God's Eyes

Chapter 994 - Fused Elements

Chapter 994 - Fused Elements

Without having faced an opponent that was able to control the space in a radius spanning thousands of kilometers as if it belonged to them, the Black Dragon quickly noticed that the bipedal being it faced was far stronger than initially presumed.

Unlike the Queen who had been keeping tabs on it and observing it throughout the century, it had simply been oblivious to her plans.

The difference in their knowledge about each other was vast, and easily perceptible owing to the fighting style they demonstrated.

While the Black Dragon was stubbornly fighting as it had for millennia, the Queen had created a style of fighting that was tailor-made to counter the True Dragon's attacks and approaches.

Jason clearly noticed this after numerous clashes, in which Queen Lilya was simply testing out the waters.

She wasn't even using all that much mana, let alone lesser divine energy in order to overpower the Berserk Black Dragon.

The first step of her plan had been to enrage the dragon by preventing its plan from succeeding and paving obstacles in its path.The speed was too fast, and with a swoosh, Wang Xuan was pulled into the whirlpool, like a little crucian carp that had been hooked and was violedntly pulled out of the water.

This had worked in a perfect manner, allowing her to prevent the Black Dragon from devouring the three Demi-Gods.

Simultaneously, her actions enraged the Dragon to such an extent that it went Berserk.

The Queen had calculated the possibility of this outcome, and it had only been slim as she had never expected to destroy an elaborate, millennia old plan in a rather simple manner.

For the multitiude of plans that she had prepared, it was an advantage for her to face a Berserk Dragon.

It made things much easier as long as she was able to evade its breath and fire spitting flames along with the attacks of darkness.

But that was quite easy for her as she was faster, and could efficiently control the space around her.If your dare to fish against him like this, no matter if it's a strange thing on a mobile phone or that ferocious giant fish, you'll have to pay the price.

In the end, the Queen was not even sure if observing the Black Dragon for an entire century had been necessary and not a waste of time.

Everything seemed to be rather easy and unproblematic and her plans of advancing were progressing uninterrupted.

However, deep within her, she knew that everything looked like it was easy only because of her meticulous preparations.

With that thought in mind, she fell at ease before throwing a glance at Jason.

Earlier, she had noticed that the young Celestia halfling had been distracted by something.

If he was clever enough to make use of the opportunity ahead, Jason should have noticed the two dragon eggs in the Dragon mother's womb that had just died.A fisih is mocking him!

Queen Lilya was not sure if Jason was capable of saving the unhatched dragon eggs from certain death.

But by moving the three True Dragon Demi-Gods towards him instead of further away, where they would be safer than the grasp of the Black Dragon, she wanted to provide both the Dragon eggs and Jason an opportunity.

There were too many reasons for her to try pleasing Jason and to get into his good books.

She had heard a detailed report about the young halfling's strength more than 80 years ago, and that had been more than enough for her to be overly favorable to him.

Kiat was one of the strongest Warriors of her race, and, by far, the most experienced in fighting and picking out talented individuals.

Because of this exact reason, she had sent him out when Celestia Yaldra had ordered them to rescue Jason on Manyr.Then, it was noisys and motionless, instead of reviving here, it chose to disguise it.

But even then she had not expected Jason to be able to face Kiat head-on.

Kiat might have restricted his strength to the Low Specta stage, but Jason had only been at the Low Ascendion stage when he had completed the decade of refinement.

More than 80 years had passed since then, and Jason was already at the Low Specta stage, slowly filling his body with Sona seeds.

The Queen was pretty sure that Jason hadn't slacked off as she had been keenly observing him as well ever since coming in contact with him.

It might have looked like he focused on cleansing and purifying the surrounding, but Jason had mostly focused on procuring more knowledge.

His proficiency in every single technique he had learned reached its peak, but that had not quenched his thirst for knowledge as he had even started to look for new martial art techniques.If ones piece of sword energy can't solve the problem, then take a few more pieces. Wang Xuan is going to kill it.

But instead of focusing on procuring new things, Jason decided to perfect what he was already good at, such as his usage of mana, divine energy, his eyes, the traits of each of his soulbonds, and Soul beasts.

After getting to know everything to a certain extent, he tried to combine multiple affinities, special traits, curses, blessings, and much more.

He worked very hard, and the results immensely benefited the young halfling.

As such, the Queen had decided to show him what he had to be capable of in the future.

It might be sooner than anyone had expected him to reach the strength, but Lilya was sure that if he were to continue to improve and learn, even impossible tasks would be wel within Jason's grasp.

That was what the Queen's gut feeling told her, adding another reason for her to believe that the young halfling was worth all the resources and time she had spent on him.

But this was not something she could focus on anymore.

The Berserk Black Dragon was already enraged, slowly beginning to understand that it was being toyed with.

Thus, it shot darkness spears in all directions, including the area where Jason was located, in an effort to injure the Queen.

They were far from hitting the young halfling, but the Queen didn't want to risk Jason getting injured in the slightest.

This would be bad, especially because she had confidently asked Jason to leave the fight to her and silently watch the battle.

Given what she had stated earlier, fooling around was now out of question.

Moving through space with rapid movements and numerous spatial portals, the Queen also shot out more than a dozen wind blades, and wind spears every second.

Through this, she was able to cause numerous subtle injuries to her opponent that were not even worth mentioning.

At the same time, the distraction she caused, prevented the Black Dragon from realizing that the Queen had appeared tens of kilometers above it, hovering upon him, only for Jason to appear by her side.

He had only sensed the terrifyingly strong darkness spears that had flashed past him before the Queen had manifested a spatial portal to bring him towards her, protecting him from any harm.

Meanwhile, the True Dragon hadn't remained idle while the Queen had attacked, and had also moved around, lashing out at everything within a huge radius with a volley of attacks.

This was what had nearly killed Jason, making the Queen act earlier.

Looking at Jason, who was hovering next to her, she quickly understood that he was not afraid of the situation around him.

Under normal circumstances, the fight of two Demi-Gods would have instilled fear within anyone witnessing it.

At least as long as one was uncertain of not getting caught up in the whirlwind and being assured of surviving the aftermath of being close to the battlefield.

In the end, Jason had nearly been killed quite a few times in the last few minutes.

However, the foresight blessing of his soulbonds, Sira, his overwhelming sight, and great reflexes were always fast enough to evade attacks such as darkness spears that were fired in all directions.

Thus, there was no need for the Queen to rescue him as he could continue evading the attacks for quite some time on his own.

And even if he were to be overwhelmed, using a spatial portal to flee from the battlefield was not exactly difficult for him.

Still, the queen saved him, so he nodded his head in acknowledgment, before seeing her winked at him as she said,

"Look closely. This is one of my self-created techniques! Maybe, if you act nicely, I will teach you a little bit!"

Jason felt that it was inappropriate and childish to act like everything was just a little game.

Two Demi-Gods were fighting against each other, and Jason knew, for a fact, that the Black Dragon's cultivation base was higher.

It was also a mythical creature, so the Queen shouldn't make the grave mistake of underestimating it.

Yet, he didn't say anything, and simply nodded his head.

This was only fortunate as he would have embarrassed himself a lot otherwise.

After all, the queen was just manifesting a huge crescent wind blade that was coated in a golden-orangish color before merging both the wind and spatial affinity together.

From a distance, this looked extremely simple as the crescent spatial blade was manifested within seconds.

However, Jason's eyes widened in shock as his mind processed everything he saw, imprinting even the smallest detail in his mind.

At the same time, his knowledge of the spatial affinity came into play, giving him hints on what was about to happen.

'Will she really do that?!'

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