Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 35: Hot Springs

As the soothing warmth of the hot springs enveloped them, the five women sighed with relief, feeling the tension seep out of their weary bodies with each passing moment. The hot water worked its magic, washing away the grime of battle and soothing their aching muscles.

Wang Li kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, scanning the area for any signs of danger while the women soaked in the healing waters. His senses were sharp, attuned to even the slightest shift in the air.

Meanwhile, Wang Xiangyi gazed at her cousin with a determined expression. "Zhou, come here," she called out, her voice echoing through the tranquil clearing.

The other women turned to her in surprise, their brows furrowed with confusion. "Mei, what are you doing?" Duan Yuxiu asked, her tone tinged with concern. "You can't invite Zhou into the hot springs while we're still in here."

Wang Xiangyi shrugged nonchalantly, her gaze fixed on her cousin. "Zhou has healing abilities," she explained casually. "I need him to heal me quickly so we can get back to fighting condition. We don't know when beasts might attack again."

The other women exchanged uncertain glances, but they couldn't argue with Wang Xiangyi's logic. If Zhou could heal Mei quickly, it would benefit all of them to defend themselves against any potential threats.

With a resigned nod, they acquiesced to Wang Xiangyi's request, allowing Zhou to join them in the hot springs.

With their reluctant approval, Wang Li approached the hot springs, his gaze fixed on Wang Xiangyi's alluring figure. As he entered the water, he felt the warmth enveloping him, soothing his tired muscles and easing his aches and pains.

Without hesitation, Wang Li wrapped his arms around Wang Xiangyi, drawing her close as he began to channel the energy of his Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability into her body. With each passing moment, he felt the healing energy flowing through him, repairing her injuries and restoring her vitality.

For the next hour, the two remained locked in an intimate embrace, their bodies pressed together as they shared their warmth and energy. As Wang Li worked his magic, Wang Xiangyi felt her strength returning, her wounds closing and her fatigue melting away.

As the hour passed, the healing properties of the hot springs worked their magic, gradually restoring Wang Li's injuries until he felt completely rejuvenated. He flexed his muscles experimentally, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as he realized that he was back in fighting form.

However, his joy was short-lived as he glanced over at his dear cousin Xiangyi and noticed that her injuries hadn't healed as completely as his own. Concern flickered in his eyes as he observed her, realizing that she was still far from being at full strength.

"Mei, how are you feeling?" Wang Li asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Wang Xiangyi gave him a weak smile, her expression pained. "I'm better, but I'm still not at my best," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. "I can only muster about half of my usual strength."

Wang Li frowned, concern etched into his features as he realized that Xiangyi was still far from her full strength. He knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down, not with potential danger looming on the horizon.

His senses on high alert, Wang Li's spiritual awareness tingled as he detected the approach of a group of cultivators. Seven in total, their presence sent a ripple of unease through the tranquil atmosphere of the hot springs.

Turning to Xiangyi and the other women, Wang Li's voice was low but urgent as he spoke. "We have company," he said, his eyes scanning the surrounding forest for any sign of movement. "A group of cultivators is approaching, and they don't seem friendly."

Xiangyi's expression hardened as she took in Wang Li's words, her hand instinctively reaching for her sword. "How many of them?" she asked, her voice steady despite the underlying tension.

Wang Li's expression darkened as he focused, his senses honing in on the approaching group like a hawk tracking its prey. "Seven of them," he muttered, his voice tinged with concern. "Five Core Formation Realm experts and two Nascent Soul Realm experts."

The other women exchanged nervous glances, their worry evident in their furrowed brows and tense postures. They knew they were outmatched, their injuries from the previous battle still weighing heavily on their bodies.

With a determined nod, Wang Li turned to face the imminent threat, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "Listen up," he said, his voice firm. "If they get any closer, I'll handle them. You all stay put and stay hidden."

The women nodded in agreement, their trust in Wang Li unwavering despite their fear. They watched as he quickly dressed and prepared to confront the approaching danger, his movements confident and purposeful.

As Wang Li emerged from the cavern, his senses on high alert, he braced himself for the encounter ahead. The sounds of footsteps grew louder, echoing through the dense forest as the group drew nearer.

"Here they come," Wang Li muttered under his breath, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. He squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As Wang Li approached the group of cultivators, he couldn't shake off the sense of familiarity that washed over him. His eyes narrowed as he recognized one of them—the elder Liu Shen of the Liu Family. His presence here was unexpected and unwelcome.

Liu Shen's presence here sent a surge of memories flooding back in Wang Li's mind– memories of conflict, of betrayal, of the destruction of his family.

Beside Elder Liu Shen stood another figure, a Nascent Soul Realm expert whom Wang Li didn't recognize. Yet, the distinctive clothing marked them as a member of the Liu Family, likely another elder.

As for the Core Formation Realm experts accompanying them, they wore the insignia of the Liu Family, confirming Wang Li's suspicions. These were likely younger members of the family, eager to prove themselves in battle.

With a steady breath, Wang Li stepped forward to meet them, his expression masked behind his disguise. The tension in the air was palpable as the two groups drew closer, each assessing the other with wary eyes.

"Who are you? And why are you blocking our path?" Liu Shen's voice cut through the silence, his tone sharp with suspicion. "Identify yourself."

Wang Li met his gaze head-on, his own voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I am Zhao," he replied, his words clipped and to the point. "I'm here to ensure the safety of this area. I suggest you turn back now."

Liu Shen's lips curled into a sneer as he sized up the masked figure before him. "Zhao, is it?" he scoffed. "And who do you think you are to order us around?"

Wang Li's grip tightened on his sword, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I have authority here," he said firmly, his voice brooking no argument. "And I won't hesitate to use force if necessary."

The tension between the two groups crackled in the air, each side unwilling to back down. Wang Li knew that he needed to defuse the situation before it escalated further, but he also knew that the Liu Family wouldn't leave without a fight.

Suddenly, the unknown elder at Liu Shen's side spoke up, his voice cold and disdainful. "You dare to threaten us, boy?" he spat, his eyes flashing with contempt. "You may have some tricks up your sleeve, but you're no match for the might of the Liu Family."

Wang Li's jaw clenched at the insult, his temper flaring at the arrogant words. "We'll see about that," he retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. "But for now, I suggest you leave. This is your only warning."

The standoff continued, neither side willing to back down from their position.

As the tension reached its breaking point, the elder Liu Shen's face twisted into a malicious grin before he gave the order to attack. Without hesitation, the seven cultivators from the Liu Family launched themselves at Wang Li with a ferocity that caught him off guard.

The Core Formation Realm cultivators surged forward, their movements swift and coordinated as they unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks. Fireballs roared through the air, followed by torrents of water and crackling bolts of lightning, each aimed with deadly precision at Wang Li.

Wang Li's eyes widened as he found himself surrounded by a storm of elemental energy.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged and weaved through the onslaught, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he deflected the incoming attacks with practiced ease.

His mind was racing as he assessed the situation. With a quick flick of his wrist, Wang Li unleashed a burst of Yin-Yang energy, creating a swirling vortex of opposing forces that deflected the elemental attacks away from him.

The Core Formation Realm cultivators faltered for a moment, thrown off balance by Wang Li's unexpected counterattack. Seizing the opportunity, Wang Li launched himself into the fray, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision as he struck out at his opponents.

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