Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

The institution named the ‘Joseon Science and Technology Development Institute’ was as impressive as its long name.

The Joseon Science and Technology Development Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is an independent institution that only obeys the king’s command.

“The chief executive of the Institute shall be limited exclusively to the Crown Prince.”

“The Institute’s annual budget is guaranteed to be a minimum of one-tenth and a maximum of three-tenth out of the country’s annual budget.”

“The intellectual property rights obtained from the commercialization of technologies or apparatus developed by the Institute are divided into three parts: 40% for the state, 30% for the Institute’s finances, and 30% for the developers or the development team.”


Thanks to the Crown Prince being the chief executive of the independent institution that only obeys the king’s command, it was freed from political influences and, due to the guaranteed budget from one to three-tenths of the national annual budget, it was the birth of a powerful institution with no financial worries.

Of course, the things to uphold were as massive as the enormous benefits they received.

“Researchers in the Institute must announce their results at least once every two years. However, forming a group for announcement is also valid.”

“Duplicated results are not allowed. If duplication is revealed, all benefits will be stripped and the individual will be expelled from the Institute.”

“The use of the budget is to be thoroughly disclosed. If it is discovered that the budget is being used for non-research purposes, the provided budget will be fully reclaimed and the individual will be expelled.”

“Everything studied in the Institute is treated as a state secret and if it is privately announced or leaked, it will be punished as treason.”

Although there were quite strict compliance matters, over time, it was the birth of an independent institution that took its place as the highest academic institution in Joseon alongside the Hall of Worthies. And it was the birth of an institution that became a challenge and a nightmare for the following Crown Princes who wished to surpass their ancestors.

The remarkable status and position of the Institute was a story of a far-off future, and at present, it was indeed pitiful. The people that Hyang was leading were the fixed members Jeong-cho, Jeong Inji, Lee Cheon, and Jang Yeongsil, along with the craftsmen from Military Arsenal and other departments, whom were called when needed.

“It started humbly, but the end will be grand… bullshit! The staff is small, but no one can underestimate us!”

Sejong had allowed it, but Hyang, after seeing the reaction of the officials who were full of question marks, clenched his teeth.

“First of all, let’s start with an organizational chart!”

Hyang started by systematizing the organization of the Institute. He decided that him, the Crown Prince would be the director first, and the sub-organization would be divided into the ‘Department of Basic Science and Technology Research Development’ and the ‘Department of Applied Science and Technology Research Development’.

The vice-director of the Institute would receive the rank of senior-rank-21 while serving as the head of the Basic Science Department, meanwhile, the head of the Applied Science Department would receive the rank of junior-rank-2 while concurrently serving as the general-director of the Institute.

The heads of each research group under them, who would directly conduct research, were given at least a rank of junior-rank-3, so as to completely block any potential for political exclusion.

“There won’t be any high-ranking official who will pick a fight with the Crown Prince as their backbone, but we have to block any backlash from the start.”

Hyang, having created the organizational chart, ran straight to Sejong to request his approval.

“The vice-director is a senior-rank-2… isn’t this too high?”

“The Chief Scholar of the Hall of Worthies is also a senior-rank-2. The head of the Board of Six Ministries is actually a senior-rank-1, and they are serving concurrently.”

“That may be true but…”

Seeing Sejong hesitate, Hyang added more. “The Institute is not my playground. This Institute will become an academic institution of Joseon as important as the Hall of Worthies.”

Hearing Hyang’s words, Sejong who was contemplating, came to a conclusion, “Alright. Do as you fit.. I will push for it.”

“Your Majesty, I am deeply grateful!”

After bowing deeply, Hyang quickly left the royal court. The ministers, who had been watching his actions, expressed their concerns to Sejong.

“We worry that you are providing too much support.”

“If you think about what the Crown Prince has shown so far, I believe he is fully capable.”

At Sejong’s words, the ministers closed their mouths. They could have argued, but the words of their predecessors were still vivid in their memories.

Hyang, having received Sejong’s affirmation, returned to the Eastern Palace and cheerfully shouted, “Now, shall we indulge a little?”

“Alright, everyone, gather around!”

Jeong-cho and his party, who were crammed into a room of the same class, immediately gathered at Hyang’s call, as the workplace was not yet determined. As the people gathered, Hyang went into an explanation showing the organization chart.

“The organization is primarily divided into two.”

((I’ll shorten the names of the departments into Basic Science Dept. and Applied Science Dept. for convenience))

Hyang explained the structure of the organization and the allocation of personnel. The Basic Science Dept. was entrusted to Jeong-cho and Jeong In-ji, while the Applied Science Dept. was handed over to Lee Cheon.

“…And the chief in each department will oversee the heads of the military supply department and various other departments to create artifacts needed for research, or to make prototypes of artifacts that will go into mass production. Do you understand?”

“I understand the allocation, but what does each organization do?”

To Jeong-cho’s question, who had unexpectedly become the representative of the people, Hyang answered immediately, “Basic Science… or in short, the Basic Dept., will literally study basic disciplines and technology.”

“What do you mean by basics?”

“From study of mathematics to metallurgy, chemistry, architecture, and more. As for the Applied Science Department, you will be tasked with advancing one step further based on the research results and knowledge already known in the Basic Science Department.”

At Hyang’s explanation, Jeong-cho asked another question, “I understand the need for studying mathematics, but why should we also consider areas like metallurgy, chemistry, and architecture as academic disciplines?”

“Of course they are academic disciplines. If you look at the examples so far, they’ve all been passed down through generations of artisans and learned from their own experience. This is not particularly good. If a skilled artisan dies without teaching his technique to a disciple or his child, everything he has worked for disappears. But what would happen if we record and classify this?”

Jeong-cho immediately answered Hyang’s question, “If there are people who want to learn, they can learn based on that and further develop it.”

“That’s right.” Hyang’s explanation continued afterwards. After quite a long time spent in explanation, Jeong-cho and the others were able to understand why the part they had said was the artisan’s share was actually part of academic discipline.

“I now understand why you call this field an academic discipline. Then, should we gather the artisans in this field?”

At Jeongcho’s question, Hyang shook his head. “No. The Basic Science Department has something to do before that.”

“What is it?”

“Start learning arithmetic.”


Hyang designated tasks for the Basic and Applied Science Departments.

“We have been established as an independent organization and are planning to spend a considerable budget. So you all know what would happen, right?”

At Hyang’s words, everyone but Jang Yeongsil nodded.

“There will be a lot of checks and balances.”

“That’s right. Therefore, you need to produce visible results first. And as soon as possible.”

“It won’t be easy.”

At Hyang’s words, Jeong-cho and Lee Cheon nodded with worried faces. Jeong In-ji, who was still a newcomer, looked as if he sort of understood, and Jang Yeongsil, who had been busy enough to do what he was told, looked as if he had no idea.

“Indeed. So, let’s start with things that can yield results as soon as possible. First of all, the task of the Basic Science Department is to revise the stratigraphy2. That’s why you need to learn arithmetic.”

Jeongcho then pointed out Hyang’s words, “We are already working on the revision of the stratigraphy.”

“But the speed is not good because most of the officials involved in the work are serving multiple roles.”

“That’s true.”

“Therefore, I want you, Your Excellency, and Sir Jeong, to take charge of this task. If necessary, you can recruit those who are good at arithmetic and interested in it, or you can even bring in the Confucian scholars and give them official positions.”

“Bringing in Confucian scholars could be problematic.”

“You can call it guidance for teaching arithmetic. If they keep objecting, just mention my name.”

“I understand.”

“Don’t forget that we need to produce results as soon as possible. For the time being, please report the progress to me every fortnight.”

“We will keep it in mind.”

Hyang, who had given tasks to Jeong-cho and Jeong In-ji, turned to Lee Cheon.

“My Lord, let’s work together.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We are going to improve the firearms.”

Hyang’s words made Lee Cheon’s eyes flash dangerously. He was also a martial artist. Observing such a reaction from Lee Cheon, Hyang continued speaking, “Do you have anyone to recommend?”

In response to Hyang’s question, Lee Cheon immediately replied, “There is General Choi Hae-san3 who is working as the Military Equipment Supervisor.”

“General Choi Hae-san?”

“He is the son of General Choi Mu-seon4

“Let’s go immediately!” Hyang, who abruptly stood up from his seat, gave an order to Jeong-cho. “We are currently arranging a pavilion for use as a lab. So for the time being, use this place as a lab.”

“I understand.”

After assigning a task to Jeong-cho, Hyang turned to Lee Cheon.

“Sir, let’s go!”


Upon leaving the Eastern Palace, Hyang turned to Lee Cheon.

“Where is General Choi Hae-san now? I don’t think I saw him the last time I went to the Military Equipment Bureau?”

“He is serving in the Ministry of Law Enforcement.”

“Then let’s go to the Ministry of Law Enforcement!”

Upon arriving at the Ministry of Law Enforcement, Hyang immediately searched for Choi Hae-san. Responding to the summons, Choi Hae-san bowed politely to Hyang, “Did you call for me, Your Royal Highness?”

“Yes. It’s nice to meet you like this. I’m glad to finally know your name.”

“I am honored!”

As Hyang displayed friendliness, Choi Hae-san responded with a hearty smile. Seeing this, Hyang cut to the chase. “Let’s create some works together.”


In the private office set up in the Ministry of Law Enforcement building, the three of them continued the conversation.

“What do you mean by creating works?”

“I mean we should upgrade the main weapons used by our Joseon.”

“You’re talking about the weapons?”

“That’s right. If you look at the situation of our Joseon army, we cannot even compare with Ming, our cavalry is on par with the Jurchen but we certainly can’t overpower them, and in hand-to-hand combat, we are pushed back by the Japanese. Do you agree?”

At Hyang’s pointed remark, Choi Hae-san nodded. “I agree.”

“And we can’t simply increase the size of our forces given Joseon’s dire financial situation.”

“That’s true. It’s a sad state of affairs.”

“So, I think we should first improve the quality of our weapons and then gradually expand the size of our forces.”

To Hyang’s words, Choi Hae-san offered a rebuttal: “I’m sorry to say this, Your Highness. Our Joseon’s swords and spears are not inferior in quality.”

“Swords and spears are not the only weapons. And they are the main weapons in hand-to-hand combat. They don’t suit the situation of our Joseon army. The weapons I’m talking about are gunpowder weapons. I mean cannons and guns.”

“You’re talking about cannons and guns?” Choi Hae-san’s face, asking again, was mixed with equal parts anticipation and worry. He was hopeful about Hyang’s innovative ideas, symbolized by the golden brush and printing plate. But as someone who had personally handled gunpowder and manufactured cannons, he was also deeply concerned.

‘Cannons are not something anyone can mess with!’

Hiding his concern, Choi Hae-san continued his inquiry, “You mentioned cannons and guns. How do you plan to improve their quality?”

“Right now, there’s only a plan, but first, we need to start by increasing their destructive power. Next, we need to improve the production materials and methods for making them.”


Seeing Choi Haesan deep in thought, Hyang continued speaking, “First, I would like to see the actual power and operation of the ‘hwapo5 and ‘chongtong.'6 Would it be possible to have a demonstration?”



“This requires the permission of His Royal Majesty, your Highness.”

“I will inform Father.”

In response to Hyang’s request to see the demonstration of ‘hwapo’ and ‘chongtong,’ Sejong asked a question.

“Is it absolutely necessary? I won’t allow it if it’s just for your amusement.”

“It’s not for amusement. If we want to strengthen national defense, improving the ‘hwapo’ is essential. So far, the courtiers have not had a proper opportunity to see the ‘hwapo’ in action.”

After hearing Hyang’s firm response, Sejong made a decision. “Prepare the demonstration of the ‘hwapo’ and ‘chongtong’ as proposed by the Crown Prince.”

“We will follow your command!”

“And the courtiers will also attend the demonstration. ‘Hwapo’ is a vital presence for our Joseon army, but the courtiers haven’t properly examined it since their promotion. This is an opportunity for them to see it firsthand.”

The attendants responded in unison to Sejong’s command.

“We will follow your command!”

__________ 📝Footnotes
  1. 정2품, 종2품, 종3품: These are official ranks in the Joseon Dynasty. ‘정’ and ‘종’ distinguish civil and military officials respectively, and the number following is the grade of the official rank. Lower numbers indicate higher ranks. Not me trying to literally read historical books, making sense of the officials ranks during Joseon time.[↩]
  2. the branch of geology concerned with the order and relative position of strata and their relationship to the geological timescale.[↩]
  3. A general who created the first hwacha or known as handcart cannon[↩]
  4. A renown military commander during Late Goryeo and early Joseon. He is known for creating gunpowder recipe.[↩]
  5. A type of hand cannon[↩]
  6. A musket[↩]

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