Demonic Dragon: Harem System

Chapter 47: I will erase Vorah from the Map

With steady steps, Strax approached Apocalypse. "Come on, girl," Strax murmured, extending his hand slowly towards Apocalypse. "I know you're strong, but I have my own desires too. My desire is to be the strongest of all, and I need the best companion, the strongest mare," he said with a smile.

Apocalypse softly neighed, as if assessing Strax and his offer. She takes a step back, keeping a cautious distance, but shows no signs of aggression. It seems she's willing to give Strax a chance, but only if he proves himself worthy of her trust.

At least, that's how it seemed. Strax was already sure he would win this mare over, after all, the System had proven quite favorable to him. It's a unique opportunity, a chance to gain more rewards from the system.

"Come on, my little one," says Strax, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I know you're powerful, but you need someone to support that strength. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. Give me a chance."

Apocalypse watches Strax with renewed interest, her expression softening slightly at the young man's comforting words. She takes a hesitant step towards Strax, seeming to consider his words carefully.

"You understand, don't you?" Strax continues, his voice now tinged with hope. "I'm not here to dominate you. I'm here to be your companion, to support you, and I won't abandon you like your previous owner."

Apocalypse softly neighs, as if giving her silent approval to Strax. She lowers her head, allowing him to stroke her neck with gentle, reverent gestures.

Malik and the others watch in silence, he at least knew what to say, well, this was really complicated for him, but at the same time relieving, he already had a basic idea now of who Strax was.

"He managed to connect with a mythical beast, a beast that cultivates... haha, this world just surprises me," he thought as he prepared the other horses. "So, which ones do you want?" he said with a smile, and finally negotiations began.

As time passes, the group finalizes preparations for the rest of the arduous journey to the Ducato. They buy the horses, ensuring each one is well-equipped and ready to face the long road ahead.

While helping to prepare the horses for the journey, Malik decides to have a discreet conversation with Strax. He takes the young man to a quieter corner of the stable, where they can talk in privacy, away from curious eyes and ears.

"Strax," Malik begins, his tone serious and cautious. "There's something I'd like to discuss with you before we depart." Strax looks at Malik, intrigued by the seriousness in his voice. "Of course, Malik. What's wrong?" By this point, he already figured Malik suspected him and Samira, not that it's negative, after all, Strax doesn't care about anyone's opinion except hers.

Malik sighs, looking regretful for the conversation he's about to have. "It's about Samira," he starts, choosing his words carefully. "I've noticed there's a special connection between you two, something more than just friendship or a business partnership." Strax smiled at Malik's candor but decides to listen attentively to what he has to say.

"Yes, there is?" he replies, trying to keep his expression neutral.

Malik shakes his head sadly. "You don't need to deny it," he said, but stopped suddenly. "Huh? Why aren't you denying it?" Strax just smiled at him and said, "Why would I deny it? That woman is incredible," he said in a passionate tone that left Malik speechless...

he at least knew how to react, he thought Strax would deny it after all, they themselves hadn't directly talked to him about this "relationship".

"I... I didn't know you were so brazen," Malik admits, recovering from his initial surprise. "But of course, that explains a lot..." He murmured. "Hey, I'm not brazen, okay? It wasn't me who wanted to lie, she's the one filled with shame, I barely recognize her," Strax said, he really didn't know what to do anymore, every little thing made her embarrassed.

"She's always been like that, with people she cares about she gets embarrassed, but... with those she doesn't care about she's like a lion ready to chew your throat," Malik said, it was quite... descriptive.

"Trouble with Blazes?" Strax questioned, and Malik just commented: "You understand me, right? It's complicated, the Blazes are as complicated as the Vorah." Malik revealed, and Strax just laughed. "Hahahaha," he laughed loud and Malik got startled. "Hey, why are you laughing like that?" He questioned quickly.

"Well, thankfully my name isn't very well known around here, it'll be less troublesome," Strax said aloud and Malik still didn't seem to understand what he meant by that, but he continued firmly and Strax responded to him, "I guess I didn't introduce myself properly." Strax said smiling, already imagining the man's reaction...

"Hello, I'm Strax Vorah." He said and Malik almost fainted, just by hearing the name. "V-V-Vorah?" He questioned in despair after all... well... Let's say the "fame" of the Vorah isn't very well accepted in the "interior". "Damn, of course you can calm Apocalypse down! You're a damn Vorah!" He shouted excitedly, Strax didn't quite understand what was going on, though...

"Hey, calm down, old man," he said, but Malik was far from calm, on the contrary.

"Does Samira know about this?" He questioned putting his hand on his face. "What do you mean? Of course my wife knows about this," he answered and Malik almost fainted again, he felt his pressure rise and his eyes blur, but he held on. "W-wife? Did you say wife?!" He said quickly. "Do your parents know about this?

No, they don't, otherwise you wouldn't be together. Damn." He cursed as he thought and walked back and forth.

"Hey, calm down, old man, you'll end up having a heart attack!" Strax was already speaking to him in the same tone so the old man wouldn't end up dying, damn, Samira would be sad, wouldn't she? He thought of her, not this old horse lover. "Calm me down? You bastard, are you trying to start a war?" He shouted at Strax and this time... the other two heard and quickly came to see what was going on.

"Hey, what's this?" Samira questioned seeing the old man sweating cold and Strax looking at him. "What's this? What are you thinking?! You married a damn Vorah? You idiot, do you want to cause a war?!" He shouted at her and she looked at him coldly. "I didn't marry anyone." She commented.

"Yes, you did, you agreed." Strax spoke.

"I'm leaving, you deal with this old man, I don't want to be part of these couple fights anymore or be around conversations like this." He said as he walked towards the horses... the three looked at him...

"Is he okay?" Malik questioned, Samira and Strax looked at each other and "He must be okay, he must be missing having sex with his wife." They said together and looked at each other. "We think alike," again, in unison. "Bizarre," they commented. "Okay! Enough!" Malik said, however... "Yes, old man, we're together and she will be my wife, whether she wants to or not." Strax spoke seriously.

"Tsk, you don't understand, do you?" He questioned.

Strax and Samira looked at the man waiting for him to explain what was so wrong with their relationship. "The Grand Duke Vorah and Duke Blaze have hated each other for years." Malik explained and Strax and Samira looked at each other, laughing lightly. "Hey! This isn't funny, you know?! They could go to war!" Malik said, however...

"Hey, how about we get married in a church when we get to the Ducato?" Strax suggested with a mischievous smile. "I approve, we can officially announce to the whole world afterwards." She agreed with wicked thoughts.

"Hey! Are you listening to me? I said this will cause a war!" Malik roared, however. "It'll be the perfect wedding!" They spoke in unison. "I'm getting old...", Malik muttered. "Why perfect wedding?

Have you gone mad?"

"We get married, live happily ever after, and put two idiots to kill each other, is there anything more perfect than that?" Strax questioned as Samira nodded in agreement... They seemed... like two demons plotting various plans as he stood there, incredulous...

"Old man, you're worried too much," Strax said giving a smile. "I'm going to destroy that damn Ducato, and kill whoever gets in my way." Strax said looking at him with a dark look. "You didn't understand, old man... I'm going to wipe Vorah off the map if necessary." Strax said leaving Malik white... Even Samira looking at that couldn't say anything, he...

"Why is he so handsome?" She thought, letting her feelings leak slightly into a drunken gaze...

Malik watched that... and was speechless... He stood there, witnessing that, it was one of the most absurd things he had ever heard in his entire life, which led him to believe that Strax and Samira... "They're insane..."

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