From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 131: Trial by Fire

Aurelius turned to leave, his voice clear and steady. "You have 30 minutes to get to B Block for the match and test."

Kieran nodded, already aware of the upcoming fight with nd Division Captain Yamatoa Meruem. Aurelius wt on, his voice a bit softer, "You're lucky, you know. It's rare to get a chance to fight Sora in the Ara. Can't ev recall the last time he joined an upgrade exam."

"Hearing this, Kieran felt a rush of nerves mixed with a thrill of excitemt. Fighting Sora? That's huge, and she was fully aware of it."

"Do your best, but don't worry too much about losing. Stand tall, no matter what happs," Aurelius advised. "Ev if you die, it's for a bigger cause."

Now on her own, she exhaled deeply, feeling a mix of nerves and excitemt bubbling inside her. 'Time to get ready,' Kieran told herself, feeling a surge of resolve. 'I can't let this chance slip by.'

She moved towards the sink, the cool metal feeling ging under her fingertips. Splashing water onto her face, Kieran looked up into the mirror, her reflection staring back with determination. The droplets trailed down her skin, like the swirling thoughts about right and wrong cascading through her mind.

Kieran gazed into the mirror, the water droplets tracing paths down her face. A question echoed in her mind, 'Should I just forget my feelings?' The uncertainty of it all gnawed at her. With the impding challge, maybe it was better to keep her emotions at bay. Yet, no clear answer emerged.

She quickly changed into her chos attire - a blue vest and skin-tight black jeans with a handy latch for her whip. As she secured the whip at her side, thoughts whirled in her head. 'I didn't care about all this wh I first woke up from the water with everyone else. Why start caring now?'

A sudd burst of resolve coursed through her as she slammed her fist onto the sink. 'Focus on now,' she told herself firmly, splashing her face once more with water to clear her thoughts.

"Kieran left her room and walked down the big hallway. Wh she stepped outside, the sky caught her eye. It was an amazing deep purple with lots of stars. She stopped for a second to take it in, th kept going towards the huge coliseum, feeling both nervous and excited."

The structure loomed large and impressive, stretching far into the distance. People in robes were already filling the stands, creating a buzz of anticipation. Kieran's heart pounded in rhythm with her steps; this was her momt, her fight. With each step towards the coliseum, she readied herself for what was to come, the vast starry sky above witnessing her resolve.

Walking along the familiar road, Kieran felt a stark contrast betwe its bleakness and the beauty of the suring area. The road, traversed countless times, seemed almost lifeless, a stark pathway amidst the vibrant landscape.

Approaching the Coliseum, she ran her hand along its burnt yellow stones. They were cracked and aged, yet remarkably, no pieces had fall off. The ure of the stones told a story of durance and time. She noticed a sign marked "Gate B," its presce a stark reminder of her destination.

Sighing, her mind was a whirl of troubled thoughts, which only deeped as she walked down the stone corridor. The corridor was a grim canvas, marred with stained blood and bones embedded into the walls. The barbaric decor stood in harsh contrast to the grandeur of the place. It made her wonder about the history and the tales these walls could tell.

Near the trance of the ormous coliseum, which stretched a mile in every direction, sat an old man in a chair. His presce added to the sse of ancit and unfathomable history that the Coliseum embodied.

As she continued, her atttion was drawn to a gre man with clear, distinct features marked on his body.

As Kieran tered the ara, the figure awaiting her was impossible to miss. The nd Division Captain, Yamatoa Meruem, stood at the cter of it all. His appearance was striking—a meld of insect and humanoid features that commanded atttion.

His skin was a vibrant light gre, the color of fresh leaves in spring, while his muscular arms were wrapped in a darker purple hue, suggesting a natural armor evolved from countless challges.

Meruem's eyes were a piercing red, intse and focused, observing Kieran with an intelligce that was as unsettling as it was captivating. They were the eyes of a being who had se much and missed nothing. His attire complemted his formidable presce, with a red vest that stood out against his gre skin, tailored perfectly to accommodate the movemts of his agile form.

A sharp tail, an extsion of his being, was coiled in a casual display of readiness, its tip slightly darker than the rest of his body. Atop his head sat a cap, dark gre with purple accts that matched the rest of his attire, tapering to a darker tip that seemed to echo the sharpness of his gaze and the pottial lethality of his posture.

With red accts that mirrored the intsity of his eyes, Meruem was a figure of power and poise, his presce alone ough to command the rapt atttion of every observer in the stands. There was no mistaking him for anything but what he was—a creature not to be underestimated, a captain whose very stance promised a challge like no other

The atmosphere in the coliseum shifted as the Second Captain spoke, his voice carrying clearly across the space. "Captain Aurelius, is this the candidate you've selected for the A rank promotion test?"

Aurelius took a step forward, his posture one of solemn respect. "Indeed," he affirmed with a nod. "As the leader of the 7th Division, I prest her as a candidate for A rank. Should she succeed in your evaluation, she will earn her promotion."

There was a quiet confidce in Aurelius as he mtioned the possibility of her becoming a vice captain in his division. The onlookers, clad in their uniform attire, watched inttly, understanding the significance of the trial ahead.

The Second Captain's gaze landed on Kieran, his presce commanding her full atttion. "Please state your name and what you hope to achieve from being promoted," he asked in a tone that resonated with authority and expectation.

Kieran's grip on her whip tighted, a silt testamt to her resolve. Taking a step forward, she met his gaze and declared, "My aim is to understand who I am and what I truly desire from this life. The path ahead is one of strgth, and that's the path I choose to tread!" Images of Ty and the counters in the Demon King's chamber flashed through her mind, fueling her determination.

As her ergy began to surge, her hand moved to the whip at her waist, releasing it with a practiced ease. The Second Captain nodded, his expression acknowledging her words. "That is good. Your reputation precedes you, I must say. Warding off a vampire lord on Earth is no small feat, and you've witnessed firsthand the might of the demons from another realm."

Aurelius looking on with a bit of disdain as if a slight at him for failing to retrieve that bothersome platinum grade soul from the Demons.

Kieran's voice was low wh she finally spoke up, her head lifted just ough to catch the Second Captain's eye. "That's right. I've come up short too many times, failed to protect or save anyone. My only path is to gain strgth, nothing else."

The Second Captain, Meruem, gave a small nod, his voice calm and resolute. "If that's the case, th show me all you've got. Match me in strgth, and be mindful—my counters will match the might of your blows. Survive."

With a determined stomp of her left foot, Kieran launched herself forward. Her whip, now free from her waist and alight with a glowing blue aura, lashed out in a wide arc towards Meruem.

But in a twist, the whip reversed direction, aiming for his unguarded right. Meruem's reflexes were swift; with a deft movemt, he caught the whip's d betwe his fingers.

"Clever move," he commted, "but against someone faster, you'll need to do better." With a flick of his finger, the whip recoiled, striking Kieran and sding her sliding back across the g, the distance betwe them a measure of the challge ahead.

Kieran clched her jaw, the taste of iron on her tongue as she wiped the blood from her forehead. Her mind raced, plotting her next move in the span of a heartbeat. With rewed fervor, she lunged forward, her whip lashing out in a tempest of strikes, each one aimed with desperate precision, searching for a breach in his defse.

Meruem's face, however, betrayed a hint of boredom amidst the onslaught. His posture relaxed, ev casual, as her whip's blue aura flashed futilely a him. "I hope you have more tricks up your sleeve," he said, the challge clear in his voice.

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