Your Majesty, I Want You

Chapter 1 - The Emperor (1)

The series is a dark romance novel. Some scenes may have you feeling sick to the core. Be warned. Dont read if you cant handle the first arc.

The hunters returned with their hunted beasts at dusk. Echoing sounds of merry laughter, chatters, hoofing, and ironing quickly spread all around, creating a noisy environment.

The Emperor, sitting under a large shaded area, frowned faintly. She was forced to watch the event despite her blatant despise of hunting for the sake of mere amusement. As the scent of the beasts neared closer, the Emperor endured, feeling slightly nauseated.

The nobles who arrived before her proudly displayed their beasts theyd caught during their hunt for it was the Emperors decision to distinguish the honorable and award the title of winner among the participants.

After a brief discussion, the candidate for the prize was picked Countess Francis. She caught a fox with vivid red fur the others caught a humongous boar, a surprisingly rare silver deer species, and

The Emperor turned her gaze away from the last candidate and raised her finger to the fox.

The bright vivid scarlet caught my eyes. There are a few scratches on the leather, proving the hunters skills are excellent. Thats a fact. Countess Francis, you are this years winner.

It was considered a great honor to win the Konkuk Hunting Competition.

The Countess was surprised. Not only her but the others hungry for the title.

The Countess quickly knelt down on her knees and spoke in a polite manner.

It is of great honor for Her Majesty to find my humble hunting skills appreciable, but, its too much of an honor for someone like me. With all due respect, Your Majesty, it would be reasonable to grant the honorary title to Grand Duke Roark for the capture of the rare and beautiful silver deer.

Youre too reasonable. Its a valid decision and a reasonable one choosing you as the honorary winner. Behold, the Marquises wild boar was stabbed in the guts, its skin all damaged, and the Grand Duke Roarks deer looks promising but its mouth is bloodstained, a sign of harassment through the passing hours without intentionally killing it. On the other hand, your fox, it has no blemishes except for the fatal wound in its neck. From the strike alone, your intent was to lessen the foxs pain. In hunting, one must be polite and respectful when taking a life. Sure, there are others whod hunted far better ones than you, but there is no hunter here more qualified than you.

At the Emperors reasoning, the Countess could no longer remain stubborn.

Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty.

She responded and bowed her head.

Only then did sounds of applause rang out.

Now that the winner had been decided, it was time to return to the Imperial Palace and enjoy the banquet in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the empires inception. This years banquet was rumored to be far grander and bigger than its previous predecessors.

As the servants diligently waited on their masters to make their way over after the game, the Marquis of Bjorn approached Grand Roark, who at this time, climbed his steed.

I dont understand, Grand Duke. Isnt this the prize you deserve? Oh my god, to choose a fox over a silver deer? Her Majesty believes herself to be too knowledgeable. I hope youre not feeling too hung up over it.

No, Her Majesty is right. I was so excited when I found the silver deer that Id forgotten the etiquette and mannerisms one must keep. The Emperor was able to enlighten me. That much is enough.

The Marquis grumbled at the Grand Dukes humble words.

Youre the most loyal subject in the empire. I do not know why Her Majesty would


The Grand Duke cut his word shortly and his pupils shone a cold, bloody red.

The Marquis grew nervous and swallowed the dry saliva in his throat. Hed been guarding the border half his lifetime. And though he was older, the Marquis was confident that he wasnt lagging behind the young ones. But now, he was like a mouse who had met a tiger that tiger was the Grand Duke who was younger than his son.

Watch your mouth, Marquis. There are many knowing ears. And you, a noble, should mind what you say.

At the end of the sentence, the Grand Duke pulled on the steeds reins and approached the carriage the Emperor was on.

Looking at the Grand Dukes back, the Marquis of Bjorn swallowed his cursing. He didnt want to admit a young man put him in his place. The thought of it angered him so.

That bastard! Does he not know that his nickname is the loyal dog of the Emperor? What ears?! Arent you the Emperors knowing ear?!

When the Grand Duke stood behind the Emperors carriage, like an escort, the carriage suddenly stopped and the window curtain opened.

The Emperors face was shown. She looked like she had caught motion sickness.

Are you all right, Your Majesty?

The Grand Duke Roark approached the carriage and thrusted out his handkerchief.

The Emperor turned her head coldly, staring at the handkerchief and at the Grand Dukes face before pulling the curtains to a close without a word.

Shame as it might be, the Grand Duke casually handed the handkerchief to a nearby maid.

You may need it. Keep it for use.


The maids face reddened as she shyly accepted the Grand Dukes handkerchief. The maid, for a brief moment, could hardly comprehend the Emperor who disregarded the wonderful and friendly mans kindness.

All the way to the Imperial Palace, the Emperor did not request for the handkerchief, allowing the maid to enjoy the small fortune of keeping the Grand Dukes personal belonging.

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