Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Hyang continued explaining to Jang Yeong-sil1, who was buried in the blueprints.

“As you can see, I’ve divided it based on 12 sections,, then divided the middle in half to indicate the ‘beginning,’ and then divided that in half again. So, the smallest unit is 2 gak 2.”

“I understand.”

“But there’s a problem. It’s difficult to connect it to the device that tells time by sound. I wish you could handle this one.”

“But, we have just received a command from His Royal Majesty right now…”

“Isn’t it the same clock, after all? Think of it as a warm-up before you build the big one. And, I’ll explain it well to His Majesty. Don’t worry.”

At Hyang’s words, Jang Yeong-sil began to ponder. Seeing Jang Yeong-sil’s serious face, Hyang was inwardly pleading and pleading again.

‘Please do it, just do it!’

As if unaware of Hyang’s feelings, Jang Yeong-sil, who had been pondering, opened his mouth, “To be honest, I really want to make the Crown Prince’s clock. But, there is a strict command from His Royal Majesty…”

“That problem! I’ll solve it!” Hyang hastily cut off Jang Yeong-sil’s words.

“Huh? What?”

“I’ll solve the problem regarding His Majesty! And, you said the calculations were difficult, didn’t you? Do you know someone who is good at that?”

Taken aback by the sudden shift, Jang Yeong-sil stuttered in response, “We have Officer Jeong Cho from the Ministry of Rites, and Officer Jeong In-ji3from the Hall of Worthies, and I’ve heard that even Il-cheon from the Ministry of Law Enforcement is good at arithmetic calculations, and umm…”

“That’s enough! Got it. Keep those blueprints safe!”

“Huh? What? What? Your Highness? Your Highness!”

Holding the blueprints that Hyang practically threw at him, Jang Yeong-sil desperately called out to the fading figure of Hyang in the distance. But, Hyang didn’t hear him.

“If I can’t do basic calculations, and Jang Yeong-sil can’t do basic calculations, then we should find people who are good at calculations!”

As he hurriedly moved towards the Royal Secretariat, a warning light went on in Hyang’s mind for one person’s name. “Wait? Jeong In-ji? That Jeong In-ji? The one who’s in cahoots with Suyang4?”

Pausing at the name Jeong In-ji, Hyang quickly made a decision. “Oh, yes! Jeong In-ji, you are definitely going to work overtime!”

“The Crown Prince has arrived.”

“Let him in.”

King Sejong, who was discussing government affairs with the ministers, granted entry at the unexpected news of Hyang’s arrival.

“What brings you here?”

In response to King Sejong’s question, Hyang immediately replied, “I have a request to ask of you, Father.”

“A request?”

At the word ‘request,’ all the ministers, starting from the Minister of Personnel, froze. The storm that dyed the beginning of the year in blood was triggered by that very ‘request.’

King Sejong also asked Hyang with a tense face, “A request? So, what is it?”

“Please assign people to me!”


“Yes! Jeong-cho from the Office of Administration, Il-cheon from the Ministry of Law Enforcement, Jeong In-ji from the Hall of Worthies. Ah! I also need Jang Yeong-sil, and I also need military technicians from time to time.”

“Jeong-cho, Il-cheon, Jeong In-ji…”

King Sejong started to search his memory for information about the mentioned individuals. As King Sejong was trying to recall, the officials from the departments to which the people in question belonged turned pale.

“Your Majesty! These people…”

“Why? Is there a problem with them?”

“No, it’s not that…”

Looking at the hesitant ministers, the Secretary of the Ministry of Personnel took charge. “Your Highness Crown Prince, the individuals you requested are important talents in each department, and if they are pulled out, it will be difficult to carry on with the work. It seems that you must have something important in mind to have made such a request, but managing the nation is also a serious matter…”

To put it simply, it was ‘What do we do if you take away those who work well? We will not give them up!’.

“Is that so? Why does the Crown Prince want them?”

“I’ve contemplated a few mechanisms for the advancement of Joseon. However, to implement these into physical reality requires precise calculation, and for that, individuals skilled in arithmetic are necessary.”

“Hmm… mechanisms…”

When Sejong seemed intrigued, Hyang quickly struck while the iron was hot. “First and foremost, I intend to make a clock!”

“A clock?”

“Yes. The current water clock that Your Majesty mentioned is bulky enough to require a separate building.”

“That’s true.”

“However, the clock I intend to make can be as small as a full-grown man, or large enough to be installed on top of a tower.”

“The size of a grown man?”

“Indeed! If properly completed, it could be installed not only in the palace but in all government offices and provincial offices as well. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in Joseon could easily tell the time?”

“Hmm… putting them in the palace and government offices… nationwide…” Sejong, who had been pondering over Hyang’s words, came to a conclusion, “Good! I will assign the people you want to you! However, this is only temporary. If you manage to create the clock, I will remove the word ‘temporary’! This is because the people you want are also talents needed for national affairs!”

“Your Majesty’s generosity is boundless!” Hyang responded loudly and bowed deeply.

Thus, the ‘Dream Team’5 that will make Joseon fly’ gradually began to take shape.

Those selected by Sejong’s decree gathered at Eastern Hall (Donggungjeon).

“Oh! Your Excellency Jang! How have you been?”

“Same to you! It’s been a while!”

Jeong Cho and Jang Yeong-sil greeted each other with happy faces. Jang Yeong-sil, who was specially selected by Sejong, first formed a relationship with Jeong Cho. After a light exchange of greetings, Jeong Cho asked Jang Yeong-sil a question.

“I heard that the Crown Prince is making a clock, is that true?”


“He said he can adjust the size freely, is that true?”


At Jang Yeong-sil’s answers, others who were summoned to Eastern Hall gathered around. As people came together, Jang Yeong-sil brought out a bundle of blueprints he had set aside and spread them out.

“This is the blueprint for the clock designed by His Highness. It uses a falling weight instead of water.”



While listening to Jang Yeong-sil’s explanation, people looked over the blueprint. While tracing the parts with their fingers and examining the paths of movement, Jeong Cho opened his mouth. “This… it seems like it uses a fixed hour system to define the whole day?”

“That’s right.”

At Jang Yeong-sil’s response, all fell into contemplation.

In Joseon, daytime was divided by the fixed hour system using twelve divisions, and nighttime was divided into five watches by the variable (temporal) hour system. However, the variable hour system had the problem of fluctuating time lengths depending on the season.

“His Highness said he wants the people to use it, but won’t this be a problem?”

Just as Jeong In-ji pointed out a problem, Hyang’s voice came from behind: “If the length of the night determines the length of the hour, won’t there be problems during the day as well? Then, it would be better to get used to the fixed hour system. Even for the sake of the future.”

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince has arrived!” an inner servant exclaimed.

Upon discovering Hyang, everyone present respectfully bowed. Hyang, who returned a light bow, gestured with his hand. “Please take your seats.”

At Hyang’s command, everyone gathered around the conference table. Hyang, who was sitting at the head of the table, placed a bundle of papers he had been holding onto the table and continued speaking, “His Majesty referred to this occasion as ‘temporary,’ but I intend to smoothly shed that label. Have you all seen the blueprints?”

“We have, Your Highness.”

“What do you all think?”

“While it only uses the fixed hour system, I believe it can certainly function.”

“I also hold the same view.”

At Hyang’s question, everyone present affirmed their belief in the success of the project. Hyang, who lightly nodded his head, spoke, “I too share your views. The issue now is creating a device that links to this and notifies the time audibly. I would like you to work on the calculations and designs for that part.”

“Hmm…” People who had been briefly pondering responded unanimously, “We will follow the Crown Prince’s command!”

Although there was a moment of hesitation, everyone accepted without delay. They were also intrigued by the project.

Upon hearing the response, Hyang held out the bundle of papers to them. “To begin with, I’d like to gauge your arithmetic abilities. Please solve these problems.”

Hyang offered them problems he had found in the mathematics books of the Eastern Roman Empire. Those who received the test papers immediately brought out their gold pens and inkwells from their sleeves and began to calculate.


About an hour later, Hyang declared the end of the test. After collecting the test papers, Hyang checked the answers while looking at the answer sheet he had prepared in advance. “Hmm…,” while grading the answer sheet, Hyang looked around at the people surrounding him. “First, let’s start with the construction of the clock. Now that you’re under my command, there won’t be any moonlighting6. So, put all your efforts into completing the prototype of the clock.”

“We will follow your command!”

“How long do you think it will take?”

At Hyang’s question, everyone leaned their heads together and mumbled. After a brief discussion, Jeong-cho, appointed as the representative, answered, “The design of the most important part, measuring time, is already completed, so we only need to design the part that announces time audibly. So, we believe we can make the prototype in about a month.”

“Then, I will report to His Majesty that it will take a month. Not only my reputation but also yours is at stake, so you must do your best.”

“We will do our best!”

Assigning a workspace for his Dream Team, Hyang returned to his library and muttered, “That’s a close call…”

What Hyang referred to as a close call was the mathematical skills of his Dream Team. The problems he had picked out in advance were selected from the maths books of the Eastern Roman Empire. The problems were of middle and high school level—excluding calculus. When Hyang himself solved them, they were roughly 80 point problems, but among the officials just now, the highest score was 70, with most hovering around 50 to 60 points.

“I thought the Joseon nobles liked to solve maths problems. What should I do about this?”

What Hyang expressed as a difficulty was that it was hard to teach maths with his own skills. After much contemplation, Hyang soon found a solution.

“Ah! There’s Hui people!”


A month later, the Dream Team kept their promise. Sejong was greatly satisfied with the completed clock.

“Produce these in large quantities and install them primarily in the palace and the Six Ministries!”

“We will follow your order!”

Thus, clocks were installed throughout the palace and every corner of the Six Ministries.

And soon, a nightmare for all the officials present.

As the balance of power was significantly inclined towards Sejong, the official debates were drastically reduced to half in the hours of 9 AM~11 AM and 3 PM~5 PM. This was because there was no longer a need to humble the ministers through debates, as it was deemed unnecessary.

When it was time for the debates, the government officials and ministers hurriedly moved to the debate hall. If anyone was even slightly late, Sejong, who had come early and was waiting, silently glanced at the tardy minister and then at the clock.

Without uttering a single word, every time this happened, the late minister had to sweat coldly.

If the ministers were sweating cold, for the other regular officials of the Six Ministries, the gates of hell had been wide opened for them.

“When can you finish this report?”

“I can finish it by exactly 4 PM.”

“Really? Understood.”

And when the promised time came, the superiors reprimanded their subordinate officials.

“Look at this! It’s already 4 PM! Is it still far off?”

“I apologize. Just a bit more time…”

“Hmph! Hurry up!”

As these incidents increased, the subordinates came up with strategies, but they too became the subject of squabbles.

“When can you finish this report?”

“If it’s exactly by 6 PM…”

“Only by then? It’s now 7 AM~9 AM. Have you given up on getting promoted?”

“No, that’s not it!”

“Hmph! A talent from Sungkyunkwan University is this slow in doing his work… tsk tsk.

“I apologize.”

“Get back to work!”

Eventually, the highly stressed officials made it a routine to head straight to the bar or a nearby tavern to drink as soon as they got off work.

Sejong kept his promise.

“Right. Those you wanted are now your people. What are you going to do now?”

“Please establish an independent agency.”

“An independent agency?”

Hyang explained in detail to Sejong. After listening to the explanation, Sejong fell into deep thought. After a long contemplation, Sejong spoke, “It’s tough to make a decision on the spot. I’ll give you an answer in five days.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Five days later, Sejong made his decision. “I permit it.”

“Your graciousness is immeasurable!”

Unable to hide his joy, Hyang bowed deeply.

This is how the largest research institution in Joseon, the ‘Joseon Science and Technology Development Institute'7 was established.

__________ 📝Footnotes
  1. Famous Korean scientist and engineer during Sejong’s reign. Read for info.[↩]
  2. 刻, gak = quarter, 15 minutes[↩]
  3. Read more about him HERE[↩]
  4. Hyang’s younger brother, also later reigned as King Sejo after setting a coup d’etat against his own nephew (Yi Hong-wi (or King Danjong)) for the throne.[↩]
  5. Anecdote for a reality Korean TV Show, a sports game genre[↩]
  6. doing 2 jobs at once[↩]
  7. LOL. A Joseon version of KAIST[↩]

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