When The Count’s Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married

Chapter 32

Where did Laritte disappear to?

To find out, we would need to rewind the story a little.

After several days of sleep, Laritte finally opened her eyes. She pressed down on the soft covers to lift up her body. Beyond her messy silver locks, she could see the luxurious wallpaper shining on the walls of the room.

Where was she?

Physiological needs pricked her before her head could capture over the last thing she remembered. She was thirsty.

As she looked around, she noticed a glass of water kept beside her bedside.

A while ago, one of the maids had placed it.

Quickly gulping it down, the fresh cool liquid soothed her burning throat. Then, she closed her eyes again. She felt as though she didnt sleep properly, but in fact, it was because she slept too much.

Unaware of it, she lied down on the bed and closed her eyes. But soon

its uncomfortable.

She mumbled, raising her eyelids.

The bed was too soft for her.

If shed heard of the price, her features wouldve definitely popped out.

She was much more familiar and comfortable with cheaper beds and loosened mattress. Stumbling down from the bed, she curled herself up on the floor. That way, she was able to slip into another nap.

She was so occupied that she didnt even know she was wearing luxurious silky sleepwear.

The blanket on the bed fell on top of her sleeping figure.

As a result, it was only natural that the maid who came in afterwards could not find her.

M-Maam, Maam?

Laritte was still sound asleep in the corner next to the large bed, curled under the covers. No one would even imagine one would be there.

Aaaaaah! Oh, Lord!

Knowing Laritte had disappeared, the maid rushed out to inform the others.

All the servants searched all over the mansion except that place. Even Ian was also busy searching the garden and rushing his people..


Madam, where are you?

Madam Duchess!

Any chance of abduction? Check for anyone who came in without permission. Im going to slash off his limbs.

Ian grumbled in anger, ordering his knights.

While the atmosphere around the mansion became extreme, Laritte kept sleeping sweetly in a corner without having any idea of it.

Ian and his employees found her half a day after the castle was overturned.



Laritte was still sleeping on the floor with a soft blanket covering her.

With her at the center, the knights and the maids glanced at Ian.


Ian drew a small sigh, pressing his temples.

Look at my wife.

The sun, which beamed through the window, provided warmth and light to her. She looked nothing else other than an angel who had just fallen asleep.

He felt ashamed about forcing his people to turn the castle upside down.

The maid, who was the cause of all this, made a timid excuse.

I.I would have heard her if she had fallen asleep..

Im not blaming you. All of you can return to your duties.

All of them followed his order. With only Ava left, Ian bent on his knees, gazing down closer to Laritte.

Arent you going to wake her up?

Ava said with a grin on her face.

An ordinary aristocratic woman would be ashamed of sleeping on the floor.

Of course.

He knew that Laritte would not expect to receive an unusual response.

While he carefully listened to her breaths, he did not want her to open her eyes on the floor.

Like cradling a baby, he positioned her head on his shoulder. Then, he gently patted on her back with his free hand, trying to wake her up.

Its time you get up.

Ava asked.

Is that the way I used to wake up the little Duke?

Why arent you leaving, nanny? Why are you meddling?

I have a lot to do for her when she wakes up.

At that exact moment, Larittes eyes popped open, and she blankly raised her head from Ians neck. Realizing she had woken up, Ian murmured.


It was the second time hed called her by her name.

He gently stroked her back, her long hair tickling the back of his hand. He gazed down at her.

Even Avas face was filled with satisfaction that had not been seen often.

You overslept.


As the familiar voice reached her, she bowed her head in a daze.

Ma-Madam! Get a hold of yourself.

Ava cupped her palm around Larittes cheek.

This person was a stranger, she thought.

Larittes ocean blue eyes slowly sprang up. Surprised, she saw an old woman smiling broadly down at her.

Youre finally up, Madam. How are you feeling?

Memories flooded in her. Her gaze naturally traveled down to her left shoulder. It wasnt hurting anymore.

Meanwhile, Ian and Ava began to argue.

Now let me take your wife, Duke.

Laritte? Why?

Dont be so mean. Youre making that face again when your toys used to be taken away

When did I ever do that?

He had no idea.

In the meantime, Ava had helped Laritte get on her feet.

Now, Madam! Let us leave the Duke for now.

Ava stepped forward, gently pushing Larittes back.

Where do you think youre going, nanny?

Im going to give her a bath. Would you like to follow us?


At her words, he shut his lips.

He had a lot of questions to ask. But, he had no choice but to stop himself.

After opening the door to the bathroom, Ava called out to the maids.

Are you out there, Alice? Bring the Duchesss clothes and lend me a hand here!

Yes! Ill be back right away!

In the meantime, Laritte walked into the bathroom. While she blankly stood there, Ava moved busily, taking out towels.

You didnt know, did you? Nowadays, the couples among aristocrats use their own rooms. They dont want to be exposed to each other. But since the Duchess is unwell..

However, Laritte was distracted. Perhaps, it was because the only one she knew here was Ian, yet this unknown old woman was preparing a bath for her.

Eventually, she spoke up.


What is it?

This is the Duchy, isnt it? And, who are you?

If youre talking about Reinhardts mansion, yes, this is it. And, Im a maid in this house, and I used to be a nanny. You can call me Ava, Madam.

Shed heard from Ian that he had a nanny before. From the conversation she had with Ian earlier, it seemed Ava was much closer to him than she thought.

Ava murmured something under her breath as she kept searching the shelf to find some supplements to add to the bathwater.

I thought I brought in a new one yesterday.

She grumbled something like, How could he take it away? before continuing.

It wasnt even used once.


Laritte had begun to move reflexively. She picked up a mop and began to clean the bathtub.

The maids hand reached down for the mop as she noticed the shiny glaze of the tub.

Why was she trying to clean up the already cleaned tub?

Laritte was more than familiar with such meaningless physical labor. It was because of the Brumayer family, who used to harass her in every way they could.

Ava said, thinking the maid shed called had come in when she heard a snapping sound from behind.

Alice, turn the faucet on when youre done. Bring the hot water in a bucket.

Even in this era, only cold water flowed out of a faucet. The temperature had to be set in separately.

Laritte spent a brief moment in confusion at the new order.

The only experience she had was hiding in the bathroom whenever Rose chased her. Not only did she have little experience dealing with faucets, but also with the high-quality bathroom.

She lightly turned the knob, turning on the water to flow, and then looked for the bucket. But, it wasnt around.

Laritte slowly walked towards Ava and asked her.

Where is the bucket?

Of course in the place where I always put..

She trailed on as she turned her face in shock.

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