When The Count’s Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married

Chapter 41

Meanwhile, the nobles were busy talking inside the walls of the splendid mansion.

Have you heard that the illegitimate girl is attending?

A woman spoke from behind her fan.

There was a reason why the venue of the banquet was changed to a larger one. Weve all come to see it.

The hall was 50 feet wider than the previously organized place, but it was still packed with people.

Women, with heavy lipstick painted on their lips, kept chatting only about one topic.

This is the first time for the Ducal family to attend a gathering after escaping the stigma of treason. I never expected him to have an illegitimate child as his wife, but its a miracle in many ways.

It was inevitable that the Duchess was the second most noble woman in the current state of the Empire.

This was because Prince Oscar did not yet receive the title of the Crown Prince.

Havent you heard? According to Miss Rose Brumayer, its been one month since the Imperial Palace has reinstated the documents.

Rose spread those false rumors to her advantage, while Laritte became known as an illegitimate child in luck.

The old lady nodded.

No wonder there are too many unmarried young girls. He would surely go under the government procedures in order to seek an heir.

The group burst into laughter among themselves.

Minya, you look so gorgeous. Which boutique is that dress from?

Minya, the daughter of Marquis, smiled modestly.

Not something to brag about but a new collection of Nicholas Boutique.

She pretended she wasnt, but she was proud inwardly.

That was the level she wanted.

When she heard the rumor that the Duke was attending, she begged her father to buy the dress for her.

It was the work of an assistant of the famous designer, but it glimmered as the finest quality of dress in the hall.

She could feel the envious gazes on her.

Oh my God! Nicholas Boutique is the best in the Empire. It must be very expensive.

Im so jealous of you, Lady Minya. The Duke would definitely fall for you.

Minya shook her head.

Oh my, how could you say that when the Duke is attending along with his wife? Thatd be very disrespectful to her.

But no one knew about Minyas real intention, which was to apply for a post in the government for the Dukes heir.

All the girls in Minyas age were present for the Duke.

Then, Minya blurted out in the end.

But of course, when the Duchess arrives, Ill be sure to greet her

Thats right. If you become his mistress, it will be difficult for the Duchess to attend the party. You should take this opportunity to show her around.

Its almost time When will they arrive?

Then her flitting gaze stopped at Ian and Laritte, who were standing at the front of the banquet hall.

The Duke Ian Reinhardt, and the Duchess Laritte Reinhardt has arrived!

That announcement immediately caused a dozen pairs of eyes to shoot at the entrance.

Minya, the Marquis daughter, took her steps toward the Duke.

Well, Ill have to go greet the Duke now...

Seconds passed as the Ducal couple entered the hall.

The hall fell silent as if time had been stopped.

Everyones eyes were on the most beautiful and shining couple.

Unable to stop herself, one old lady murmured an exclamation.

Oh my goodness

If you were an aristocrat who knew anything, you couldnt help but realize that Larittes dress was manufactured by the Nicholas Boutique.

It could not have been the skill of just an assistant of his.

An embroidery of a rose on the dress, a symbol of designer Nicholas work, was visible to everyone.

Minya stopped in her tracks.

Why was such a dress worn by the illegitimate girl?

Someone behind her asked.

.Didnt you say you were going to greet him, Lady Minya?

I-I.. I think Ive just got a stomach ache.

She couldnt go.

Now that she was struck by that high-end dress and the captivating beauty of Laritte.

As long as such a beautiful Duchess was beside the Duke, she would never have the chance to make her stand.

The girls, who were envying Minya not long ago, held back their laughter.

Pfft, Minyas face sure was worth looking at after her condescending behavior.

Others were eager to make their presence known to the Ducal couple.

Ah! Duke, it has been so long!

Ian responded indifferently.

How have you been?

He naturally introduced his opponent so that Laritte wouldnt be left out.

Laritte, this is Count Anderson Whitney. Hes the President of Whitney productions, which is famous for manufacturing cosmetics. Count Whitney, this is my wife.

Count Whitney chuckled while touching his mustache.

Its an honor to meet you, Duchess. You truly look magnificent.

Its a pleasure to meet you, Count Whitney.

Its so great to hear that the treason was just a misunderstanding! I knew the Duke wasnt capable of doing that.

With countless people saying one word at a time, Ian could anticipate what they had been talking about so far.

He was sure theyd cut off Larittes words and ignore her for the false rumors Rose had spread out.

His mouth drew into a line out of annoyance.

Wouldnt Miss Rose attend, Duke? How very proud she was of keeping a close relationship with the Ducal family!

And Ian knew what would effectively show them the truth.

Laritte. Its cold here as well.

He removed his coat only to put it around Larittes shoulders.

Others intent gaze didnt falter at his actions.

And Laritte was silent, as usual.

It seemed like it was a normal gesture between them.

Ian turned to Count Whitney.

Anyway Miss Rose? Im not sure I know of someone with such a name.

The way he spoke was cold unlike when he talked to Laritte.

The others were more familiar with this tone of Ians.

However, the Count of Whitney noticed Ians intentions.

Ahright, right!

He realized.

The family of Count Brumayer wasnt much favorable to the Duke! Miss Rose mustve made a false rumor.

He deliberately raised his voice to secure himself by calming Ian.

The Duke is very kind to the Duchess! He cares a lot about her. Hey, there. Bring a sweet cocktail for this couples affection.

Thank you for your concern, Count.

Actually, Ive heard a terrible rumor. That Duke was given this lady because of his paperwork.

That rumor originated from Rose.

The Count set a proper foothold to explain what she said.

Ian nodded inwardly.

As expected, the Count was a sensible person.

There is no way that is true. Laritte is the woman I brought myself. She is very kind and wise to each of my employees.

That is very great!

The people who believed in the rumor looked very confused.

They busily whispered behind their fans and white gloves.

If thats the case, then what did Miss Brumayer say? Didnt she say that the Duke was forced to marry an illegitimate child, and that he only pretended not to be with the Brumayers?

Is there a reason why she did such a thing? Shes going to get caught soon anyway.

Of course, Rose had a reason.

Somehow, she had to marry someone else and pay back the money that the Duke had lent her family.

To do so, she needed a good reason to not marry the Duke.

But look at the Duke and his wife. They seem like they have fallen for each other no matter where theyve come from.

Shes the one who needs to see them.

Just when they were thinking of meeting Rose later and discussing the facts

A person was trying to enter the hall.

Oh, God. Its terrible to be here alone without an escort!

It was none other than Rose.

The origin of all the rumors.

Originally, Rose thought she was going to attend the gathering with other well-to-do family members.

But she had to cancel her appointment due to an urgent issue at the business this morning.

For that reason, Rose didnt want to come, but her father told her to look for another groom, so she arrived late.

If it werent for Laritte, Id have my world by now.

The Brumayers have experienced their worst situations in recent years.

There was no way for them to come up with a plan to repay the amount Ian demanded for.

The only way they could do so was for Rose to get married and seek help from another family.

Why is it so noisy inside anyway?

Rose stood at the door of the hall.

The Duke had replied that he would be attending the banquet with his wife in an abrupt manner.

Therefore, a very small number of people did not hear the rumor of the Dukes arrival.

And Rose was one of them.

And when she entered..

Oh my, look, theres the liar.

A cold stare stung Rose.

Rose unwittingly breathed in.

The eyes of the aristocrats, which were kind not much long ago, shot daggers at Rose.

Rose stepped towards the President, who was standing in front of Ian and Laritte.

What? A liar? Is that what she called me?

When she was thinking if she had misheard someones words, her eyes made contact with Larittes, who was standing under the chandelier.


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