Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 5: Chapter 68: A Demon King’s Pondering

Book 5: Chapter 68: A Demon King’s Pondering

Somewhere on a Planet several dozen light years away from Tartarus

Screams echo throughout the world as the many nations try as hard as they can to fight back against the void forces invading their world. But no matter how hard they fight, they continue to lose more and more people against the void creatures. And they dont manage to gain any visible ground on them as the swarm keeps growing, blotting out their entire sun from sight.

And right when all hope seems to be lost, every last void creature near the planet suddenly stops moving with a thin layer of blood coating each one of them. Then they all pop, sending a black liquid with their insides all filling the bubbles of blood that remain. Only for even those bubbles to move out into space where they are then sent straight into the sun.

Everyone on the planet grows incredibly confused, but not a single person amongst the many demi-human races calling the planet home, not even a single nation can manage to figure out what had just happened.

Meanwhile the cause of the void creatures death can be seen appearing on another planet not too far away from the first, where Arkaz simply kills all of the void creatures there with a wave of his hand.

This really is a more efficient method than moving Tartarus away.

Ever since the Fae Tournament began, Arkaz has been going from planet to planet, slaughtering all of the void creatures that are heading in the direction of Tartarus and Earth.

Since the only void creature he has to fear is the Voided Overlord, Arkaz truly has no reason to just run away from the void invasion.

All he has to do is delay their approach until his granddaughter is strong enough to defeat the Voided Overlord herself. And until that day, he can continue slaughtering the void creatures that begin approaching their planets.

He is still the contracted partner of King Oberon after all, and so long as his partner allows him to, he can teleport anywhere he wants. So long as he knows where it is.

Unfortunately he never knew where exactly Earth was before, nor would King Oberon allow him to simply use the ability meant for protecting the universe to slaughter a planet. But now that hes using the ability to protect instead, his long-time partner isnt even restricting it anymore.

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And of course, as hes teleporting from one planet to another, slaughtering the void creatures invading them, he keeps a livestream open to watch his granddaughters beautiful performance in the tournament. Because none of the other competitors matter. Except maybe his son.

She seems to be doing well.

Arkaz cant help but smile as he slaughters the void creatures.

Unfortunately, his granddaughter seems to have the same mental disposition of not showing her emotions or even understanding them very well that he and his son have. So he rarely ever gets to see her looking and acting genuinely happy.

Which is why hes always been extremely curious about this video game thing she goes on and on about sometimes. One of the few things that makes her show off her emotions freely.

He still remembers the one time that she ended up talking about video games while they were having dinner at the palace. How her wide smile and quite literally glowing eyes shocked every demon in the room including himself.

And how he recorded it just for memories sake. Not that hed tell her about that.

Shed probably tear it apart. So thatll be my secret.

He pauses for a second as he remembers some of the demon servants in the castle doing the same thing without her noticing.

Our secret.

He continues slaughtering void creatures.

From what both Scarlet and his contracted partner tell him, this current competition that she is competing in is extremely similar to a video game on Earth. Except that in video games, they generally play it on some sort of computer screen which Arkaz has only seen through the portals.

Maybe shell spend more time with me if I play these video games with her when she removes the technology lock curse? I could ask her to bring some over to Tartarus for us to play

The Demon King ponders over this very serious topic as he continues slaughtering billions, even trillions of void creatures while saving more lives than hes killed in his own lifetime despite not really paying any attention to those hes saving. Or how a rare few of them that managed to catch sight of him floating above their world begin to worship a wolf god made out of blood only shortly after he leaves to go to the next planet.

Just from what he sees in the livestream, he thinks he could possibly find these video games entertaining to at least try. But hes always been curious about the technology on Earth, so this wouldnt be a first.

If the Demon King is being honest with himself, he really wants his planet to get that technology. Its been something hes wanted for a very long time. Being able to see the levels of technology possible through peering through the Fractures and Gates but not being able to actually use any of it.

Even his own son has been able to try out their technology a little before. During his brief time on Earth.

Arkazs own personal feelings for his granddaughter aside, he also feels incredibly grateful towards her for saving him and his people from his curse, and soon to be saving his world from the technology curse. He hasnt been able to think as clearly as his is now ever since getting that Curse of Pride those thousands of years ago.

And the last time he was this happy was when he and his wife had Leonidas.

Arkaz begins humming with a smile on his face as he continues killing more void creatures while not taking his eyes off of the livestream.

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