Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 309: Chapter 309: Charms and Encounters Under the Aquatic Sky

Under Amon's watchful gaze, the young woman flaunted long, sleek hair of an intse purple hue, almost mesmerizing. Her eyes, luminous and of a greish-brown shade, seemed to hide countless igmas.

Her attire was of pure elegance, with a tight black turtleck that acctuated the gerous contour of her bust, and a skirt that harmonized perfectly with the dark tone of her stockings, highlighting her graceful legs. She exuded an intriguing and captivating aura.

"Are you available today?" She inquired.

"Yes, for the rest of the day," Amon confirmed, quickly adding: "Tomorrow I have an unmissable class. And, Julia, you look stunning."

"Really? Hehe~ Thank you." She felt flattered and, with a suggestive tone, asked: "So, today is my day?"

Not admitting that she was jealous of Maisa would be a grave mistake. However, she chose to live in the prest and leave worries for later. For now, she was determined to joy her day by her beloved's side!

She observed him closely.

Amon stood tall, naturally standing out among others. His muscles, well-defined but not overly bulky, suggested strgth and durance. His deep black hair was styled in a modern, slightly tousled manner, giving him a youthful yet sophisticated look. His eyes, a gold shade reminisct of honey, shone with an intsity that captured the atttion of onlookers, conveying confidce and depth.

He wore a , fine fabric shirt that fit perfectly to his torso, subtly showcasing the muscles of his chest and abdom. The shirt was partially unbuttoned at the collar, revealing a glimpse of his tanned skin. It paired with dark jeans that elegantly molded to his legs and polished black dress shoes. The semble conveyed a bld of casualness and elegance, making him irresistibly attractive.

"You look incredibly good," she commted, trying to control her nervousness.

Indeed, he seemed like a temptation... She mtally chastised herself as she imagined what might transpire later... Good heavs, she felt a damp ssation...

"Thank you," Amon responded with a smile, intertwining his fingers with hers.

With the heels she wore, Julia had an ev more imposing and graceful stance, especially beside Amon.

Their commanding presce caught atttion wherever they wt at the university.

"Let's go in my flying car," she suggested as they moved away from the university gates.

Before Amon could answer, she had already activated the device which quickly transformed into her flying car.

Her flying car had a refined design, painted in a vibrant gold with violet details.

"This car is incredible," Amon remarked.

"Really?" Julia responded with a touch of pride. "At the time, I wasn't too interested, but now I'm glad I got my driver's licse and acquired this vehicle."

"Hmm," Amon murmured, th oped the door for her. "Please."

"How kind of you~" She said in a melodic voice.

Amon smiled in response and walked to the passger seat.

Julia noticed a notable change in Amon since his return. He seemed to smile more, especially wh he was with her and the other girls. But seeing him smile just for her had a special flavor, filling her with deep conttmt.

"Tell me," Julia began, giving him a quick glance before refocusing on the road, "what's it like being in the special class?"

"So far, I mainly sse an air of sophistication," Amon reflected. "I hav't expericed anything that made me think, 'Ah, so this is why it's called the special class!'"

Julia let out a soft laugh, understanding his perspective. "I guess things will become clearer once you start your classes."

"Possibly," Amon mused. "Or maybe it'll just be a more liberating experice, with more resources and opportunities available. Perhaps that's the true essce of the name."

"I don't know... I have a feeling there's more to it," Julia voiced her opinion.

"I'll find out soon ough," Amon replied. Saying this, his fingers delicately intertwined with hers. Catching her gaze, he gifted her with a warm smile.

Julia, with her upright posture and determined look, announced, "We're almost there."

Amon, taking in the suring landscape, simply nodded in agreemt.

The flying car slowed down as they approached a seaside water park. The place, with its expansive glass walls, offered a breathtaking view of the ocean. The setting was peaceful, with the soft sound of waves crashing against the shore and the salty freshness of the sea in the air. It was the perfect spot for a date filled with fun and romance.

Upon parking in the designated area of the water park, Amon was the first to step out, quickly oping the door for Julia, who flashed him a radiant smile.

Being treated with such chivalry made Julia feel special, filling her with joy.

As they tered the park, they were veloped by the buzz of laughter and conversations. The atmosphere was lively, with voices mixing in various dialects, making some conversations slightly challging to understand.

Amon moved closer and took Julia's hand.

"Let's change first," Julia suggested, leading him towards the changing rooms.


As they proceeded, they could appreciate the chanting scery of the water park.

There were slides that seemed to glide smoothly over the water, creating luminous patterns as the sunlight struck them. Infinity pools blded with the ocean horizon, creating an illusion of continuity. Quiet zones with floating cabanas allowed visitors to relax over the water, while busier areas offered interactive water activities.

Everything was harmoniously integrated, offering a unique and unforgettable experice.


Understanding was esstial... Or, at the very least, making an attempt.

An 8-year-old youth wandered through the water park with some frids. As they walked, the conversation revolved a one of their twin brothers.

"Elijah, your brother is amazing!"

The more Elijah heard this, the more irritated he became, though he managed to hide his frustration behind a forced smile.

The truth was, Elijah had be expelled from university. He wandered aimlessly across the Gold Phoix University planet wh he countered the rowned Leonard Copper, the son of a Lord from a small planet. For Elijah, who felt he had lost everything, meeting someone like Leonard was beyond imagination.

Leonard stood tall and had a commanding presce. His short, neatly trimmed red beard matched his similarly colored hair, tied in a high bun.

In fact, the fridship betwe Elijah and Leonard only solidified wh Leonard found out that Elijah was Amon Tang's brother.

Life has its ironies. The very name Elijah least wanted to hear was precisely what provided him with a connection to someone like Leonard.

And the reason they were on this planet was Leonard's desire to meet Amon in person. He esstially became an admirer of Amon after hearing about his rect achievemts, especially in the last two days, wh the human federation announced that Amon, at only 8 years old, had reached the Grandmaster Rank.

However, that wasn't the only reason. Leonard was particularly interested in Amon because they both shared the same getic affinity with lightning. He was eager to meet Amon, perhaps to ask for some advice.

Furthermore, Leonard had exclusive information, acquired through purchase, that Amon had developed a patted spell called Interdimsional Lightning Odyssey.

What was ev more impressive was that there had already be research on this spell, but with little progress. However, Amon, during his time isolated on this planet, developed the spell by observing insects that possessed this getic ability.

"Elijah, do you think your brother created the Interdimsional Lightning Odyssey to use and escape from the planet wh he lost contact with the federation and the Tower?" another youth asked.

"Could be..." Elijah responded thoughtfully, trying to hide his jealousy and frustration.

Being a close frid of Leonard's, this young man also became an admirer of Amon after being flooded with the information Leonard had gathered in rect days.

Suddly, Elijah's eyes wided, and his pupils constricted. Ev if she turned into a shadow, he would still recognize her.

Julia, the young woman for whom he had harbored feelings for so long, and who never returned a fond look, was now dating his insufferable brother, Amon!

Julia sat there, with a cold and distant expression, as if waiting for someone.

At that momt, to Elijah, she seemed like a winter flower, majestic and unattainable. She exuded captivating beauty. It wasn't a seductive beauty but refined elegance, reminisct of a lady depicted in a classic painting, belonging to a noble and secluded family from some distant planet.

'Did she come with that unbearable Maisa?' Elijah wondered, as a malicious smile formed on his lips.

Amon was not on his mind at that momt. To him, Amon was probably immersed in his rect fame, perhaps ev neglecting someone like Julia. After all, giv the new level Amon had reached, who would she be to him?

As much as it hurt to admit, Amon had become someone who could look down on others, ev someone like Leonard, who was the heir of a lord ruling a planet.

With such rown, would Amon still care about twin sisters who barely showed aptitude to remain in university?

He ev pondered that Amon might have already left them behind, which would explain Julia's cold and distant expression...


Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have be introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:

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