Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 36: Wang Li's Secret Is Out

"Steel Gale Slash!" Wang Li shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos as he unleashed a powerful sword technique. A swirling vortex of energy coalesced around his blade, transforming it into a whirling cyclone of razor-sharp wind that tore through the ranks of the Liu Family cultivators.

The Core Formation Realm cultivators cried out in pain as they were thrown back by the force of the attack, their bodies battered and bruised by the relentless onslaught. But even as they stumbled, they refused to back down, their eyes burning with determination as they regrouped for another assault.

Meanwhile, the two Nascent Soul Realm elders of the Liu Family watched the battle unfold with cold calculation. They exchanged a silent glance before nodding in unison, their lips curling into cruel smiles as they prepared to join the fray.

Wang Li's heart sank as he sensed the approach of the two powerful cultivators. He knew that he would need to unleash his full strength if he hoped to stand any chance against them.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Li focused his energy, drawing upon the power of his Nascent Soul to bolster his attacks. With a mighty roar, he charged forward, his sword blazing with ethereal light as he unleashed a devastating barrage of strikes upon his adversaries.

"Yin-Yang Devastation!" Wang Li shouted, his voice echoing through the air as he unleashed his most powerful technique. A wave of Yin-Yang energy surged forth from his blade, engulfing the battlefield in a swirling maelstrom of destruction.

The Core Formation Realm cultivators cried out in terror as they were consumed by the relentless onslaught, their bodies torn asunder by the force of the attack. But even as they fell, they continued to fight with all their strength, determined to take Wang Li down with them.

Meanwhile, the two Nascent Soul Realm elders of the Liu Family watched with growing fury as their forces were decimated by Wang Li's onslaught. With a roar of rage, they launched themselves at him with all the fury of a tempest, their attacks fueled by a burning desire for revenge.

But Wang Li was ready for them, his senses honed to a razor-sharp edge as he met their blows with unwavering resolve.

As the two elders of the Liu Family intensified their attacks, Wang Li found himself engulfed in a storm of elemental energy. Flames roared around him, while bolts of lightning crackled through the air, each strike aimed with deadly precision at his vulnerable form.

Wang Li gritted his teeth as he summoned his spiritual defenses, enveloping his body in a shimmering shield of energy.

But even with his defenses raised, Wang Li could feel the force of the attacks bearing down on him, each blow landing with bone-jarring impact. His clothes were torn to shreds, revealing the raw power of the assaults he was facing.

Half of his mask had already been shredded by the relentless onslaught, leaving his face partially exposed to the elements. But even as he fought, Wang Li remained focused, his mind clear and his resolve unwavering.

Suddenly, Elder Liu Shen's eyes widened in shock as he caught sight of Wang Li's face. "Wang Li?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "You're still alive?!"

Wang Li's expression hardened at the mention of his name, his eyes flashing with icy determination. He knew that he couldn't afford to let this information leak to the outside world. If word got out that he was still alive, it could jeopardize everything he had worked so hard to achieve.

Without hesitation, Wang Li launched himself at Elder Liu Shen and the other elder, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he unleashed a flurry of powerful attacks.

"Yin-Yang Fury!" he shouted, his voice ringing out with determination as he channeled his energy into his blade.

Elder Liu Shen and the other elder responded in kind, unleashing their own martial elemental attacks with deadly precision. Fire and lightning crackled through the air as the two sides clashed in a fierce battle for supremacy.

But even as the Liu Family cultivators fought with all their might, Wang Li refused to back down. With each strike of his sword, he pushed himself to the limit, his movements fluid and precise as he sought to overcome his adversaries.

"Steel Gale Slash!" Wang Li shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos as he unleashed his most powerful technique. A swirling vortex of energy enveloped his blade, transforming it into a whirling cyclone of razor-sharp wind that tore through the ranks of the Liu Family cultivators.

Elder Liu Shen and the other elder fought valiantly, but they were no match for Wang Li's determination and skill. With a final, decisive blow, Wang Li struck down his opponents, their bodies falling to the ground in a heap.

As the dust settled, Wang Li stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the battlefield.

Amidst the fallen bodies of the Liu Family cultivators, he noticed one figure struggling to rise.

It was a young man with Core Formation Realm cultivation, his body battered and bruised from the fierce battle. Wang Li recognized him as Liu Jin, a member of the Liu Family.

Liu Jin's eyes burned with rage as he locked gazes with Wang Li, his voice filled with venomous hatred. "You'll pay for this, Wang Li!" he spat, his words laced with fury. "I swear on my family's honor, I'll have my revenge!"

Wang Li's jaw clenched as he watched Liu Jin stagger to his feet. He knew that Liu Jin wouldn't give up easily, and that his thirst for vengeance would drive him to seek retribution.

But before Wang Li could react, Liu Jin swiftly activated a talisman, disappearing from sight in a flash of light.

Wang Li cursed under his breath, realizing that Liu Jin had used an Escape Talisman to teleport away from the battlefield.

"Damn it," Wang Li muttered under his breath, his expression darkening with frustration.

With a frustrated sigh, Wang Li knew that pursuing Liu Jin now would be futile. There was no telling where the young cultivator had fled to, and chasing after him would only waste precious time.

Resigned to the inevitable consequences of his actions, Wang Li braced himself for the fallout. He knew that news of his survival would soon spread throughout the cultivation world, bringing with it both danger and opportunity.

As he glanced around at the aftermath of the battle, Wang Li's thoughts turned to his companions still waiting in the safety of the hot springs. He knew that they would be growing anxious, wondering what had transpired during his confrontation with the Liu Family cultivators.

With a heavy sigh, Wang Li turned on his heel and made his way back to the cavern where the hot springs lay hidden.

As he approached, he could hear the murmured voices of the women inside, their tones filled with concern.

Pushing aside the flap of the tent, Wang Li entered the cavern to find the women gathered around, their faces etched with worry.

"Are you alright?" Wang Xiangyi asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she surveyed her cousin's injuries.

Wang Li stepped forward, his gaze meeting his cousin Xiangyi's with a mixture of relief and anxiety. "I am fine," he replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Then Wang Xiangyi asked curiously, "But what happened out there? We heard fighting."

Wang Li hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal to his companions. He knew that the news of his survival would soon spread, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary alarm. "It was nothing," he said finally, offering them a reassuring smile. "Just a minor skirmish with some unwanted guests. But everything's under control now."

The women exchanged skeptical glances, but they seemed to accept Wang Li's explanation for the time being. With a collective sigh of relief, they settled back into the warmth of the hot springs, allowing the soothing waters to ease their aches and pains.

As they relaxed, Wang Li couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind. He knew that the revelation of his survival would have far-reaching consequences, and he couldn't help but wonder what challenges lay ahead.

But for now, he pushed aside his worries and focused on the present moment, enjoying the rare respite with his companions.

As Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi relaxed in the soothing waters of the hot springs, the tension melted away from their bodies with each passing moment. Wang Li's hands instinctively sought out his cousin's form, his touch gentle yet possessive as he began to channel the healing energy of the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability.

As the warm energy enveloped them, Wang Li felt the injuries on their bodies begin to mend, the pain gradually fading into nothingness. He could sense Xiangyi's relief as she leaned into his embrace, her body relaxing against his.

With each passing minute, their strength returned, until finally, they emerged from the hot springs revitalized and ready for whatever lay ahead.

With a satisfied nod, Wang Li declared that it was time to divide the spoils of their battle. "Alright, ladies," he said, his tone casual yet authoritative. "Let's split up the loot."

Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi claimed the cores of the Silverwing Serpents for themselves, while the rest of the group divided up the remaining treasures amongst themselves. Scales, organs, and other valuable materials were distributed with careful consideration, ensuring that each woman received her fair share.

Once the division was complete and everyone had sufficiently recovered, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi bid farewell to the group and set off on their own once again.

The following day, as they wandered through the bustling streets of the nearby town, the air was filled with the buzz of excitement and anticipation. Wang Li's keen ears caught snippets of conversation as they passed by, and he couldn't help but grin when he heard the news he had been expecting.

"Did you hear?" one passerby exclaimed loudly to his companion. "They say that Wang Li, the notorious criminal, is still alive! He was spotted in the nearby mountains just yesterday!"

Wang Li's grin widened at the mention of his own name, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Looks like our little secret is out," he murmured to Wang Xiangyi, his tone laced with amusement.

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