far. Unfortunately, we will have to wait for another time.

(Labiris)Thats too bad.

The head of Labiris was stroked by Yuki-San.

In the end, everything ended with the best results.

(Mauve)Th that?They had a hard time.

(Yuki)Well yeah, slimes shouldnt be able to work together like that normally. Also, to have a part of them rush directly towards their heads

(Mauve)Althought they were careless, the slimes still managed to capture their heads

Mauve-san whispered that. Looks like he was remembering somthing.

If Im not mistaken, they were neutralized in the same way.

(Lulu)Did the ten people died?

(Yuki) Did you hear what we just said?

(Lulu) Dont mind it, thank you very much for your help. If possible, I would like to tag along when youll be questioning the two people.

When Lulu-sama said that. She lowered her head to Yuki-san.

Should I learn from Lulu-samas attitude?

After all, he still think of me as a child So annoying.


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