Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 22: Yuqi and Leyan's Treat(R-18)

An hour later...

When Xiaoyun and Leyan finally emerged from the restroom, both of their legs were tumbling as they walked downstairs to the living room.

Wuli and Shuli were sitting on the sofa in complete silence, with the TV running a variety show.

"Um... hey, sisters. You guys are awake now?"

Leyan awkwardly waved as she tried her hardest to pretend nothing had happened.

"Yeah... That alcohol was so strong I couldn't believe I was knocked out, haha..." Wuli awkwardly laughed as she swirled her hair.

Meanwhile, Shuli was too embarrassed to look back at the two as her hand rested on her knee.

"Oh look, it's past midnight. What a nice wedding trip it was. We all just got back home and are sitting down to relax, right?" Xiaoyun asked, holding Leyan's hand tightly as they sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah... Isn't this variety show amazing, Shuli? I couldn't believe that guy just dropped the ball like that."

"Yeah, it's pretty funny..." Shuli replied as she looked up a little before looking back down to her knee.

"Look, Leyan. Nothing happened. There's no need to be so nervous."

Xiaoyun gently patted Leyan on the back, trying to comfort her, as she had been constantly complaining about it earlier in the bathroom.

But Leyan didn't say anything as her face was still blushing red, just like the other two sitting on the sofa.

"Anyway, do you two want me to drive you all back home? And don't worry, I didn't drink, so I can just drive you guys back."

"It's all good. My dad is coming to pick us up——"

Just as Wuli was responding to Xiaoyun's suggestion, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Oh, it must be my dad. Shuli, let's go."

Wuli and Shuli immediately got up from the sofa and rushed out of the house, not even letting Leyan say goodbye as they slammed the door closed.

"Told you, they are just as embarrassed as you are. Babe, what you saw on them is much more leverage against them.

Just think about it: Two women touching themselves while watching a married couple having sex——"

"Hey, don't say that. You are making it sound like blackmail... There isn't value attached to that, okay?"

Leyan gently punched Xiaoyun in the chest in protest.

"Yeah, yeah..."

As the tension smoothers down, Xiaoyun finally decides to ask something in his mind.

"Babe, do you want to go on a honeymoon? We could go to Hainan, Paris, or anywhere else in the world."

Leyan thought for a second but then shook her head in the end.

"I think I want to go back to work... I don't want to leave the city when I just came back to it."

"That's fine with me..."

As the two sat in silence for a short moment, Xiaoyun suddenly moved right next to Leyan's shoulder.

"Hey babe... Can I ask something?"

"What?" Leyan raised her tone as she pushed Xiaoyun back a little.

"I... I want to do it again." Xiaoyun whispered as he moved to her right ear.

"But we already did it almost five times today... And we already took a shower."

Leyan counted with her fingers as she thought back to the amount of time they had climaxed together.

"Please, I just can't get it down..." Xiaoyun pleaded as he moved Leyan's hand towards the bulge down below.

"Fine, you're such a naughty dog... How are you hard again already?"

Leyan succumbed to Xiaoyun's request as she suddenly felt a sense of responsibility as his wife.

"Woohoo! You're the best babe!"

Xiaoyun excitedly threw Leyan into the air before carrying her back upstairs.


A month after the wedding...

It was just another typical weekend, as Xiaoyun was relaxing on the sofa reading the newspaper with Leyan scrolling on her phone.

But suddenly, Leyan rushed to the restroom with her mouth holding something in.

"Babe, are you good?" Xiaoyun asked as he stood by the bathroom doorway, holding a cup of water in his hand.

"I think I am pregnant. I haven't had a period for almost a month now," Leyan murmured as she sipped water from the cup.

"Wait... I am becoming a father?" Xiaoyun froze for a second before fully processing the news.

"What do you think, you dummy! I wonder who has cumming inside so much every night as if there was no tomorrow."

Leyan booped Xiaoyun right on the nose and ran away before he could react.

"Hey, don't boop me... Wait, be careful!" Xiaoyun warned as he began chasing right after her, which made her run even faster.

"I can't even see the belly yet! Don't forget I am a nurse! I know when I need to stop."

After running all the way to the backyard, Leyan finally stops.

"Why you running——"

Before Xiaoyun could finish, Leyan jumped right into the pool, causing a giant splash that hit him in the leg.

"Ah, it's so refreshing on a hot day like this," Leyan murmured as she stood up on the shallow end of the pool.

Xiaoyun jumps into the pool cannonball style and makes an even bigger splash, forcing Leyan to cover her eyes.

"Hey! Did you really have to do it that close?" Leyan complained as she splashed water right on Xiaoyun's face.

"Too bad. That's what you get for running away."

As Xiaoyun wrapped his arm around Leyan, she suddenly noticed his eyes looked a little zoned out.

"What are you thinking?" Leyan asked curiously.

"I was just thinking about what we should name our kid... Do you have any ideas?"

As Leyan paused to think, Xiaoyun quickly carried her to the even more shallow side of the pool.

"How about Yuqi? I think it's a pretty nice name."

"Wait, isn't that the same name as that drama show you watched yesterday?"

"Maybeee——But it's a nice name, though."

Leyan jumped to the edge of the pool, quickly realizing she had no clue how to swim.

"Yeah, sure, if it's a girl, then we can name it Yuqi."

"How about if it is a boy? You should give it a name," Leyan asked, giving Xiaoyun the option as she had no idea what a boy's name would be.

"It's going to be a girl... I don't know why, but I can just feel it." Xiaoyun murmured as he thought back to the dream he had at night.


The seventh month had passed, and Leyan's belly was getting bigger, forcing her to take a pregnancy leave.

Xiaoyun became increasingly busy as the market became more competitive, often leaving Leyan home alone while he worked overtime.

Fortunately, Leyan's parents came to visit every day, and since she couldn't work, she even picked up gardening as a side hobby.

"I'm home," Xiaoyun said softly as he hung up his briefcase on the hanger.

"Hey honey, welcome back."

Leyan gave Xiaoyun a hug and a light kiss as the two walked towards the living room.

"How's your mom and dad?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Oh, they're fine. They just finished cooking."

As they entered the kitchen, Leyan's parents were already sitting at the table, waiting for Xiaoyun.

"Oh, sorry for coming home late, has some overtime work." Xiaoyun apologized as they sat down across from the two.

"Its all good, you got to focus business first. To be honest, you guys didn't need to have a baby this early——"

Before Leyan's dad could finish, Leyan's mom suddenly stepped in.

"Says the one who made me pregnant when I was still in high school. Isn't it quite funny that you say that?

Only if I had a husband that took care of me when I was pregnant, but all I ended up with is someone broke and left his wife to deal with it herself."

"Hey, that was an accident, okay? It's not my fault that the protection broke, and I had to go to work in the city to make money for us——Ahem, ahem, let's start eating!"

Leyan's dad quickly changed the topic, as he felt a little embarrassed about being exposed by his wife in front of Xiaoyun.

The face of Leyan's mom also got a little red as she realized she had revealed a little bit too much.

"Yeah, let's eat now." Leyan and Xiaoyun both said at the same time.


As everybody finished eating, Leyan's parents left the house despite the two offering them to stay.

When asked why, Leyan's dad gave the simple answer of wanting to smoke and didn't want to endanger Leyan's baby, and Leyan's mom didn't want to leave her husband alone.

"Have I been really busy lately? Leyan... am I a bad husband?" Xiaoyun asked, sounding disappointed in himself.

"Honey, it's fine. Don't take mom's word too seriously. You are doing fine." Leyan comforted Xiaoyun as she gently patted him on the back.

As the two sat in the living room in silence, something suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Babe... I want to do it. We haven't done it for so long." Xiaoyun pleaded as he suddenly felt a surge of energy in his body.

"Fine, but you and I need to go take a shower first. And no touching, okay? I don't want to slip in the shower," Leyan demanded.

"Okay, you promised!" Xiaoyun excitedly accepted the demand as he looked like a child who had just gotten free candy.


After the shower, the two lay on the bed naked.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this..." Xiaoyun murmured as he noticed Leyan's belly, which had been getting bigger.

"Hey, it's not just you who want it... I want it too."

Leyan gently stroked Xiaoyun's cock with her hands as she sat on top of Xiaoyun's leg.

"You sure this is safe?" Xiaoyun asked in a concerned voice.

"I am sure. I am a nurse, okay? Many people have done this. Don't worry," Leyan reassures him.

"Okay then... how do you want to do it?"

"How about you push? It's a bit too heavy for me to move up and down."


Xiaoyun moves in front of Leyan, then carefully pushes down his cock as he uses his hands to support himself from compressing the belly.

"Hm!" Leyan let out a small moan as the tip of Xiaoyun's cock entered inside her vagina.

Xiaoyun slowly started moving as he relaxed Leyan by caressing her breasts, which had gotten even bigger since her pregnancy.

After feeling Leyan's vagina was slippery enough, Xiaoyun finally began to push his cock further in.

At the same time, Xiaoyun began using his mouth to suckle Leyan's breasts like a baby.

Suddenly, a little bit of liquid came out of Leyan's breasts.

"It feels so good, honey——Hm!——I love you!"

Leyan moaned as Xiaoyun continued to suckle her breast and started grinding against her weak spot.

"Um, honey, I think you are lactating..." Xiaoyun pointed out as he swallowed the liquid.

"What? Already? Does it taste good?" Leyan asked, sounding a little worried about the quality of her milk.

"It tastes amazing! I can't get enough of it..." Xiaoyun murmured as he kept suckling it until it dried up, which gave just enough for his mouth to be full.

Suddenly, Xiaoyun kissed Leyan and forced her to swallow down some of the milk he had gathered.

"So what do you think?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"It's a little sweet, like almond milk... But don't do that again, okay? It feels weird drinking my own milk," Leyan warned, unable to believe what Xiaoyun had just done to her.

"My bad. But it looks like I'll need to do this every day until the baby comes out."

"Oh, stop it. You aren't a baby——"

Before Leyan could finish talking, Xiaoyun suddenly pulled out a little and then turned Leyan with her back facing him.

"Let's do it like this. It's a lot easier for both of us."

"O-Okay——Hm! T-That's too deep——Hm!"

Leyan's body instantly started twitching a little as Xiaoyun lifted Leyan into the air, forcing her body to take the entirety of his cock.

With every pump, Xiaoyun could feel her flesh inside, squeezing his cock as if it was begging him to cum.

And soon enough, he could feel Leyan was about to climax, so he started going faster in and out of Leyan's vagina.

"I——Hm!——I'm cumming!"

As Leyan moaned out loud, her body began squirting out all over his leg. But Xiaoyun showed no sign of stopping as he continued moving in and out of her vagina.

"Wait——Hm!——Honey! Put me down for a second. I——Hm!——need to take a break."

Hearing Leyan's plead, Xiaoyun stopped immediately and gently laid her back down on the bed.

"Don't exhaust yourself too much, okay? Just tell me when you are ready."

Xiaoyun closed his eyes as he rested next to Leyan, with his cock still painfully erect with no relief in sight.

Seeing Xiaoyun holding it in for her, Leyan felt a little touched. So she decided to get back up as she approached closer to his cock with her lips.

"Babe, you——"

Xiaoyun's face was shocked as Leyan was suckling on his cock, which she had refused every time he asked for it.

"I decided to give you *Slurp* a little treat since you are so nice today. But tell me when *Slurp* you are going to cum, okay?

I don't want to have that happen last time——If it goes inside my nose, I'm never doing this again."

Leyan's face suddenly blushes as she thinks back to the last time she did it for Xiaoyun.

"Don't worry, I won't."

Leyan starts to suckle his cock as if it were a lollipop, slowly peeling the foreskin back and forth with her tongue.

But suddenly, Leyan started tightening her mouth to create a vacuum seal, making Xiaoyun almost let it out on the spot.

After what felt like forever to Leyan, Xiaoyun reached his limit as Leyan began teasing the small hole in the glans.

"I'm cumming soon!"

"Just cum! Don't worry *Slurp* about it! Just let it all *Slurp* out!"

Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore as Leyan's lewd, watery sound from her lips was just too sexy.

But before he let it all out, Xiaoyun pulled out at the last second, surprising Leyan, who expected him to unload it inside her mouth.

"Geez... you could have let me just drink it all, and I wouldn't have to go take a shower again."

Leyan complained as the semen made it impossible for her to open her eyes, forcing her to wipe her face several times with her hand.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about how to avoid having it get inside your nose." Xiaoyun apologized as he gathered several tissues for Leyan to use.

"Well, at least none of it got on the bed... Next time, just let it out inside my mouth."

With all the semen in hand, Leyan suddenly poured it into her mouth and swallowed it whole right before Xiaoyun's eye.


"Men love it when their wife swallows their seeds, right?"

Leyan tilted her head slightly as she looked back at Xiaoyun's face with an innocent look.

"You're playing with fire right now... Are you really trying to pass out or what?"

"Pass out? You mean someone surrendering after their wife squeezes them clean?"


Before Xiaoyun could grab Leyan, she jumped out of bed and bolted towards the bathroom.

"If you catch me, I'll let you——Hm!"

Leyan let out a small moan as a tease as she ran towards the bathtub, with Xiaoyun in hot pursuit as he ran towards the bathroom door.


A few months later...

It was finally the day, as Leyan fell into labor during the middle of the night.

As Xiaoyun rushed inside the hospital room, the doctor was already inside.

"Hello, are you Leyan's husband?" The nurse asked as she stopped Xiaoyun.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, I need you to put this on. She wants you to go in."

The nurses helped Xiaoyun put on a sheet and then walked him inside the delivery room.

Leyan was lying on the bed, with the doctor standing behind the curtain.

"Just relax and take a deep breath," the doctor murmured as Leyan tried to maintain a steady breathing pattern.

"Babe, I'm here, don't worry."

Xiaoyun rushed to Leyan's side and held her hand.

"Okay, now push steadily and focus on your breathing."

As Leyan tried her best to maintain focus, Xiaoyun held her hand tightly as there was nothing much he could do besides a few words of encouragement.


Several hours later.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy girl."

The baby's crying sound began to echo throughout the room as it finally felt the outside world for the first time.

"Can I hold her?" Leyan asked.

"Of course, but only for a few seconds, though."

The doctor carefully placed the baby in Leyan's arms as Xiaoyun moved closer to see it.

"It's our daughter, honey."

Leyan looked extremely exhausted, but her voice was full of excitement.

"Yes, our beautiful daughter..."

Xiaoyun let out a sigh of relief as it was finally over.


After a week, Leyan and Xiaoyun were able to bring the baby back home.

"Qiqi is so cute," Leyan murmured as she held Yuqi in her arms.

"Yeah, she is cute... Hey, babe, let's not do that again," Xiaoyun asked as he started up the engine.

"Wait, why?" Leyan curiously asked.

"I don't want to see you in pain again. I know you wanted to give me a boy, but I don't care if it is a boy or a daughter.

And don't listen to your parents how you need to give birth to a boy. They are just old-fashioned."

"Songming... You are so sweet. But I think I can handle it. It was barely any difficulty at all. The doctor even said it was the smoothest she had ever done.

I also want a boy. I have always wanted a big family like my dad and mom. You can afford to pay the fee anyway, right?"

"Fine, as long as you want it. I guess I won't ever need to use protection, then," Xiaoyun joked.

"Yeah, yeah. I am going to make you bankrupt before I finish giving birth," Leyan joked back.

"Let's at least take a year break or something. I don't want to damage your body."

Xiaoyun's tone became serious as he didn't want her to feel as if he was just using her as a baby-making machine.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best..." Leyan nodded in agreement.

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