When He Comes, Close Your Eyes

Chapter 88

University of Maryland College Park

In their second year of marriage, Jian Yao got her wish. She received a letter of admission for her doctoral degree at the Department of Psychology in University of Maryland.

Bo Jinyan decides to accompany her to the US. He will be working in the University as a professor.

Jian Yao hesitates as they discuss about the issue: Are you sure you want to come? I will fly back every holiday, and you can come and visit me during term time. As Bo Jinyan is a consultant for the Ministry of Public Security, he wont be able to help the FBI with their investigations. She knows her husband well. He will find a pure academic role very boring.

Bo Jinyan looks at her: Have you forgotten the agreement we made when I proposed?

Jian Yao cant remember what he said. She shakes her head: . agreement?

Bo Jinyan bends down and gives her a peck on her cheeks, then he says proudly: I will love you with all my wisdom, and with all that is in me. And I will continue to love you for the rest of my life.

- I want to be with you everyday. Even if we are apart for one day, I cant bear it. How can we be separated for at least six months a year for a few years?

Jian Yao is touched by his sweet words. She lifts her sparkly eyes and asks him: What is the first half of the first sentence you said?

Bo Jinyan knows what she wants to hear. He says in a soft sexy voice: I love you.

After a passionate kiss, Jian Yao asks him: But what about your work with the Ministry of Public Security?

Bo Jinyan says: My apprentice will cover for me.

The apprentice he recently acquired is an officer from Lin City. Her name is Xu Xu.

(Note from TB: For those who has read When I snail loves, you will recognise this name. She is female lead for the novel.)

Jian Yao has a query: Ok. But would her husband be ok with the arrangement? He works in Beijing!

Bo Jinyan looks surprised: Thats not my problem. They can sort it out.


Maryland University.

It was a bright sunny day in August. The sky was painted a bright blue and the shiny green grass glistened in the sun.

Jian Yao is sitting on the first row of the lecture theatre. She is leaning forward, with her hand under her chin. She is admiring her husband, who is standing behind the podium, teaching the class. He speaks fluent English.

This is her most favourite class. She can observe if his tie is straight, and whether the colour of his shirt match the rest of his outfit. Then, when he turns around to write something on the blackboard, she thinks to herself oh, even the sight of his back is so handsome.

Professor Bo Jinyan though, is not as relaxed. Hes already heard a few comments from some of the boys with testosterones overload:

Have you noticed that Chinese girl? She is so cute.

Oh, and sexy too.

I will be the first guy to go on a date with her.


Jian Yao and Bo Jinyan have made an agreement not to disclose their relationship to others in the University. She doesnt want other students to look at her differently.

Naturally, Bo Jinyan is not happy with those boys. If he can have his way, he will kick them out of his class. But that is professionally an unacceptable option. So, the only thing he can do is to endure.

But everything has a limit.

One day, when Bo Jinyan is waiting in his car for his wife to go for lunch with him, he sees a tall boy with blond hair walking beside Jian Yao. He is the one who claimed that he will be the first guy to go on a date with her.

Bo Jinyan looks coldly at him. He gets out of the car.

The boys name is Sam. Although he is quite cute and have a sense of humour, Jian Yao finds him rather annoying. Hes been pestering her for a while. She has told him on more than one occasion that she is married, but he doesn't believe her.

You are married? He says: Surely its a joke. You are in your early twenties, right? No one gets married this young nowadays.

At this moment, Bo Jinyan walks up to them.

He is a man that attracts attention wherever he goes. All the students nearby look at him as he stands in front of Sam.

Sam is surprised too: Professor Bo, how are you!

Jian Yao is stunned to see him too. Bo Jinyan gives a small smile and replies to Sam: I am well. What are you doing?

Sam cant believe the usually aloof professor is conversing with him: I am planning to have lunch with Jenny. What about you?

Bo Jinyan nods and says: I am planning to have lunch with my wife.

Jian Yao puts her hand over her face. Thats it! He is obvious not happy. Her initial plan was to walk away quietly, but Bo Jinyans sentence has stirred up everyones curiosity. More students, and even a few teachers gathers around them.

Professor Bo is married? Congratulations!

Is Professor Bos wife a Chinese too?

She must be very pretty.

Will we have a chance to meet her?


Bo Jinyan cant be bothered to answer all the questions, he just says a simple Thank you after the last question.

Jian Yao wants to dig a hole and hide inside. Then she sees his hand reaching out towards her.

Suddenly, everyone is quiet.

She lifts her head, and sees Bo Jinyan looking at her: Let go for lunch.

Jian Yao: ..Sure.

Bo Jinyan gives Sam a glance: Looks like my wife prefers to have lunch with me.

Sam: Oh.

Then Bo Jinyan holds Jian Yaos hand and walks off.

Suddenly, it dawned on them that this Chinese beauty is Professor Bos wife!

Sams body stiffens: So I tried to ask his wife out on a date?

And Professor Bo has a nickname - the cold blooded devil! But at the end of the year,Sam is relieved that he received a A on the paper taught by Professor Bo. But is it his imagination? Every time Professor Bo looks at him, the gaze is so icy cold that he feels like he is in Alaska

Americans like parties.

Bo Jinyan is not keen to attend these functions. Most of the time, he will decline the invitations - I cant dance., or I am not not interested.Therefore the whole university knows he almost never attend any parties.

Well, he might be a genius, but he cant dance. Thats the view of most people.

However, since Jian Yao has come to the US, this has changed.

Because she has an easy going and amiable personality, plus everyone now knows she is wife of Professor Bo, she has a lot of friends. And naturally, a lot of invitations to parties.

The night of the first party she went to.

She asks him again: Are you sure you dont want to come? The invitation is for Mr. and Mrs. Bo.


Alright, then. she goes into the room to get ready for the party.

Half an hour later, she stands in front of the mirror in her curve accentuating sleeveless sapphire blue dress. She is putting on her earrings. Suddenly, she feels the warmth of a hand touching her soft and smooth shoulders.

Are you sure you dont want to come? She winks at Bo Jinyan.

Well, since you want me to be there, Ill go. Hes changed his mind.

Ok. She turns around, wraps her hands around his neck and gives him a kiss.

Ha ha. She has successfully seduced him.

A lively party.

The tall and handsome professor in a black suit attracts a lot of attention.

Jian Yao is chatting to a few ladies in one end of the room. She notices in the corner of her eyes that a few ladies attempted to invite Bo Jinyan to dance with them.

Can you dance with me, Professor Bo?

Even though Bo Jinyan is usually arrogant and rude, he is still a gentleman. He tries not to hurt their feelings, so he simply answers: Sorry, I dont know how to dance. Goodbye.

After hes declined several invitations, Jian Yao walks over to him and whispers quietly in his ear: I can teach you

Bo Jinyan takes a glance at her, but he didnt say anything.

Jian Yao takes it as he doesn't want to learn.

A few minutes later, someone invites Jian Yao to dance. Its another lecturer from their school of criminal psychology. He is a warm and nice man. Jian Yao has a good impression of him. She smiles. And before Bo Jinyan has time to object, she lifts her hand to hold the lecturers hand and they walk out to the dance floor.

Bo Jinyan sits in the sofa with a glass of red wine. He uncomfortably watches his wife dance with someone else.

A few minutes later, he puts down his wine glass and walks to the dance floor. The music for the song has come to an end. The lecturer is about to ask Jian Yao if she wants another dance when Bo Jinyan reaches out his hand and ask: May I?

Jian Yao turns around and see her husband standing with a smile. He bows like a gentleman and waits for her answer.

.Sure. she replies.

Nobody there has seen Bo Jinyan dance before. The crowd awaits.

Other couples leaves the dance floor. Jian Yao looks around. They are the only two people there!

The music starts. Its music for tango.

The cold blooded devil knows how to tango?

Under the chandelier, he holds Jian Yaos hand and leads the dance. Jian Yao is stunned. She never knew Bo Jinyan is such a good dancer. Hes an expert on this sensual, romantic and elegant dance.

Everyone is amazed. When they have finished the dance, the whole room applauds.

Jian Yao is in his arms: I thought you dont know how to dance. But you are an amazing dancer.

Bo Jinyan is pleased with his wifes praise. He smiles: What makes you think I cant master such a simple thing like dancing?

Then why didnt you dance earlier? Jian Yao asks.

Dont you think its a pathetic activity? He answers.

Well. She looks at him with a proud smile: Do you want to stop now? I will do whatever you say. At the same time, she takes a small step forward so there is even less space between them.

Bo Jinyan does not answer. But he does not want to let go of his beautiful and sexy wife.

Since Jian Yao didnt hear an answer from him, she assumes he wants to stop. She steps back to turn around but his hand around her waist draws her back into his arms.

Yes, I still want to dance. He answers.

Jian Yao gives a small laugh.

- Pathetic? Mmm Its the second time in one day that hes made an exception for her. She feels a sense of accomplishment.

But the following morning, she questions herself whether she has done the right thing. Even bone in her body feels sore. They had a vigorous session after the party last night

She is so tired that she just wants to lie in bed all day. Bo Jinyan, on the other hand, feels very satisfied and smiles to his wife: In the future, I will try my best to make time to go to parties with you.


Dont you think we had fun last night?


Ms Jian Yao, you should be careful if you tease a man whos only lost his virginity when hes twenty six years old. The consequences may be beyond what you expect.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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