Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 310: Chapter 310: Flooded Emotions: Shock at the Water Park

"Elijah?" Leonard noticed Elijah staring inttly at the young woman with purple hair who wore a muted purple bikini with details and called out to him.

However, Elijah was so grossed in his thoughts that wh he heard his name, he barely registered it. Without hesitation, he started walking towards Julia.

At the same time, thanks to her ke hearing and recognition of a name she detested, Julia turned toward the source of the voice.

Upon realizing who was approaching, her already cold and distant expression became ev sterner, radiating an intimidating aura a her. Her disdain for him was so deep that it had turned into guine hatred.

"It's be a while, Julia," said Elijah, as if he was reuniting with an old frid. He tried to put his arm a her neck, but was immediately blocked by a water barrier.

"Don't you dare touch me with those dirty hands!" Julia responded with icy coldness.

Elijah felt anger boiling instantly. However, he acted swiftly and, with a forced smile and gtle voice, said, "Julia, I assure you, I wasn't with that girl. Don't be like this with me; I didn't betray you, I promise!"

Hearing this, Leonard and the others, who had previously cast suspicious glances at Elijah, now seemed to 'understand' the purple-haired girl's reaction.

"What are you talking about?" Julia felt a chill run down her spine. "Stop trying to tangle me in your lies! I have no interest whatsoever in someone like you!"

Immediately after, a sphere of water began to form rapidly in front of the barrier she had created. Julia, with her slder fingers, grabbed the part of the barrier that the sphere was stretching, as if pulling back a slingshot, and th released it with force.


The sound of something cutting through the air echoed, and the water sphere struck Elijah directly in the chest.


The noise of a powerful impact reverberated as the sphere of water exploded against him. The next momt, Elijah was hurled several meters away, crashing hard against a wall.

"Girl, what..." Leonard was utterly dumbfounded.

And it wasn't just him. The other three young m with him were also stunned.

Elijah had be so convincing in presting himself as Julia's boyfrid, suggesting they had had a disagreemt over an alleged betrayal, that they had be tak in by his act...

By this time, Amon was already by Julia's side, having returned swiftly.

His arrival was so fast that Leonard and the others didn't ev notice wh he appeared.

A murmur began to form a them. Some were shocked by what happed to Elijah, while others approached, curious to see how the situation would unfold.

Amon held two large cups of refreshing drink, which he promptly placed on the table where Julia was sitting.

Th, his eyes took on an icy expression, ev colder than Julia's, as he assessed the young m in front of him: "What's going on here?"

His voice carried immse weight, and his commanding presce made Leonard and the others feel weak in their knees.

Turning his gaze to the young man Julia had attacked, a brief expression of surprise crossed his face, swiftly replaced by an ev deeper coldness.

"He's become quite audacious, hasn't he?" Amon remarked with an icy tone.

"You have no idea." Julia quickly recounted rect evts.

"Haha." Amon's laugh was cold and sharp. "It seems I was too lit with him in the past..."

"Amon Tang..."

Leonard immediately recognized Amon, having se him in photos he owned.

The next momt, Leonard began piecing together the puzzle. Suddly, everything started to become clear in his mind. The things that had seemed out of place now fit perfectly. Observing the reactions of Amon and Julia, he realized he had be deceived.

'Damn it, that bastard tricked me!' Rage boiled within him, especially fearing that Amon might think he was aligned with Elijah. In reality, it was all a big misunderstanding. Leonard had gott close to Elijah simply because he knew of his fraternal connection to Amon. He hoped that, through this connection, he could finally meet his idol.

Now, realizing Elijah's true nature, remorse consumed Leonard.

Meanwhile, the water park was in uproar. The people a, who were initially there for fun, were now fully grossed in the drama unfolding before their eyes. Some exchanged surprised glances, while others whispered among themselves, trying to understand what was happing.

A group of youths, close to the sce of the confrontation, stopped playing in the pool and began to discuss animatedly what they had just witnessed. A mother with her young childr quickly pulled them away, fearing the situation might escalate.

Some bolder visitors ev took out their devices to capture the momt, hoping to share the drama on social media later. Others, more ssible, simply shook their heads in disapproval, lamting that a day

meant for fun had turned into a spectacle of chaos.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, all eyes locked on Amon, awaiting his next move.

"Don't pretd you've fainted." As Amon uttered these words, a massive lightning hand reached out to Elijah, grabbing him and pulling him closer.

"Ahhhhh!" Elijah, breaking his act, began to scream desperately, "Murderer! He's going to kill me, save me!!!"

Elijah's fear of Amon was clear. His rect audacity was probably due to his belief that Amon had changed after achieving his new status and, consequtly, had neglected Julia.


Increasing the pressure of the electric hand and intsifying the currt running through Elijah, Amon declared with cutting coldness, indiffert to the fact he had brok Elijah's arm bones: "Keep shouting that, and I'll make your wish come true."


Elijah, although he tried to suppress his cry upon hearing Amon's words and, despite not wanting to show his pain, couldn't help but let out a sound of anguish.


The calmness with which Amon spoke st shivers down the spines of those prest.

Many of the spectators, who initially approached expecting a spectacle, instinctively backed away.

It was one thing to watch a simple argumt, but another tirely to witness a situation that could culminate in fatality.

The water park staff, accustomed to dealing with routine situations like lost childr or minor accidts, now found themselves faced with an tirely unexpected scario. The tsion was palpable, and fear spread rapidly.

"My God, what's happing over there?" A lifeguard, who was on standby near the pool, murmured to her colleague, her wide eyes fixed on the sce.

"Call security! Quick!" One of the supervisors shouted, racing toward the ctral office. He knew this situation was beyond his control.

"This isn't a regular fight... This is serious!" A young bar attdant, who had a privileged view of the confrontation, remarked to a colleague while they both watched the sce apprehsively.

Another employee, responsible for maintance, grabbed his radio and said, "We need to evacuate this area. This might get ugly."

Meanwhile, lifeguards began to blow their whistles frantically, trying to disperse the crowd and keep people at a safe distance. "Please, stay back! For your own safety!" One of the lifeguards shouted, trying to maintain order.

One of the park's managers, realizing the gravity of the situation, cautiously approached, attempting to mediate the situation. "Gtlem, please, this is a family tertainmt vue. I ask that you settle your differces elsewhere."

Amid the unfolding chaos, Elijah's words could barely be heard. The tsion in the atmosphere was palpable, and everyone awaited, with bated breath, Amon's next move. Was it possible that a young man, in broad daylight, would commit such an extreme act against another?

Morbid curiosity kept many eyes glued to the sce.

Noticing the approaching park security team, Amon cast a petrating glance at Elijah, invoking a deep emotion of Sadness, almost reaching its peak.

Under the overwhelming effect of this emotion, Elijah, previously agitated, began to wilt, releasing murmurs lad with despair.

"Why does my life always take such bitter turns?"

"Would the world be better off without my existce?"

"What did I do to deserve so much pain and rejection?"

"Would anyone miss me if I simply vanished?"

"I live in the shadow... always in the shadow of my brother..."

"I feel a void... a void that consumes my soul..."

"Why do I press on? What's the purpose of all this?"

Amon released Elijah with a sigh of disdain, returning to Julia's side as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

After subjecting Elijah to such intse emotional tormt, to the point of plunging him into overwhelming depression, Amon chose to simply ignore him.

Julia, noticing Amon's action, chose to remain silt.

The lifeguards, recognizing the situation, quickly escorted Elijah to the water park's first aid area.

"How about we go somewhere else?" Julia suggested in a soft tone.

Amon looked a, noticing the many curious eyes directed at them, and agreed, "Yes, let's."

There was no point in trying to relax in an vironmt where they were under constant scrutiny.


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