When I Opened My Eyes I Was a Superstar

Chapter 123: End and Beginning (2)

Chapter 123: End and Beginning (2)


I’m writing to expose Seo Kang Jun, who is active under the stage name Seo Jun.

I decided to take up the pen after reading a comment that there’s no way the kind Seo Jun would do that…

I, who is writing a post about Seo Kang Jun today, can neither laugh nor cry…All day long all the internet sites seemed to be plastered with stories of Seo Kang Jun…

I graduated from the same high school as Seo Kang Jun. (I don’t want to use a friendly expression like dongchang*!)

(TL Note: dongchang means classmate/of the same graduating class.)

Why I found it laughable is because I was a victim of school violence committed by Seo Kang Jun. Seeing him cursed at and having the same words he said to me thrown back at him…it was a breath of fresh air seeing the comment “die if you’re going to live that way.”

I know you shouldn’t say that kind of comment to someone, but…it felt immensely satisfying.

Yet, the reason I couldn’t laugh is because…The reason I wanted to cry is because Seo Kang Jun’s face, which was on every article…just seeing the face makes my teeth quiver.

Just looking at his name makes my hands shake and me start to cry.

I’m the same age as Seo Kang Jun. However, while others are out chatting and hanging out with friends, or going to university to take classes, or even working, I am in my room writing this.

I know it’s not something to be proud of…I also know that I am weak…I’ve already heard numerous criticisms from others as well as from myself…My family’s tears were already like daggers to me.

However, due to Seo Kang Jun and his gang’s violence, I dropped out of high school and became a parasitic monster who just stays home, locked in my room, unable to go outside.

Before, I was a shy but typical student…studying? I wasn’t good at it…I wasn’t good at PE either and my family wasn’t rich.

Still, my life wasn’t so hard that I wanted to die. That is, before I met Seo Kang Jun.

At first, he came up to me and was friendly. For about two days…then, he ordered me to get a drink from the store.

It was hard for me to refuse an errand from Seo Kang Jun, who was rich, handsome, and popular. At first, he said, “Please.”

His next request was to buy him cigarettes…then alcohol…If I said no, I got slapped.

One time, he suddenly took out all the cigarettes and stuffed them in my mouth…On days when Seo Kang Jun was in a bad mood, I was dragged behind the hill and beaten until my stomach was blue.

Saying that it absolutely can’t be visible, he never left scars where it’d be seen…if I got hurt somewhere, he meticulously waited until it healed.

When there were others watching, he smiled as he interacted with me…

Then during break time, he dragged me to the bathroom and made me drink mop water…He told me to clean my shoes that were soiled with my blood, making me lick it clean…if I didn’t do that, he would without fail hit my ribs or my thighs…

The act of strangling me and releasing me only right before I was about to die from suffocation went on and on.

It’s hard to write this post because memories from that period of a year or so keep popping up, but the reason I’m writing this is because I also want to overcome it by doing this.

I asked the school for help, but they never really helped me. It was probably because of Seo Kang Jun’s background. Once Seo Kang Jun started his trainee career, he also stopped beating me up. However, I dropped out.

I was extremely terrified to meet people. Even if they were smiling at me, I thought they would turn around and stab me.

The day I saw Seo Kang Jun on TV… I tried to hurt myself. I wanted to die.

I hated the world.

Who is more of a monster? Who is it that made me into a monster?

Thank you for reading this even though it was all over the place…additionally, I am adding a picture from the last day they beat me up.

At that time, I was younger than I am now…and I was too scared to collect proper evidence, so I wasn’t able to proceed with pressing charges.

I know that there will be people who won’t believe me. Still, I wanted to expose this…]

It was a letter that Reporter Choi Sung Jun’s younger brother had personally written. It was three pages long.

It looked like it had been Reporter Choi Sung Jun who scanned and posted the letter.

In the waiting room for the premiere, Do Wook felt something warm rising in his heart as he read a handwritten letter posted on the community.

The community was turned upside down. In addition to where Reporter Choi’s younger brother first posted it, the post was spreading to other communities.

The handwritten letter was typed and organized in an easy-to-read manner.

The photo released on it was also visually incredibly triggering. As a result, the picture along with the content of the letter doubled people’s shock.

Reporter Choi Sung Jun originally published an article about Seo Jun’s violence too, but he was treated as a trash reporter and was sued for defamation.

Therefore, Do Wook changed his strategy. He aimed for a time when public opinion about Seo Kang Jun was bad. He also chose to appeal emotionally. Do Wook knew that it was a provocative method.

‘However, people forget too easily…I need to shock them.’

Of course, since it wasn’t revealed who wrote it, there could be a dispute over the truth. However, it will be difficult to erase what is already imprinted on one’s mind.

‘If there are more incidents in succession, he can’t get out of it…’

This setup might become something cruel to Reporter Choi Sung Jun’s younger brother, but not properly addressing his wounds will also bring about pain.

He was still young. There were plenty of chances left to start his life over. Do Wook hoped that he would truly be able to overcome his past through this.

However, he could not just push the victim recklessly, so with Choi Sung Jun’s consent, he consulted with a psychiatrist several times to see if it was okay to address the trauma directly.

It was to be the first and last courageous act done by Choi Sung Jun’s younger brother. Therefore, he absolutely had to bring down Seo Kang Jun and make it so he could never stand in front of the public again.

That way, Choi Sung Jun’s younger brother writing through his wounds would have meaning.

“Why is your expression like that? Are you nervous?”

Park Hyo Won, who had been waiting with Do Wook, glanced at him and asked.

“Well…something like this is going around on the internet…”

Do Wook held the cell phone out towards Park Hyo Won. Park Hyo Won, who took the phone, read the article and his eyes opened wide.

“What the, this bastard! If this article is real, the person mentioned is a total motherf*cker, isn’t he? Is this real?”

Park Hyo Won screamed. As expected, it was something that everyone could not help but be angry about. Park Hyo Won looked nauseous.

“I think…it’s real.”

“Well, with an article like that it’d be hard for it to be fake.”

Park Hyo Won nodded his head. Even on reflection, it was disgusting.

“Anyway, there’s a fucking lot of assholes out there while wearing human masks.”

At that moment, the door opened and a staff member came in. They were informed that the movie screening was over. Now it was time to go up on stage and say hello to the reporters.

Director Yoon Sung Ah, who had briefly stepped away, came back on time.

“Let’s go.”

Do Wook nodded. Right before he left, Do Wook exchanged texts with Reporter Choi Sung Jun.

[I think we can tail him starting today as we discussed.]

[He’ll probably stay home and lay low for now…do you think he really will slip up again?]

[Yes. Since he’s a beast, not a human. He would do that and more.]


-What the heck is this…

-Is this post real? I’m so shocked right now

-Take this down, you crazy bastard! Trying to bring Seo Jun down, you bastard! Where’s the proof that Seo Jun did it?!

-No matter how I look at it, I think it’s real…what’s up with this letter, I’m crying

-I think they need a warning in the title that there’s a picture attached. I almost threw up the moment I saw it

-He’s been smiling like that all this time despite doing something like this? After trampling on someone else’s life? How could he do that. He’s the devil, the devil.

-Now the admission fraud seems like child’s play lol he even did something like that

-And it’s not that you were bullied because you’re a loser?????

-Monetary compensation

-Let’s see if you could say that if you were the one that was beaten up

-If this is real, I don’t even want to see Seo Jun’s face

-Seems like not just the prosecution but also the police need to get involved too

-He won’t come to his senses until he’s beaten up the same way. Wow, seriously *beep*…

-Kick Seo Jun out! Kick Seo Jun out! Arrest Seo Jun! Arrest Seo Jun!

-The most corrupt idol lolol assault idol lolol

-Kick out assault idol Seo Jun!!!

-Seo Jun’s life needs to be ruined too

The expression on the face of Director Seo Joong Won darkened to a frightening degree. He had been calling around to the internet site owners on whose site Manager Chun, who was like his little pet, had shown him the Juwon University article, to try to get it blocked.

“What the heck is this now?! Those bastards!”

Director Seo Joong Won ended up using abusive language. The landline that was on the desk in the Director’s Office had started to ring again. Director Seo Joong Won unplugged the whole phone and threw it.

Making a cracking sound, the phone broke.

There was even an online petition to expel Seo Jun. Seo Jun’s fan site also posted a notice that the site will be down until the results are announced.

The issue became very big and even entertainment reporters slowly started to publish articles. There was a flurry of articles.

He was already getting a headache as it was. Director Seo Joong Won knew at least up to the point that the prosecution had started their investigation regarding the Juwon University admission fraud.

However, there was nothing incriminating they would find regarding the relationship between Juwon University and Ara Entertainment.

There are generally two types of professors at Juwon University Art Department who commit fraud. Those who illegally provide tutoring, or those who accept money under the table to give perfect scores on practical exams where they’re supposed to be an impartial proctor.

There were many previous incidents where Ara Entertainment got their agency celebrities admitted to Juwon College. It wasn’t only Seo Kang Jun.

Being a large agency, Ara Entertainment often took a political position in various fields. Unlike other places, there were times it took action in terms of political and social aspects even if it was not profitable.

For this reason, many celebrities were sent to alumni events and commemorative events hosted by Juwon University. Therefore, it was natural for the university to welcome Ara Entertainment celebrities.

Public relations certainly existed, but there was no reason for the agency to do illegal business with the university.

It was the professors’ choice, including the head of Juwon University, to give Seo Jun a grade higher than his skills deserved. It was also the professors’ political choice to give Do Wook, who was like a thorn in Ara Entertainment’s side, a grade lower than his skills deserved and have him rejected.

Director Seo Joong Won was proud in his own way because there was no bribe money given.

However, as soon as the prosecution’s investigation began, an article about idol group S’s involvement appeared. If the article was from someone in the entertainment world, Director Seo Joong Won would have been able to easily block it.

Even Director Seo Joong Won didn’t have a hold over the Social Affairs department. Even if they wanted to sue, it was true that an investigation had started and their names were involved.

If the results had been announced without an article being published, there wasn’t anything in particular that would be a problem for Seo Jun. However, the fact that the article was posted first was the cause of the fire.

Fraudulent admission cases become big incidents. Director Seo Joong Won himself knew of a lot of cases. Seo Jun’s face was front and center in such a case, so he was losing it.

They had no choice but to lay low as much as possible until the result came out. Then people would forget, and it would be the end of it if the results showed nothing.

However, the fact that the broadcast station turned their backs on them only made the public more certain.

Since KVS was a public broadcaster, it was far more conservative than other broadcasting stations. Even if it might cause them some difficulty, on their broadcast, they tried not to have a celebrity who caused a social stir.

Director Seo Joong Won tried once more to persuade the CP, but the only answer he gave was that the Director had already decided to go a different direction.

“After I gave him so much money…”

Director Seo Joong Won ground his teeth after he got off the phone with the CP.

Now, the university issue wasn’t the only problem.

“Bring Kang Jun right now!”

“Yes, sir.”

Manager Chun bowed his head, then contacted Seo Kang Jun.

The veins in Director Seo Joong Won were popping out.

“Useless kid…”

Director Seo Joong Won was also aware that Seo Kang Jun’s hobby and specialty throughout middle and high school was bullying and assaulting his classmates.

It was Director Seo Joong Won who advised him not to leave evidence if he wanted to be a celebrity later.

Director Seo Joong Won spotted the golf bag that was on one side of the Director’s Office.


Letting out a deep sigh, he grabbed the golf club.

Next chapter: We’ll see a little bit of the other members next chapter! It’s been so long since we’ve seen them~

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