God's Eyes

Chapter 993 - Control of Space

Chapter 993 - Control of Space

Witnessing the fight of two Demi-Gods for less than a minute was already more than enough for Jason to understand why he should become much stronger.

A single snap of their fingers would be enough to squash him after all.

Jason was sure that beings at the Mecynar stage were already powerful.

However, he was even more certain of the devastatingly huge gap between existences at the Mecynar and the Driekta stage.

It caused shivers to run down Jason's spine, even though he already knew that he was not yet overly powerful.

Common and possibly even Higher races stood no chance to him anymore, but they were not something he truly bothered about, to begin with.The speed was too fast, and with a swoosh, Wang Xuan was pulled into the whirlpool, like a little crucian carp that had been hooked and was violedntly pulled out of the water.

Facing existences like the Queen and the Berserk Black Dragon was where his future would lead him, and Jason knew that they were only at the starting line.

As such, despite his instincts telling him to increase the distance from the fight ahead, and possibly leave the entire continent, Jason chose to go up against his feelings.

Taking a deep breath, he clad his entire body in the Celestia aura, that tightly enveloped the moonlight mana and trace of divine energy which he had already released into his skin.

Glowing faintly, his entire body was fully enveloped in a protective layer as he ascended higher into the air.

ᴘᴀɴ ᴅᴀ ɴ ᴏᴠᴇʟ There, he was able to make use of the less affected cultivation energies to replenish the divine energy he had used up.If your dare to fish against him like this, no matter if it's a strange thing on a mobile phone or that ferocious giant fish, you'll have to pay the price.

It flowed through his mana veins, filling the Sona seeds that spread through parts of his body.

It was difficult to produce Sona seeds, incomparably more arduous than producing liquefied mana.

And even after the Origin Sona seed produced Sona seeds, one had to lead them through the body, and fill every single cell of the body with them.

At the end of the day, numerous cells died within a single day, minute, and even second.

Thus, the Sona seeds were able to do two specific things.A fisih is mocking him!

Firstly, they could repair the dead cells of the body, preventing the body's necessity to reproduce cells on a daily basis. Secondly, upon reaching specific conditions, they were able to prevent the death of a body's cells, allowing the Individual to reach a state that could be considered immortality.

This didn't mean that they had actually attained immortality, but it was an indicator that it would only take some time before they truly turned into an immortal existence.

In Jason's case, the cells of his body had long since slowed down aging, approaching a state at which the usage of divine energy was enough to allow him to never age, negating the possibility of his death at old age.

But even then, he was still not Immortal.

Probably, only upon reaching the Mecynar stage would his body reach Immortality owing to the divine energy that coursed through his body in a constant manner.Then, it was noisys and motionless, instead of reviving here, it chose to disguise it.

As of now, less than 10% of his body's cells had been provided with Sona seeds.

They were also empty, and void of energy as he was supposed to fill them once he would complete the production process of Sona seeds!

Sometimes, Jason felt a little bit confused about the requirements to follow the cultivation process so as to reach the Specta stage.

After all, he had heard a lot of news about the fact that one could cultivate in different ways!

Jason had yet to figure out more about this, but the snippets he had heard were enough to make him understand that there was more than one path for him to cultivate.If ones piece of sword energy can't solve the problem, then take a few more pieces. Wang Xuan is going to kill it.

In fact, this was something he had theorized a long time ago as he had been certain of the fact that it was impossible for only one correct path to exist.

All of them were different individuals after all.

And in the end, there were countless types of cultivation energies that could be created to begin with.

As such, it was almost impossible for all of them to be exactly the same.

'I should really start learning more about different cultivation energies!' He told himself, wondering if there might be a better path for him to cultivate instead of following the traditional paths that the Celestia race and other races made use of.

But even when his mind was distracted by the numerous thoughts that flashed through his mind, his eyes never left the battlefield ahead of him.

As such, he also got a glimpse of the attack the Queen launched.

She pulled the surrounding winds towards her, filling the sky with compressed wind blades that were more than 30 meters in width, along with wind spears that were tens of meters in length and tornados of more than a hundred-meter height.

All of this together turned into a terrifying force that the Queen fired toward the Berserk Black Dragon without mercy.

Yet, instead of acting in a straightforward manner which was what Jason had expected Queen Lilya to be, she seemed to like scheming a lot.

Just when some attacks of hers were supposed to near the Black Dragon, hundreds of spatial portals opened in front of some wind blades and wind spears, devouring them in their entirety.

Nearly instantaneously, they reappeared in different portals that manifested at unique angles all around the huge Black Dragon.

The enormous body of the True Dragon which it used to intimidate its opponents turned into its most vulnerable weakness.

It was powerful, to the extent that even the Queen had to be careful of not to get hit by its flames.

They would simply reduce her to bone and ash, killing her on the spot.

As such, instead of fighting straightforwardly, and facing the Berserk Black Dragon head-on, she used trickery and attacked the Dragon from below, the back, and all the sides.

It was not as if she could miss the huge beast, to begin with, even if she wanted to.

The Black Dragon tried to make use of its overbearing Draconic Eylrium, to shroud itself with it in a protective cocoon.

Additionally, darkness shrouded the beast before numerous darkness spears manifested out of the shroud.

However, even then, the sudden location change of thousands of attacks hit the Black Dragon off-guard, preventing it from blocking the attacks properly.

But even then, the attacks that impacted all over its body were not enough to injure, let alone cut off some parts of its body.

Little did the Berserk Black Dragon understand that it had just been outsmarted and that the purpose of the attack was not to severely injure it, but to cause distraction.

And this was exactly what happened as the Demi-God was distracted by thousands of attacks that had the strength to injure it, but not enough to kill it.

Meanwhile, as her attacks reached the Dragon, the Queen also jumped through a spatial portal before emerging several kilometers above the Dragon's head.

Her movements were smooth and fluidic and she was super fast making her moves go nearly unnoticed as the Queen's energy fluctuations could sense everything in the range of thousands of kilometers.

It was almost as if she was in control of everything.

And this was mostly possible because she was not only the faster one of the two but also because her talent and experience with respect to the spatial affinity exceeded that of most Demi-Gods.

As such, she was not only in control of the surrounding space but also of the entire battle and most probably, her opponent's fate!

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