World Evolution! Awakening Limit Grade Talent!

Chapter 107: 15 minutes before the Evolution? (2)

After a few minutes of walking together with his sister, they reached the parking lot where the entrance to the underground laboratory is located.

When he reached the parking lot with his big sis, both of them could see there were no cars in the parking lot, which had been modified by her little brother.

Alicia wasn't surprised by seeing this, as she had spent almost every hour together with him during the past week and knew what he had been up to. She found what he was doing a little weird.

However, she didn't mind it that much, as this wasn't the first time her little brother had done something weird, and moving all the cars inside the underground laboratory was the least of her worries.

Because he even bought two freaking helicopters to play with a few years ago, and if they were normal helicopters, she wouldn't have cared that much. But her little brother had even abused their Aunt May's power and bought a freaking military helicopter equipped with deadly weapons.

And if she started to recall the deadly things he had bought using their Aunt's military rank (4-star general, which is just below the general of the entire army of the Eastern Union) she wouldn't be able to count, the power in her hands wasn't small at all so it is possible for him to get those things.

Her Aunt could even influence decisions within the United Earth Federation with her rank, and knowing this made Alicia even prouder of her Aunt.

That's why Alicia didn't feel pressured when she found out how the leader of the Eastern Union was threatening Aiden to join their genius program. If she were alone, she would have felt a little pressure.

However, with her almighty Aunt May present, she didn't think it was that big of a deal for the leader to make him reconsider his decision.

So, something as minor as moving all the vehicles inside the laboratory felt bland to her.

But she felt excited now just thinking about how many things they were going to do inside the underground laboratory.

'But why is my little brother not opening the secret passage and leading me inside? It looks like he's waiting for something, as he keeps looking at the watch on his left wrist from time to time.'

So, she decided to ask him, getting curious about what he was waiting for.

"Aiden, are you waiting for something?"

Aiden heard his big sis's voice while he was looking at his watch, waiting for them to arrive.

So, he answered her in his calm yet captivating voice, looking into his big sis's deep black eyes.

"Yes, you'll see them soon enough when they arrive here."

Alicia, hearing his words, could tell whom he was talking about. She felt a little displeased by this, as she didn't think they would be having sex inside the laboratory when he was going to invite their guards.

'I didn't say much when three days ago, he suddenly asked Aunt May in front of me about this as if he wanted me to hear their conversation.'

And after hearing the context of the call, she didn't feel much. She knew that if it were the previous her, she wouldn't have been able to remain calm about what they were talking about.

'Because my little brother asked our Aunt if he could trust the guards with his life in any situation. And after getting confirmation from her, he asked if she would keep them specifically for himself.'

'He even told her that they would have to leave the military and become his personal guards.'


Their Aunt, hearing his words, didn't reply to his demand for a few minutes after he asked her this. But after that, she asked him in her cold voice, without any hint of softness, as if she wasn't pleased with his answer. She wouldn't give him those 10 professional guards, even if he was her dear nephew if she wasn't satisfied.

"Little Aiden, your Aunt would only ask you a few things, and if I'm not satisfied with your answer, you should forget about ever having those elites I've trained. I won't give you another chance if I find your answer unsatisfactory."

Aiden, hearing her voice, replied in a serious tone.

"You can ask anything you want, Aunt. I'll answer you truthfully."

May, hearing his resolute voice, was a little pleased by her nephew, but while she trusted him, this was not a small matter—to give him a 10-member elite squad she had promised a better life. She needed to know his full intentions.

As her nephew had reached adulthood, there were many things kids his age fantasized about, and if she found any hint of immoral behavior in his words, she would ditch her mission for a few days, personally go to him, break a few bones, and teach him a lesson to make her little nephew a better person.

'As his Aunt and family, it's my responsibility to teach him a lesson when he strays down the wrong path.'

'Still, I don't think it should come to this, as my little niece would definitely lock him up if he ever thought of something like that.'

However, it was still her duty to know what he was up to.

"Do you have any intention of doing something immoral with them using your power, now or in the future?" Her voice was a little low when she asked this, as it was embarrassing for her to ask something like this of her little nephew.

Aiden, hearing her voice, wanted to laugh but seriously replied, as his big sis was also listening.

"No, absolutely not! And Aunt, how can you even think I'd have to use my power to do something like that? Don't you think they'll naturally fall in love with your handsome nephew?"

Alicia didn't say anything, remaining calm, as she knew her brother wasn't lying. She even felt happy knowing he had no intention of doing anything immoral with them.

'Of course, I alone am enough for him.'

Their Aunt, hearing his shameless words, began to imagine if that was possible. After a few seconds of thinking, she concluded that her elite squad members would definitely lust over her nephew.

While she had warned them not to interact with her family without reason, she had allowed them to choose whomever they liked or loved.

And since those girls' only form of entertainment besides their missions was romance dramas they watched on the internet, she could perfectly imagine them simping over her overly handsome nephew.

May did a fake cough on the phone call and shamelessly continued her questions without mentioning what she had asked earlier. She spoke in a serious voice.

"Little Aiden, they are elite. You have to respect them and take good care of them. Will you do that?"

Aiden instantly replied to her words in a resolute tone.

"Of course, Aunt. I'll take good care of them and never disrespect them."

May, hearing his words, was pleased, as she already knew how he would respond. The only reason she had become so serious was about asking the first question as it is her responsibility to take care of her family.

But unknowingly, she had embarrassed herself in front of her little nephew, which she regretted. She decided she would recover from this loss and perfect her cool image once again by beating him in a sparring match in the future.

"Okay, you can take them from now on, as they no longer belong to the military or even me. From now on, you take good care of them, little nephew."

Aiden, hearing her approval, was satisfied, thinking that the more preparations he made, the better. Taking those 10 elite military women was a good decision on his part.

So, with a cheerful voice, he replied to his Aunt.

"You're the best Aunt ever, Aunt May!"


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