From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 130: Divulge Towards Angels

The man in silver armor, torn and ripped from battle, swung his silver sword, which glowed with faint light. Suddly, three monsters with wild eyes and red, torn skin burst from the g. Their sharp claws were ready for attack as they dived towards him mindlessly. He managed to slice the head off one of them but got his boot stuck in the soil as he tried to back away.

Both his allies had already fall, hurt too badly to fight.

He th took a hit to the face, which forced him to the g. His metal boot came loose, but he was already down, wincing in pain. Blood ran down his face where his eye had be sliced. As the second creature moved in for another swift attack, the man, unable to react in time, threw his hands above his face, bracing for the worst. But th, unexpectedly, nothing happed.

A momt later, the man with blood-stained black hair and a body drched in sweat looked up. His sweat ev seemed to give off a light steam due to the intsity of the battle. To his surprise, he saw a blacked skeleton, standing about 6'" to 6'3" tall, right before him. The skeleton had caught the monster's claws betwe its bony hands.

From the skeleton's back emanated shifting black flames, and its eyes glowed a bright gre.

The skeleton, imposing yet calm, turned a to address the wounded man. "No need to fear, I will take it from here. Fall back and heal up until Armond is rested," it said in a firm but reassuring voice. This unexpected savior, a skeleton seemingly imbued with mysterious powers, had interved just in time to change the tide of the battle.

The man, though injured and shocked, understood that he was being giv a chance to retreat and recover, a rare opportunity amidst the chaos of the fight.

As the second creature lunged at him, Ty, the black skeleton, braced for impact. The creature's swipe was swift, striking across Ty's jaw and chipping off a piece of his bone. Ty, unphased by the attack, quickly regrouped, his gre eyes burning with a rewed intsity.

With a speed that belied his skeletal form, Ty thrust his hand forward, piercing into the chest of the second creature with a spear-like precision. The fluidity and deadliness of his movemt were a clear testamt to his combat prowess. Without missing a beat, Ty th turned to the last creature. His hand clasped the creature's face, and in a burst of power, he ignited it in a fiery inferno.

The creature was overwhelmed by the intse flames, disintegrating into small speckles of light that scattered into the air and slammed into the g.

Todd, filled with a burst of ergy, leaped forward into the thick of the battle. "Just how many disgusting monsters are there?" he shouted, his voice booming over the chaos of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Ty, standing beside Todd, was ready with his own unique approach. "Don't overdo it, but let's see who can clear out these monsters first," he said, issuing a light-hearted challge to Todd.

In his hand, Ty held his dice, ready to unleash their power. "Guess it's time to show off some new moves," he stated confidtly. On the other side, Todd prepared for combat in his own way. He pulled out a small piece of metal, which he quickly compressed in his massive palm.

To Ty's amazemt, the metal extded into a long staff with sharp metal tips on both ds and a middle section made of redded wood and metal. It was a perfect weapon for Todd's strgth and fighting style.

Side by side, Ty with his dice and Todd with his new staff, they prepared to face the oncoming hordes. They bumped fists in a gesture of unity. "We've got a lot to clear out!" Ty exclaimed, and with that, they both charged into battle, each ready to use their unique abilities to turn the tide against the monsters.

{- Meanwhile, Far Away in the Angelic Realm -} {- Shortly Before Kieran Visits the Demon King -}

In the sere tranquility of the Angelic Realm, Kieran found herself grossed in deep study. She sat at a table, her atttion tirely absorbed by a book titled "Guide to Earth and Its Historical Backstory." The pages of the book were filled with information about Earth, a planet that held much intrigue for her.

Kieran flipped through the pages, her mind occasionally drifting back to her counter with Erebos. That experice, along with a mysterious letter that hinted at her past before she became an Angelic Warrior, weighed heavily on her thoughts.

These reflections only deeped her resolve to understand more about Earth, the first planet she would set foot on since she gained consciousness and the ability to fight.

As she delved into the book, Kieran sought to piece together Earth's history and its relevance to her own journey. The knowledge she hoped to gain was not just academic; it was personal, tied to her idtity and the broader mysteries she was beginning to unravel.

Startled by the loud knock, Kieran quickly snapped back to reality. She hurried over to the door and oped it to find Aurelius standing there. His presce was always imposing, and his words carried significant weight.

"It's time for your promotional test," Aurelius announced, his tone serious. "Head to the ara outside the division's headquarters."

Kieran, tak aback by the sudd news, responded in surprise, "We're doing it in the Ara? Isn't that where the higher-ups always fight for a sparring match?"

"Yes," Aurelius confirmed, his voice steady. "Being promoted to Rank A comes with the expectation that you can start to ter into the same power threshold as us." His gaze th shifted, peering into her room and landing on the book about Earth on her nightstand. "Why are you studying about the planet Earth?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity in his otherwise stern demeanor.

Kieran, feeling a bit defsive yet honest, replied, "Oh, it's the first planet in the Mortal Realm I visited. I thought I'd learn more about it in case I ever wt back. At least I'd be able to bld in better, that's all."

Aurelius, however, seemed unimpressed. "Don't waste your time studying the lives of worthless creatures," he advised, his tone bordering on disdain. "You have the opportunity to be much more. Or you could d up dying like so many before you as well. He won't be pulling many punches after all."

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