Demonic Dragon: Harem System

Chapter 46: Apocalypse, the Mystical Horse.

As they walked through the stable, Malik led Samira, Strax, and Jason to see the available horses, taking the opportunity to talk about how things were currently. Strax remained silent, observing the scene. This man... well, Strax was quite uncomfortable, actually.

"So, Samira," Malik began, with a nostalgic smile on his lips, "I remember it like it was yesterday when you first appeared here, small and scared like a little bird. Your sister, unlike you, was much braver."

"D-Don't talk about that!" She quickly said, embarrassed. Strax arched his eyebrows and questioned Malik, "Was this woman scared?" Malik turned around, laughing, and began the story as they walked through the stable corridors.

"How many years has it been? I can't even remember, but this woman you seem to admire so much was just a young maiden who wore frilly dresses and was less than 1.50 meters tall," he said, laughing, and Samira started to shrink. Strax noticed and gave her a smile while holding her hand firmly.

"She showed up here one day, with her sister Stella. They were small and passing through town," he commented. Strax thought... "Stella Blaze... that's your sister then... why do I feel like I've heard that name before...?" Strax thought, trying to pull his memory, but nothing really came.

"Our first meeting was just professional, but one day this little rascal ran away from home and came here, after walking several kilometers alone," he commented, turning to her. "When I saw her drenched from the storm's water, I had to take her in," he said with a smile.

"Malik was like a father to me," Samira explained, her voice filled with gratitude. "He taught me everything I know about horses and gave me a home when I had nowhere else to go." She replied, and he agreed. "At least I'm better than that bastard you called father," he laughed as they continued to walk.

Strax listened attentively, gaining a new perspective of what Malik had been to Samira. He realized that, despite everything, Malik had always been there for her, offering support and guidance when she needed it most. And he seemed like a nice guy, he just... didn't quite warm up to him initially, especially with the hug...

Well, Strax is a bit possessive, but since she refers to him as "a father she never had," he would treat him with due respect.

They continued to walk through the place, which was actually larger than it appeared, the comforting sound of horses' hooves echoing through the wooden walls. Malik began to talk about how he himself got involved in horse breeding and care, while Samira and Strax exchanged looks, a bit awkward...

"So, how did you two meet?" Malik asked, curious, as they stopped in front of a row of beautiful horses.

Samira smiled, recalling the events that led her to cross paths with Strax and Jason. "Well, I met Strax a few days ago, actually, when he arrived in the town I was in to hire a guild," she began, with a sparkle in her eyes as she remembered their first encounters. "He had a kind of strange way, but he was a really different person."

"We got trapped in a cave a few days ago and even killed a guardian bear," Samira concluded and Malik nodded with a smile. "A man and a woman trapped in a cave, I'm sure I've read that in some romance novel," he said, leaving Samira even more embarrassed. "St-stop it! There's nothing romantic about our story! He's too much of a brute!" She spoke quickly...

She just felt the man's smile without any further comment. Strax, however, was liking the old man even more. After all, he was making his wife have really cute reactions, and because of the fatherly bond, he somehow felt that Malik already knew about them. Of course, it was quite obvious, considering that Samira couldn't stop embarrassing herself every passing second.

Finally, after the conversation ended, Malik showed the horses that neighed softly and shook their manes when they noticed the people in front of them. Being well-trained horses, they knew when a person was going to buy them.

"These are some of the best horses from my breeding," said Malik proudly, his eyes shining as he watched his precious animals. He really seemed a bit... obsessed with horses. "Each one of them is strong, sturdy, and reliable, perfect for a journey like the one you're planning. I bred them myself and can attest to their excellence!" He said enthusiastically.

Okay, Strax already knew that this man probably liked horses more than women just by the way he seemed to treat the horses like his own children.

He began to present the horses one by one, highlighting their characteristics and unique abilities.

There was Majestic, an imposing stallion with a gleaming coat and intelligent eyes that conveyed a sense of nobility.

"This here is Majestic. A true leader among horses, he possesses impressive strength and a commanding presence that make him a favorite among the most experienced travelers," he said eagerly, showing the brown horse, while beginning to point to the other beside him, a swift and agile mare that seemed ready to race across the vast landscape.

"Next to him, we have Agile. An incredibly fast and nimble mare, capable of covering long distances in no time. She'll be your best friend if you're in a hurry; she's quite calm and has good control," he said, showing the snow-white mare.

Malik then pointed to Fearless, a horse with a robust and muscular build.

"Here we have Fearless. A brave and intrepid horse who doesn't back down from any challenge. With him by your side, you can face any obstacle with confidence, and be careful, he likes to eat a lot..." Malik said somewhat uncertainly. Strax saw those three horses and was left speechless; each had a specialty like...

"Class System..." He thought upon seeing the notification on his screen.

[Choose a Class horse to be your faithful companion]

While Malik continued to describe his horses and how amazing they were like a true father presenting his children, Strax felt an unusual aura in the air, a presence that seemed to challenge even the strongest of wills.

His gaze quickly scanned the entire space where his sight reached until he spotted something in the distance, an imposing black mare, standing with an unshakable majesty. Her eyes were like burning embers that instilled fear, emitting an intensity that echoed throughout the stable. He quickly realized that all the horses were staying away from the Mare, by a simple feeling... Fear.

"Malik," Strax called out, his tone serious and intrigued, "who's that mare over there in the background? She seems... different." He questioned while staring firmly at the mare. Malik followed Strax's gaze, and his eyes met those of the Mare. A faint smile curved his lips as he approached the group.

"Ah, Apocalypse," Malik began, his voice laden with respect and reverence. "She's an extraordinary mare, left behind by a renowned breeder. She's one of the few I haven't trained here; she's a wild spirit, and her strength rivals that of a breeder. Hardly anyone approaches her; her aura is too monstrous and makes my horses shrink back."

Strax observed the mare with a smiling gaze, feeling drawn to her presence since horse. He could feel the latent power emanating from her; she had... Mana, as if she were on the verge of unleashing a storm of destruction at any moment, a wild and untamed mana, which for some reason invited him.

"It's impressive," murmured Strax, his eyes fixed on Apocalypse. "But also a bit intimidating. She seems to be in her own world." Malik nodded, agreeing with Strax's observation. "Yes, Apocalypse is a force of nature herself. No one has managed to earn her respect; she's always ready to take on anyone who dares to ride her." He said regretfully.

"I've had her here for ten years already, and she's never been bought; those who try to ride her... well, they don't come out very well, if you catch my drift."

[You've encountered a Mystic Horse]

He read the message after hearing Malik's whole story... With a smile on his face, he made his decision.

Malik, observing Strax's eyes, raised an eyebrow in surprise, but then smiled, acknowledging the young man's courage, "If you want to try, I'll give her to you for free," he said with a smile... "You'll regret it, old man." Strax said smiling, he remained silent, allowing Strax to proceed to the physical encounter with that animal.

With steady steps, Strax approached Apocalypse, "Come on, girl," Strax murmured, slowly reaching out his hand towards Apocalypse. "I know you're strong, but I have my own desires too. My desire is to be the strongest of all, and I need the best companion, the strongest mare." He said with a smile.

With firm steps, Strax approached Apocalypse, "Come on, girl."

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