Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 270: Chapter 270: Qingyuan city and Zhen Ti

The next day...

"You two, it's time to wake up," Leyan yelled out as she oped the door to Xiaoyun's room.


Xiaoyun slowly ops his eyes back up as he lets out a loud yawn.

"You still have work today." Leyan reminded him.

"Oh snap."

Xiaoyun quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Poor Tianci... We should have joined in last night to make him go easy on her."

Leyan felt a little bad for her as Tianci's wedding dress was almost torn into pieces, with stains all over her body and the remaining fabrics.

She could ev notice a small amount of sem still flowing out from her behinds as almost every trance on her body had some sort of stain a it.

Ev her hair and foot had stains on them, which made Leyan realize Xiaoyun didn't hold back on Tianci at all.

"Tianci, wake up."

Leyan softly whispered into her ears as she gtly shook her a little.

"Just give me a minute..." Tianci murmured as she rolled over to the sides.

Seeing Tianci not answering back, Leyan shook her a little harder.

"Tianci, if you don't wake up, all the stains on your body are going to be super hard to wash off."

As Tianci oped her eyes, Leyan was standing at her bedside.

"Is it already morning, Mrs.Leyan?" Tianci asked as she yawned out loud and stretched her arms.

"Yeah, it's eight o'clock. What time did you guys go to sleep last night?" Leyan asked curiously.

"I don't know..."

As Tianci got up from the bed, she suddly realized her body was once again split up as she regained control without the other Tianci's input.

"Tianci, you okay?" Leyan asked as she noticed Tianci sitting in bed, all froz.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Mrs.Leyan, are my eyes all gold?"

"No, your eyes are all brownish like normal."

Leyan replied as she got a little confused by why Tianci was asking this.

"Thank you... I'll go take a shower now."

With Tianci heading towards the bathroom, Leyan headed back downstairs to the kitch.


Wh the two finally came downstairs to the kitch, it was almost nine o'clock.

"Geez, what took you two so long?" Leyan asked as everyone was already eating at the table.

"Just fell asleep taking a shower."

Despite Xiaoyun replying with a straight face, both Tianci and him were blushing red.

And the awkward walk by Tianci as she walked into the kitch made it abundantly obvious what they did before coming to the kitch.

"Sure, just falling 'asleep' in the shower." Nami grumpy said out loud as she ate her noodles.

"Still can't believe I woke up in the middle of the night at three to use the restroom and still can hear them do it." Yueyue pointed out.

"Looks like babe really cares about his 'new' wife over all his old ones."

Yuqi jealously looked towards Tianci, who looked back with an embarrassed face.

"Hey, ough. Tianci, did you joy last night?"

Leyan ded their commts as she felt they were taking it a little too far.

"Y-Yeah..." Tianci looked down at her food as she softly replied.

"Tianci, how many positions did you do for your first night yesterday?" Wuli suddly asked as she finished her food.

"Um, I-I don't know..."

Tianci's face blushed again as she started focusing on eating breakfast to avoid answering back.

"Wuli, what do you think Xiaoyun would have done? It's obvious from how she walked." Shuli reminded her.

"Oh, right... Th Tianci is ready to join us tonight, right?"

After Wuli finished talking, the atmosphere at the whole table got a little awkward.

"Ahem, there are still other people here."

Leyan reminded everyone at the table as there were three people at the table who were not married to Xiaoyun.

"I didn't hear anything," Anna replied as she dug herself deeper into the food.

"Same." Kate quickly joined.

"No more talking about this kind of stuff, okay? It's so early in the morning. And Lily is still here."

Leyan delivers the final blow to d the conversation.

Upon hearing Leyan's words, Tianci let out a sigh of relief as the spotlight was no longer on her.

T minutes later...

Wh Xiaoyun finished his breakfast, he suddly got a phone call.

"Yezi, what's up?"

"Can you come over to the inner wall for a second? You might want to meet your frid."


"Yeah. At least that's what he said."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Xiaoyun hung up the phone as he got up from his seat.

"You heading out already?" Leyan asked.

"Someone is at the wall. Yuqi, I'll see you later in the afternoon."

As Xiaoyun headed towards the door, Kate and Tianci quickly followed behind.

"Wait, Tianci, you can take a break today," Xiaoyun suggested as they stood before the door.

"No, I'm fine."

Tianci's iris quickly shifted red for a millisecond before changing back as her posture completely restored to normal.

"Okay th, let's head out."


Wh Xiaoyun arrived at the inner wall, Yezi and an tire regimt of soldiers were standing at the wall with their guns in hand.

"What's the situation?" Xiaoyun asked as he approached Yezi.

"Down there is a group of people from Qingyuan. You remember the city that you established after the lotus got wiped?" Yezi reminded him.

"Oh, right... I thought we stopped sding them supplies after a month wh they stabilized, right?"

"Yeah. Anyway, they said they were here because they thought we needed their help. But they are a day late. What should we do with them?"

"Let me see it myself."

As Xiaoyun walked forward out and peeked over the wall's battlemt, he saw a a few thousand people standing outside.

After scanning all the people outside, he immediately recognizes the person leading them.

It was Zh Ti in the front, the person whom he assigned to lead the survival groups that had be thriving in Qingyuan City after the lotus was wiped.

"Zh Ti! Is that you?" Xiaoyun asked out loud.

"Mr.Xiaoyun! Yes, it's me!" Zh Ti yelled back.

Xiaoyun quickly got back down the stairs as he ordered the soldiers to op up the gates.

Yezi hesitated for a second but followed through with Xiaoyun's demand after Xiaoyun asked him again.

As the gates oped up, Zh Ti himself walked up to the trance.

"Long time no see!" Xiaoyun reached his hands out for a handshake.

"Yeah, but I still remember it as if it was yesterday." Zh Ti held onto Xiaoyun's hand with both his hands as he looked toward him with gratitude.

"Ahem, anyway, what brings you here today?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"I heard there was a massive zombie attack, so I brought as many people as I could to come and help." Zh Ti replied.

"Thanks for the thoughts, but we already defeated them a few weeks ago." Xiaoyun pointed out.

"Really? Those damn traders are spreading misinformation again... So sorry we didn't make it in time."

Zh Ti bowed down in apology as Xiaoyun felt he was really guine about it.

"No worries. I'm thankful that you came here all the way from Qingyuan... Come on, let's get a table and have a talk."


Wh the two arrived at the command cter, they exchanged a lot of information.

Xiaoyun learns that Qingyuan City has a one hundred thousand people, which is still way bigger than Luoping City.

Although the number looked scary, Zh Ti was facing a problem.

"Mr.Xiaoyun... How did you manage your city so well? Mine's is an absolute mess right now."

"What do you mean by that?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"Well, we had be accepting everyone from the nearby cities, which massively increased our population. And ever since the new people had arrived, crime and resources have be getting tighter and tighter."

"Are you in a city? You got like the whole city's resources with barely any zombies." Xiaoyun pointed out.

"Yeah, but the new groups keep forming their interest, which makes it almost impossible to direct them.

All they do is infight each other and try to one-up each other instead of helping." Zh Ti complained.

"You have the majority of the troops, no? Ev if the newcomers have weapons of their own, just remind them that if they don't stop fighting, they'll be kicked out." Xiaoyun advised as the two took a seat.

"I did once... But I fucked up, and some of them switched to the other two, and now I'm stuck in a stalemate." Zh Ti explained.

"How did you fucked up?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"It's a long story... I... accidtally fell in love with one of the new group's leader's wives."

"Don't tell me you... took her?"

Xiaoyun facepalmed himself as he already knew how it was going to go.

"I mean, a woman should have their own free will, right? She divorced him and married me by her own choice. Am I in the wrong?" Zh Ti suddly raised his voice as he got a little defsive.

"You're not wrong... How about your son? What does he think of you done?" Xiaoyun suddly asked.

"My wife loves her stepson very much. They get along very well."

Zh Ti got a little confused by the question but still replied to it.

"That's good to hear... Anyway, you came here to look for help, right?"

Xiaoyun finally pointed out Zh Ti's inttion as he gathered ough information to come up with a conclusion.


Zh Ti looked down in embarrassmt and shame as he didn't expect Xiaoyun to be so direct.

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