World's Richest Man: I Leaped Across Time

Chapter 35: Discoteque

I took a moment to observe the two other girls. Both were well-endowed, more than Alice, and both were blondes—one with a slightly darker shade than the other. They were both slender and skimpily dressed, as it was hot outside.

First my gaze met Alice, "Hi Alice," and then I moved to look at the two girls, "I'm Jack."

"I'm Sara," said the girl with the lighter blonde hair, giving me a playful smirk

"And I'm Lily," added the one with the darker blonde shade.

"Nice to meet you both." I said with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked with interest.

"Nowhere specific. I'm just out for a run," I replied.

Alice turned to her friends. "Last time I saw him, he was heading out somewhere all suited up."

Sara's eyes widened a bit, and she put her hand on her hip. "Are you here on some business trip or something?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Nah. I was just visiting a tax consultant."

They both looked a bit astounded.

"Hey, we're going to the 11EVEN club tonight. If you wanna roll through, you can join us." Sara said.

I turned to Alice. "Are you also going?"

"Yep," she answered with a grin.

"Are you leaving your sister at the hotel?"

Alice shrugged. "You need to be 18 to enter, and she's only 16. Plus, she can't drink anyway."

"Alright, cool. I'll drop by," I told them with a nod.

"We will probably be sitting at some table, so just keep an eye out for us," Lily said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Sure, see you then!" I told them as I started running off, then turned around one last time. "Also! I can't drink either!"

Alice looked especially shocked; I could read the 'What?' from her lips.

When I came back to the hotel, Dad was sitting in the room, reading a newspaper. He glanced up as I walked in. "Where were you?"

"I went for a run. Oh, and I got an invitation to a discotheque. I'm going out tonight," I replied casually.

He raised an eyebrow. "From who?"

"From a girl, who else?"

Dad chuckled and shook his head.

I headed to the restroom, taking a refreshing shower. Afterward, I went out to visit some places in Miami with my family and then walked next to the beach.

As evening fell, I got ready and headed out to the club.

A few minutes later, I found myself in an illuminated alley, joining a queue waiting for my turn to enter.

When it was finally my turn, the burly bouncer gave me a quick once-over before letting me in without complaint.

Stepping inside, I was immediately assaulted by the loud music. I had forgotten how loud night clubs could be, but I loved every second of it. I could feel the music making me want to dance.

I looked around the large open space; the main dance area was packed with people bouncing and bobbing with colorful lights flowing above their heads.

After a bit of searching, I found an in-set table for six with cushion seating on both sides. The three girls were there. On the right, Sara was sitting with a big guy that I hadn't seen before.

Alice and Lily were sitting on the left.

Alice had her dark bronze hair straightened out neatly and was wearing a black mini-skirt squeezed tightly around her waist with a belt and a white top cropped just above her belly button.

"Hey!" I called out as I walked up to the table. I had to raise my voice over the loud music.

They turned around.

"Jack!" Alice called out with a smile and then rubbed the cushion right next to her. "You can sit here!"

"Hey, Jack!" Lily greeted me enthusiastically.

"Who's that? A new friend?" The guy next to Sara asked, eyeing me curiously.

Lily glanced over everyone and then looked at me, "Mmmmm maybe; I don't know; what do you think, Alice? Should we be friends with this guy?" she teased.

"Well, I don't know... I mean, he is kind of cute!" Alice replied with a cheeky glint in her eye.

It struck me that she was way more spirited and daring.

'I guess she's a completely different girl around her friends.' I thought.

"Thank you, Alice; you are also pretty cute." I said.

"Stop it. You'll make me blush," Alice replied as she leaned back slightly.

Just then, Lily stirred from her seat, stretching her arms. "Alright, what do you guys want to order?" she asked, addressing everyone at the table.

"You haven't ordered anything yet?"

Sara chuckled, glancing at me. "We just got here."

The girls wasted no time and went right for the hard stuff, ordering whiskey sours.

I took out a $50 bill and handed it to Lily. "Can you order for me too? The rest is yours," I said with a smile.

Lily's small mouth opened in mock surprise as she took the bill from me. "Oh wow! Yes, King, what do you want?" She said playfully, tucking the money away slowly into her cleavage.

"Just whiskey with ice," I replied casually.

"Ooh, classy," Lily teased, flashing a grin before she sauntered off to the bar.

Alice seized the opportunity to make a sarcastic comment. "Ha, and you were the one saying that you can't drink alcohol."

"I said that I can't, not that I don't."

Then I turned to the guy sitting across from me, "I'm sorry, but I don't know your name."

Before he could respond, Sara interjected proudly, "That's my boyfriend!"

"Yo. I'm Ethan," he greeted, raising his hand.

"So, why are you all in Miami?" I asked.

"We're having a sort of high school friend reunion," Sara explained. "It's been years since we've all been together like this."

"Yeah, my sister really insisted on coming, so I brought her along." Alice added. "And what about you, Jack?"

"I had to take care of some business." I began, leaning back slightly. "I thought it would be fun to get my whole family together for the holiday while I'm at it."

I felt a sudden hand land lightly on my thigh. "Oh! That is so cute!" Alice exclaimed. She quickly pulled her hand away, flustered. "Sorry," she laughed nervously.

Lily joined us and put the drinks down.

We started drinking.

The music in the club was making it hard to have deep conversations. But I found out that they were all from Orlando.

After one drink and then the next one, I was getting a bit bored. "Are we just going to seat here? Don't you want to dance?"

"Ask this guy!" Sara pointed to Ethan, nudging him.

Ethan sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes in mock protest. "Talk for yourself. Why don't you two get me nice and sweaty on the dance floor," he retorted, glancing at me and Alice with a smirk.

This prompted Alice to meet my eyes with a cheeky smile.

I could see the whiskey making her eyes dance.

She held out her hand teasingly. "Well, let's start right now. I want you to take me on the dance floor by my hand and dance with me till I can't take it!"

"You think I won't dare? Come on, let the two of us show them how to make a scene," I said, grabbing her away.

My eyes were now only on this gorgeous young creature in front of me on the dance floor.

I took her hands and spun her as a new song began. I saw a mix of amazement, amusement and love in her hazel-green eyes. She seemed to feel the music flowing into her. She wanted to dance.

I moved closer, and rested my hand gently on her small back.

I began to whisper softly into her ear, "It looks like not everyone is into holding beautiful women in their arms."

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, but instead of pulling away, she surprised me by taking the lead. She wrapped her hands around my waist and pulled herself even closer.

She leaned in, her breath warm against my ear. "You don't want to bring out my naughty side," she said as she moved one of her soft hands even lower and gave my butt a little squeeze.

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